Ron Paul: why he could win.

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Ron Paul is most definitely not a "middle of the road" candidate. He's probably the most radical candidate currently running in the race for president.

Despite that (or perhaps because of it) Ron Paul has supporters in almost all political camps. Conservatives will vote for him. Libertarians will vote for him. Liberals will vote for him. Centrists will vote for him. Anarchists (it they'll vote at all) will vote for him. Probably the only bunch that wouldn't vote for Ron Paul would be Authoritarians.

No other candidate has such a broad spectrum of support. No other candidate can unite persons from such diverse groups.

This gives him an advantage over all the rest. Unlike the other candidates, Ron Paul is a uniter...not a divider.

The other candidates will divide the vote sharply along partisan lines. Ron Paul has no such handicap.

1. He's not going to win.

2. He's not going to get past the primaries. His numbers will be in the single digits.

3. He's not going to win anything. He's too naive, too disorganized, turns off too many people on both sides, and the people who aren't turned off by him are chased off by his evangelical cult of followers.

Liberals hate him. So do conservatives. I'm a conservative and I think he's a freaking LOON. The only thing he provides is some laughter when I watch the debates...he's the comic relief when he starts whining and babbling like the Republican version of Kucinich. I keep waiting for him to blurt out that "9/11 was an inside job" or something.

He's not going to win.

Deal with it.
No other candidate has such a broad spectrum of support. No other candidate can unite persons from such diverse groups.

His support may be broad, but it doesn't run all that deep. Far too many people from all over the political map end up getting turned off to him once they look further into him. Though yes, the fact that those people are bothering to look does show pretty broad and varied appeal: on the surface.

Also, Manedwolf, I don't think that picture is particularly necessary or adds anything to any discussion, anywhere. Besides which, he has a point: our foreign policy decisions can have repercussions, and a lot of the anti-American sentiment in that region of the world does stem from the actions we've taken there over the years. Not that this means we were wrong to make those decisions, or that we should have taken (or should take) a different course...simply that whether right or wrong our actions can have consequences.

Ron Paul was just pointing out what anybody who can get past the "they hate us because of our freedomz!" rhetoric should be able to see: that our own actions have contributed significantly to the hatred of Americans over there. I disagree (as you most obviously do) with his conclusion as to what we should do about this reality, but this doesn't mean it isn't still a reality.

EDIT: Okay, so you switched ignorant images to go with. I was obviously referring to the "L. Ron Paul: Blameusnetics" image. You really ought to try to flesh out your posts before hitting the post button...making multiple substantial edits (that aren't even labeled) in the span of a minute makes it difficult for people to actually reply.
I don't think he will win either... and I am undecided who to vote for. I will probably vote for Ron Paul in the primary, and then sit out the general election when Giuliani runs against Hillary.

There are no conservatives running, and the people who chastise RP supporters for being Kool Aid drinkers really don't have anybody worth a dang to suggest either.
"Every time a misrepresentation or slander is made against him by opponents or their supporters they are ACKNOWLEDGING his relevance and that he threatens them."- Overheard on TFL

Every time he speaks of foreign policy or shames himself by implying the US was responsible for 911, he is AFFIRMING his irrelevance and demonstrating he is no threat to win the presidency.- Grymster2007 on TFL
Liberals hate him. So do conservatives. I'm a conservative and I think he's a freaking LOON. The only thing he provides is some laughter when I watch the debates...he's the comic relief when he starts whining and babbling like the Republican version of Kucinich. I keep waiting for him to blurt out that "9/11 was an inside job" or something.

Maybe you should go with your buddy Rudy and fly off to Iraq "defending America" and loving Israel! Yay, let's all die for Israel, but think it's for America!
Rmstn1580, your "anti-zionism" is showing. That's okay, some more hateful groups who support that sentiment are backing Paul, too.

Don't mind Manedwolf. He's got a major hate-on for Ron Paul and his supporters.

Yeah, after all, why would I mind a loony, irrelevant spoiler who will keep on turning off voters to the Republicans after he fails to get the primary, ensuring Hiterly or "ban all semiautomatics" Obama gets into the White House? His disciples, after the primaries, will start screaming that the "zionist neocons" rigged the primaries, Diebold, illuminati, freemasons, etc...and help ensure the Dems win in 2008. Just watch.
Any time I hear someone on these forums use the term "Zionist" (not you mandewolf, I know you were just talking about Rms) I just can't take anything they say seriously. I mean really, do you really think that people can have a real conversation with you when you're spouting off racist terms like you just got out of a Hamas rally?

As for there not being any real conservatives, that's hogwash. Mike Huckabee all the way.
Yeah, after all, why would I mind a loony, irrelevant spoiler who will keep on turning off voters to the Republicans after he fails to get the primary, ensuring Hiterly or "ban all semiautomatics" Obama gets into the White House? His disciples, after the primaries, will start screaming that the "zionist neocons" rigged the primaries, Diebold, illuminati, freemasons, etc...and help ensure the Dems win in 2008. Just watch.

Who's spouting kool-aid now?:rolleyes:
This presupposes that Rudy would have a chance at the WH without Ron Paul's presence...which he doesn't.
The lefties aren't being offered a single thing from Rudy they can't get from Hillary except a war they don't want, and the righties aren't exactly going to flock to support a cross-dressing, gun-grabbing, abortion-loving mayor of some east coast sanctuary city.
Rudy's a joke.
Any time I hear someone on these forums use the term "Zionist"...
Why not include Manedwolf? He's the only one using the term. And if that doesn't lower my opinion, other terms such as "Hitlery" do.
GoSlash, WTF makes you think I support Rudy? You're the only one who has said're hallucinating.

Rudy is a bully gungrabber. I've said that in many posts. Huckabee is a good conservative, Thompson would be if he wasn't lazy. And Paul is a loon.
My bad. I picked it up from a previous post
Maybe you should go with your buddy Rudy...
and stand corrected.

Rudy is a bully gungrabber.
Mind if I save this quote? :) What are your thoughts on Romney and McCain (for the record)? Just being thorough ;)

Speaking of quotes, you know what Mrs. Huckabee said today?
"It would take a miracle for Mike Huckabee to be elected. We all know that".
Apparently that quote is mistaken; We don't all know that... so let me fill you in:
Mike Huckabee has no traction, no cash, no organization, no support, and is getting his clock cleaned by the "loony" in the straw polls 32-6. Even if he did manage to miraculously get the nomination Hillary would annhilate him.
So in your own words "He's not going to win. Deal with it."
His discussions on the Federal Reserve System are worth reading, and a major reason that he'll never get higher office. Can't have people who understand the gold standard near the money system.
Rudy is a bully gungrabber. I've said that in many posts. Huckabee is a good conservative, Thompson would be if he wasn't lazy. And Paul is a loon.

Well, I think your assessment of Rudy is correct, and probably also Huckabee. But Thompson is not a conservative, he is another Bush neo-conservative, and his voting record backs that up. I agree that by current standards, many would consider Ron Paul a loon, but I suspect by current standards, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry would be as well.

But I digress. It sounds like you are saying Huckabee is your man. Is that who you are planning to vote for? Do you really think he has a shot at the nomination? If he gets the nomination do you really think he wouldn't be eaten alive by Hillary? (I am not saying Ron Paul would do any better. Its just that you keep saying RP has no chance, and I don't think Huckabee does either).
who will keep on turning off voters to the Republicans
The "Republicans" are doing a commendable job of turning off voters to the Republicans with no help at all from the opposition.

Regardless of which Dem wins the WH in the next election, that individual and the Democrat Party will own the largest margin of their success to the Republican Party for W, alienating large sectors of their core & becoming the party of big government. Talk about three strikes….

The fact that individual with the political philosophies exemplified by Rudy and Mitt are potentially at the top of the RP ticket says everything about how far the Republican Party has strayed from the ideology of the Republican Party of Ronald Regan.


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