Ron Paul Tied to Racist Comments

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This article rehashes an old issue of quotations from newsletters published under Dr. Paul's name, but not edited by him. Dr. Paul takes full responsibility, as he has for over a decade, for failing to adequately monitor the words that went out under his name.

Actually he hasn't taken responsibility. In fact he tried to weasel out of responsibility just a few weeks ago in an interview where he refused to answer a question about his decades-long publication of these racist newsletters.

When asked if he care to comment Paul answered: "Oh noooouuuuooohhhh, that whole thing is MUCH too complicated to try and explain now, I wouldn't even want to try and explain that."

And again, it's not reasonable to believe that Paul would have allowed the racist propaganda to continue in several different iterations of his newsletters over several decades if he wasn't in agreement with such views.
For those who want the rest of the story, there are lots of articles which were actually, verifiably written by Ron Paul on both his House website and on Lew Rockwell's website.

Reagan slept through cabinet meetings and had absolutely no idea that the whole Iran-Cocaine-Mena-Contra thing was going on. I'd like to see America get back to that kind of negligent leadership.
I'm listening to Michael Medved's show and he's reading some of Ron's writings just released within the hour. If these are true he's dead in the water. He may or may not have changed, I have no idea, but those comments will follow him around. Most folks won't go for someone that said those things no matter how long ago it was.
Michael Medved is a neocon propagandist. Neocons hate Ron Paul because he wants the US to stop blindly supporting Israel with money and warfare. He ALSO wants the US to stop propping up Arab puppet dictators and sending foreign aid to their nations, but that's not good enough for the Israel loyalists. To these folks, anyone who doesn't support the issuing of a blank check to Israel is an "anti-Semite" and a "new Hitler" who wants to fire up the ovens all over again. So much for George Washington's warning about "entangling alliances," huh?

The following bears repeating:

Ron Paul said:
“When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have publicly taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name.”
Practicing medicine full-time can involve long hours and leave little time for other work. (Paul often did charity work for $3 an hour. I wonder if he ever turned away non-whites. :rolleyes:)

Yes, Dr. Paul is human and can be accused of an oversight here, and he has owned up to it. But of course that won't stop those determined to smear this man, whose character is unimpeachable.

We're either going to get Paul, or we're going to get an enemy of the Constitution. So far, it looks like most Americans -- and even most "gun rights advocates" -- support the latter. We'll get what we deserve as a nation.
Michael Medved is a neocon propagandist. Neocons hate Ron Paul because he wants the US to stop blindly supporting Israel with money and warfare. He ALSO wants the US to stop propping up Arab puppet dictators and sending foreign aid to their nations, but that's not good enough for the Israel loyalists. To these folks, anyone who doesn't support the issuing of a blank check to Israel is an "anti-Semite" and a "new Hitler" who wants to fire up the ovens all over again. So much for George Washington's warning about "entangling alliances," huh?


His wanting to loosen the undue influence that certain foreign lobbyists have on our congress, is one of, if not the main reason the powers that be hate Paul.
Seriously there hasn't been a Republican nominee since Ike who hasn't at least played to racists.

I have no love for the vast majority of ALL politicians, but that's pure crap right there. Care to back that statement up with some facts?
Ron Paul could allow this to go on for decades, and fail to condemn it

Ah yes, one of the seven deadly politically correct sins: Failure to condemn.

(Gov Lepetomane: I didn't get a "harumph" out of that guy.
Guy: Harumph! Harumph!)
Note the term neo-confederate near the end of the video in the OP and remember the Lincoln statement of a couple weeks back.

Groups like this think their actions/messages are oh so covert that they can push agendas while others are unaware. They are less clever and far more obvious then they realize or like to acknowledge.

Click the link for neo-confederate and see what it's about for yourselves. You'll find an organization with two faces, one of 'Southern Heritage' to base their other face of racism on.

In other words, the use of the term 'War of Northern Aggression" and sanctimony of States rights and property rights when what it boils down to is that they still believe that the States had a right to hold slavery as legal and the property they are referring to is the black human being they owned.
More info by the SmearBund I see.

The League of the South is well known, founded by intellectuals at various universities, and concerned citizens of every walk of life. There are black members and membership is closed to no one. There are chapters in many states nationwide, including those outside the South.
Before somebody gets called a "cultural-paleo-libertarian with neo-social fiscal-con tendencies," I'm closing this thread which has run its course.
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