Ruger GP-100 mods ????

leaving in 30min . We are Range officers which means we can shoot after the range closes all by are selves :cool: Last time out we took up 12 lanes with paper and steel targets from 10' to 100yds . That was just two of us :eek::D
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Well I took her out on the 29th . I have to say I think I like shooting revolvers . I had two revolvers back in the 90's ( 38spl 6" S&W & a 45colt S&W ) I liked those but sold them off long ago .

It shot well but the trigger pull did seem to get gritty as the day went on . It felt much smoother when I started compared to when I stopped and dry fired it a few times .

When I looked close at the rear sight before shooting it . The insert seemed pushed to the left off center . I went ahead and centered it before shooting and it was pretty much dead on . A never adjusted it but likely could have given it a click to the right . It shot just a tad left but I was hitting a 12" plate at 100yds no problem so it was not that bad . It had the factory black blade on it and that's being replaced so I did not care to fine tune the sight perfectly . I was hitting everything I was aiming at , That was good enough for now .

There is one thing I found quite annoying . That is when ejecting the cases the two closest to the frame always caught on the grip and did not fall free . I'd have to turn the cylinder a bit to get them to fall out freely with out help . Maybe I'm doing something wrong , any help there would be appreciated .

All and all I'm pretty happy other then the cases hanging up . If that's what's going to happen every time . I think I'll have a big problem with that .

I can't wait to smooth everything out , put the new sight on it and start reloading for it . I bought some reloading components for it but the gun show will be here this month . I'll pick up the magnum powder/s and jacketed bullets there as well as more primers .

I found this guy from on youtube installing hammer shims .
Looks like you can order custom sized shims for $5 from this guy . Might be worth it rather then making my own . It appears I need something on my hammer , there is some wiggle for sure in my hammer .
I often have those two cases close to the grip get hung up on my wheel guns. Especially when I am shooting magnums vs special. I'll be interested to read the responses to see if I'm doing something wrong. I mean this is the Internet, SOMEONE will say we're doing it wrong. :)

Sounds like a great range day otherwise. I think a GP100 will be joining my stable soon. It was between the 686 and GP100 till I fired a 686. Now I just need to convince myself to may the purchase.
It's a grip design problem, not shooter error.
The grip SHOULD be cut away far enough for brass to clear.

I went ahead and smoothed everything out and replaced the trigger return spring with the #10 spring and the Hammer spring with the #12 spring .

I did not use a drimal tool but rather only used sand paper . I either wrapped it around a flat surface to sand the flat parts or rolled it up to sand the holes as well as any hand sanding that may have been needed . I used mostly 600 to 1000 grit which seemed to smooth everything out pretty good . I di use some 400 of the inner frame areas at first then moved to finer grit .

So the question is , did it make it and smoother or have lighter trigger pull ?

Yes on both but not as much as I hoped on both either . It's smoother but there is still a little grittiness . Maybe the hammer shims and a drimal polish will help that . As for the trigger pull weight . As I stated earlier I have a spring type trigger pull gauge that measures to 9lbs . Before the work it was WAY off the charts . My guess it it was somewhere in the 11lbs area . It's now at 8.5lbs so an improvement there for sure .

On the whole it is much better so I'm happy with it . I ordered some front and rear Williams fire sights for it that will get here next week . Once those are on I think mI'll run it as is for awhile and see how I like it long term but suspect I'll do just a tad more tinkering before all is said and done .

Thanks guys for your help