Ron Paul Tied to Racist Comments

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Is "affirmative action" racist?
Absolutely. It says that someone cannot achieve because of the color of their skin or their gender without assistance, immediately placing them below other people. It states that their intellect and drive to achieve the American dream are meaningless, and that they are nothing more than domesticated animals who can only eat what their superiors can provide for them. There is nothing more insidious.
the tourist said:
Now, RP might be in okay health for a guy his age. However, Reagan had been an athlete, and had kept active throughout his life.

ive read several times actually that ron paul is very active. he exercises daily, and tries to ride his bike 10-15 miles a day. but he is a sucker for chocolate chip cookies, by his own admission.
I'm listening to Michael Medved's show and he's reading some of Ron's writings just released within the hour. If these are true he's dead in the water. He may or may not have changed, I have no idea, but those comments will follow him around. Most folks won't go for someone that said those things no matter how long ago it was.
I'm listening to Michael Medved's show and he's reading some of Ron's writings just released within the hour. If these are true he's dead in the water.

I heard that too. He may be dead with most folks because of those newsletters, but it won't phase his "true believers".
Here's the article link

Some choice (and sad) quotes:

"Take, for instance, a special issue of the Ron Paul Political Report, published in June 1992, dedicated to explaining the Los Angeles riots of that year. "Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks three days after rioting began," read one typical passage."

In June 1991, an entry on racial disturbances in Washington, DC's Adams Morgan neighborhood was titled, "Animals Take Over the D.C. Zoo."

While bashing King, the newsletters had kind words for the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke. In a passage titled "The Duke's Victory," a newsletter celebrated Duke's 44 percent showing in the 1990 Louisiana Senate primary. "Duke lost the election," it said, "but he scared the blazes out of the Establishment."

I think its pretty clear from these passages that while Paul didn't blatantly use the n-word, his view of minorities is in the very least unsympathetic and skewed. Most likely, Paul has some racist tendencies.
his view of minorities is in the very least unsympathetic and skewed.

Tell us fast200 why we should all be sympathetic to looters and rioters.

"Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks three days after rioting began," read one typical passage."

Your right that is way off base, the looting and rioting probably ended when they all went back to their regular 9-5 jobs.:rolleyes:

"Animals Take Over the D.C. Zoo."

LOL good one RP

As far as David Duke is concerned Sen. Robert Byrd was Grand Dragon of the KKK, and he seems to be aces high with leftists, and I suspect so would Duke if he had embraced left wing ideology.
Is "affirmative action" racist?
Certainly, by saying that affirmative action is needed in todays world, one is openly admitting that blacks and other such colors of people are inferior to the white man and are thus in need of permanent outside support. It is extremely racist by its very design.
"grossly uneducated, pimply-faced youth" slandered both Ron Paul and myself

Although I have no sympathy for the left-wing "pimply-faced youth," I wonder if the aforesaid youth would have correctly said "me", rather than "myself"???:p
I think its pretty clear from these passages that while Paul didn't blatantly use the n-word, his view of minorities is in the very least unsympathetic and skewed. Most likely, Paul has some racist tendencies.

Apparently you did not read the article. The writer clearly states many times that there is no way to actually prove that Paul wrote ANY of the passages that he listed. In fact, the writer is speculating that Ron Paul must be a racist because he (the writer) believes it is just too far fetched that Ron Paul would allow a newsletter to be put out in his name without first reading it. Obviously the writer has not actually been following Ron Paul or else he would already know that that is also the way he runs his Presidential campaign. Ron Paul just goes out and spreads his message and the supporters do whatever they want - for better or worse (example of better is staggering fund raising numbers, example of worse would be Sean Hannity chase down). It may not be the most conventional way to run a campaign, but it is consistent with Paul's message of self responsibility. And along the lines of reponsibility, Ron Paul apologized over a decade ago for the newsletters and took moral reponsibility for the content because he should have paid closer attention:
Obviously the writer has not actually been following Ron Paul or else he would already know that that is also the way he runs his Presidential campaign. Ron Paul just goes out and spreads his message and the supporters do whatever they want

Then I submit to everyone here that this negligence is the primary reason why Paul isn't qualified to be president. If he can't keep a simple thing liek a news letter under control then I have zero faith that he can run ANY type of government.
Don't worry STAGE 2,

You seem to have no appreciation of the freedom to think and act for yourself, so a handler will be assigned to you soon enough.
Don't worry STAGE 2,

You seem to have no appreciation of the freedom to think and act for yourself, so a handler will be assigned to you soon enough.


Irony defined: someone defending a man who allegedly does not act, write or think for himself in his own publication telling me I don't think or act for myself.
Irony defined: someone defending a man who allegedly does not act, write or think for himself in his own publication telling me I don't think or act for myself.

I was actually indicating your being incensed by Ron Paul's refusal to impose himself into people's daily affairs, even when it is probably in his best interest. However, your response is equally legit. Good form!
Then I submit to everyone here that this negligence is the primary reason why Paul isn't qualified to be president. If he can't keep a simple thing liek a news letter under control then I have zero faith that he can run ANY type of government.

mercy....if that is the worst scandal that Ron Paul haters can come up with....mercy....mercy....mercy....
Absolutely. It says that someone cannot achieve because of the color of their skin or their gender without assistance, immediately placing them below other people. It states that their intellect and drive to achieve the American dream are meaningless, and that they are nothing more than domesticated animals who can only eat what their superiors can provide for them. There is nothing more insidious.

not exactly....

Affirmative action was designed to remedy past discriminatory acts and the lingering effects of racism. To say that there was never any discrimination in our nation would be to have blinders on. If there is proof that there is discrimination then affirmative action would be just remedy to ensure qualified people are not denied opportunity because of their race, ethnic group or other discrimination.

When it was use to gain political markers at the expense of justice and establishing quotas regardless of being qualified is when affirmative action kind of went overboard. If you can not demonstrate a pattern of discriminatory acts and the lingering effects of them then affirmative action isn't the tool to use.
I'm listening to Michael Medved's show and he's reading some of Ron's writings just released within the hour. If these are true he's dead in the water. He may or may not have changed, I have no idea, but those comments will follow him around. Most folks won't go for someone that said those things no matter how long ago it was.
The writings weren't "just released", they've been out there and available to anyone for more than 10 years.

Ron Paul has officially denounced them years ago, and again today.
January 8, 2008 5:28 am EST

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – In response to an article published by The New Republic, Ron Paul issued the following statement:

“The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts.

“In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that we should only be concerned with the content of a person's character, not the color of their skin. As I stated on the floor of the U.S. House on April 20, 1999: ‘I rise in great respect for the courage and high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.’

“This story is old news and has been rehashed for over a decade. It's once again being resurrected for obvious political reasons on the day of the New Hampshire primary.

“When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have publicly taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name.”

A bit about the rag that just happened to publish them today.
Release the New Republic Archives!
Posted by Lew Rockwell at 08:16 PM

Make that the Fascist Republic archives. From Murray N. Rothbard, World War I as Fulfillment: Power and the Intellectuals:

In January 1927, Croly wrote a New Republic editorial, "An Apology for Fascism," endorsing an accompanying article, "Fascism for the Italians," written by the distinguished philosopher Horace M. Kallen, a disciple of John Dewey and an exponent of progressive pragmatism. Kallen praised Mussolini for his pragmatic approach, and in particular for the élan vital that Mussolini had infused into Italian life. True, Professor Kallen conceded, fascism is coercive, but surely this is only a temporary expedient. Noting fascism's excellent achievement in economics, education, and administrative reform, Kallen added that "in this respect the Fascist revolution is not unlike the Communist revolution. Each is the application by force …of an ideology to a condition. Each should have the freest opportunity once it has made a start…." The accompanying New Republic editorial endorsed Kallen's thesis and added that "alien critics should beware of outlawing a political experiment which aroused in a whole nation an increased moral energy and dignified its activities by subordinating them to a deeply felt common purpose." New Republic 49 (January 12, 1927), pp. 207–213. Cited in John Patrick Diggins, "Mussolini's Italy: The View from America," PhD diss., University of Southern California, 1964, pp. 214–217.

And last, Medved is an unscrupulous neocon, using him as a source is unsound.
Note the term neo-confederate near the end of the video in the OP and remember the Lincoln statement of a couple weeks back.

Groups like this think their actions/messages are oh so covert that they can push agendas while others are unaware. They are less clever and far more obvious then they realize or like to acknowledge.

Click the link for neo-confederate and see what it's about for yourselves. You'll find an organization with two faces, one of 'Southern Heritage' to base their other face of racism on.

In other words, the use of the term 'War of Northern Aggression" and sanctimony of States rights and property rights when what it boils down to is that they still believe that the States had a right to hold slavery as legal and the property they are referring to is the black human being they owned.
If you think Paul could possibly be racist, you don't know a thing about him. That's not him, one bit. He's not a "grouper" and believes in rights of the individual. He's simply not racist.... From his website:
Today, as New Hampshire voters headed to the polls, The New Republic published an article carefully timed to hurt Ron Paul.

This article rehashes an old issue of quotations from newsletters published under Dr. Paul's name, but not edited by him. Dr. Paul takes full responsibility, as he has for over a decade, for failing to adequately monitor the words that went out under his name.

You and I know that Dr. Paul's message of freedom is about individual liberty, and that liberty is the best antidote to racism. If anyone has doubts, I would encourage them to read Dr. Paul's issue page on racism.

Dr. Paul's response to the article is posted here. As you would expect, Congressman Paul denounces racism and embraces instead, the hopeful message of freedom -- the message he has championed for decades.


Kent Snyder
Chairman, Ron Paul 2008
In fact, the writer is speculating that Ron Paul must be a racist because he (the writer) believes it is just too far fetched that Ron Paul would allow a newsletter to be put out in his name without first reading it.

No, you’re completely misconstruing the gist of the article.

The article makes the point that Ron Paul at least allowed his newsletter to be used to distribute racist propaganda, and allowed it to go on for decades.

It's not reasonable to believe that Ron Paul could allow this to go on for decades, and fail to condemn it until criticized for it in the midst of a campaign, if it was not reflective of his own views.

Ron Paul clearly is a venial, small minded bigot. Racists such as Paul should have no place in the Republican Party
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