Ron Paul: why he could win.

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Another Ron Paul Thread? Day after day, same old....

Ron Paul might maybe possibly could win if he's loud enough to shout over the incessant clamor of some of his cult-like supporters, and if he can restrain them in the primary states so they aren't perceived like the Deaniacs were in Iowa and New Hamp.

Straw-poll thread. Raised-money thread. Could-win article. It's like the RP addicts can't go a day without a new thread, because we've got to talk more about Paul to maintain excitement. Excitement is good, but constant saturation gets really old really fast. JMHO, no offense intended to RP.
I think Paul can win, but most of the scenarios where that happens involve a 747 crashing into a candidate debate he wasn't invited to. And I say that as somebody who plans on voting for him.

It's not that he's really a loon, but there ain't no way, no how, that the MSM won't paint him as one. And his positions are far enough out of the political mainstream that smearing them as crazy is a LOT easier than explaining why they're not. Even if the media were objective, they're too lazy not to take the easy way out.
GoSlash27, tell you what...if Paul wins (EVEN the nomination), I'll buy you a new guitar and a new pair of boots for your favorite pastimes.

Paul has NO chance...nada, zip. End of story.

My friendly advice: find an electable/credible candidate that has a chance and support them; much depends on a thinking electorate and solid candidates with cogent ideas.
That's very generous of you, but you really don't have to. If he gains the nomination, I'd prefer that you donate that money to his campaign instead. :)

Paul has NO chance...nada, zip. End of story.
I'd withold the predictions until after New Hampshire, as you have no credible basis for saying such things.

My friendly advice: find an electable/credible candidate that has a chance and support them; much depends on a thinking electorate and solid candidates with cogent ideas.
Agreed. That's who I'm supporting. ;)

Question for you: Entertain the "impossible" for a sec and tell me... if he were to suddenly jump into first-tier contention by whatever measure you're using, would you support him?
Hmmm. Well Manedwolf, at least the Kool-aid I'm drinking is the good sweet stuff, not the bitter brew that you are attempting to sell us on.

Ohhhhh Yeah!
Personally I couldn't care less about Israel. I kinda admire the way they deal with terrorists but it looks like a lot of that policy bleeds on to the Palistinians that aren't terrorists. It doesn't seem to be working well for them, it certainly isn't making the general Israeli population safer or reducing the amount of hatred towards them. I see us following in their national security footsteps, with the war in Iraq and sabre rattling towards Iran and I doubt it will work any better for us.
I would prefer our law enforcement agencies target the criminal actions of terrorist groups within our borders and the military used in cases where we need to remove convicted terrorists that are outside our borders. I refuse to believe a SEAL team or Ranger platoon or even bombing runs wouldn't be both cheaper and more effective at removing extra national threats without damaging our national image anywhere near as much as the current idiocy does. We could even use Ron Pauls Letters of Marquees idea and let Blackwater and others like them do such work.
To me IMHO our current policy looks to be more about securing oil and various corporate interests than about national security or terrorism.
I'd withold the predictions until after New Hampshire, as you have no credible basis for saying such things.

Gee, I'm in New Hampshire, and I see that the local sentiment, even on WMUR and in the Union-Leader, both conservative news sources, are that Paul is a loon, and his supporters are annoying. He's not only going to lose, he's going to lose so badly I doubt he'll even make 1%. His supporters had to beg 1000 others to come in to pest people...and they can't vote, not being residents.

What hurt him most of all here is that, in case you forgot, the Browns, the tax evaders, were threatening law enforcement in New Hampshire, and Paul backed them. That got really ugly in terms of public sentiment. Did you forget about that? That was live and local, right here, right in everyone's backyard, and people were disgusted when he backed them. He's so naive that he supported people who threatened to kill law enforcement officers' families in the freaking primary state! I mean, DUH.

But I guess, being in Iowa, you know more of what's going on on the ground in New Hampshire than someone who lives there does, right?
Source that Paul backed the Browns? The interview I saw with him on Cavuto where he was asked about this, he said something like he didn't even know who they were and only supports non violent protest.
But I guess, being in Iowa, you know more of what's going on on the ground in New Hampshire than someone who lives there does, right?
I've got a less skewed view of it, anyway. You hate Paul and hate his supporters. Duly noted. That does not mean that everybody in the "Live Free or Die" state shares your sentiment. As I pointed out earlier, he's got over 800 volunteers in that state and the largest percapita donations to his "money bomb" came from residents of (wait for it) New Hampshire. He's also (not incidentally) never finished worse than first place in any straw poll conducted in that state.
Doesn't sound like they hate him to me.
And speaking of WMUR, I'm not seeing this agitation you're claiming.

Of course, I could be wrong and equally blinded by my support of him, but the difference between us is I back up my observations with fact and you do not.
Right...because he's got the support, cash, and straw poll results. No, wait...what?

Huckabee has far more support than Ron Paul, as the polls show.

And Huckabee also has an endorsement from Chuck Norris, which is carrying a surprising amount of weight in flyover country. Huckabee's polling and donations took a noticeable jump after Norris endorsed him.

A lot of misconceptions about Huckabee's record on taxes are being corrected also. He was getting a bad rap for signing a tax increase that was passed by a large majority of Arkansas voters in a referendum.
Well considering that Ron Paul has won most of the straw polls and is out fundraising many of the rivals in both parties I'd say he has a pretty good shot at winning.
Danzig said:
Ron Paul has supporters in almost all political camps.

You can say that about all candidates. In my state of Wisconsin, we have Democrats that voted for CCW licenses and three GOP's who voted against it.

Somewhere out there is both a libertarian and an anarchist on Social Security.

The issue for RP, and all other candidates, is not just getting a warm welcome from their own people, but they also must obtain a large contingent from the centrists, and even the opposition.

You can kiss off the far left and the strident women's groups. They've been for Hillary from the git-go.

Big business wants a guy who talks the planks, but is in their pockets. In other words, a guy they bought and stays bought. Guiliani is just a sheep in wolf's clothing. In his heart he's a Central Park liberal who knows how to fake talking to blue collar workers.

Thompson has more of the needed credentials, and actually served in government but clearly seems to lack the fire in the belly. Despite any wins going through the states, it's obvious he wants to bug out with some excuse like "spending more time with family."

The single biggest candidates aren't really people, but issues. And true to form on guns vs. butter issues, people are going to pull the handle for the war and the recession.

Any shill who says he's for "the soldiers" and affordable oil can be a ventriliquist's dummy and still win. The GOP has soiled their own sandbox so bad I think the next President will be a Democrat.

If if quacks like a duck, it's a duck. RP stands for the Consitution, which squeaks like being a traditionalist and that smells like an elephant.

I have a nagging feeling that Hillary will be our next President and Obama will take the second chair.
Huckabee has far more support than Ron Paul, as the polls show.

You mean "name recognition", not "support". "Support" = committed voters, volunteers, donors, and straw poll voters.

And Huckabee also has an endorsement from Chuck Norris, which is carrying a surprising amount of weight in flyover country. Huckabee's polling and donations took a noticeable jump after Norris endorsed him.

Huh? I'm out here in flyover country and I'm not seeing this jump. And Chuck Norris?? I mean, that's nice and all... but Dr. Paul has endorsements from Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan, Michael Badnarik, Michael Scheuer, Barry Goldwater jr, Chuck Baldwin, Jim Klymer, Kinky Friedman, David Letterman....and the list goes on.
And speaking of donations, how's that coming along? I understand he picked up 1 million last quarter. How's he doing this quarter? 'Cuz Paul picked up over 5 million last quarter and is already edging 8 million this quarter.

A lot of misconceptions about Huckabee's record on taxes are being corrected also. He was getting a bad rap for signing a tax increase that was passed by a large majority of Arkansas voters in a referendum.

Nice to know. Maybe soon he'll have actual attendees at his speaking engagements and he'll start performing on par with Paul in the straw polls.
Of course, I doubt it.
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