Ron Paul Third Quarter Fundraising

From what I can tell different people have different criticisms, which is perfectly logical since this web site has people from a fairly broad range of political beliefs.

On an ideological standpoint I agree with Paul's position on a lot of issues, especially in the area of economics and more importantly foreign affairs. However, the problem with libertarian economic policies is that they are not tenable, our society simply will not tolerate the growing pains that would result from a sudden and dramatic change in economic policy.

The problem with trying to introduce things like free markets at this stage of the game is that we don't have and haven't had free markets in a long time in most areas. Take our medical care system. In order to have free markets in medicine we would have to legalize all drugs and get rid of the whole concept of needing a medical license to prescribe medicine. This would work just fine, eventually people would be able to pick a provider that was as good as they could afford. Poor people would have poorly trained cheap doctors and rich people would have doctors trained in good medical schools. America would not allow that, so we have socialised medicine.

It's kinda funny to listen to people complaining about socialism but we've had market socialism pretty much since the industrial revolution, with a socialist economy the railroads would not have been built. So, we have a socialist economy, it works pretty well, and people at the top argue about who gets to actually be in charge of the economy, all the while pretending that they are arguing about who wants "free markets" more. We don't have free markets, pretty much never have had and definitely never will have, you'd think someone as smart as Paul would realise this, but he apparantly doesn't.

So that's the bottom line, either Paul is an economic idiot and doesn't really understand things as they now exist, or he's a liar and knows how things work but hides behind some austrian theory of economics just so he can be in charge.

I could be wrong, but from where I sit he is either an idiot or a liar and deceiver, albeit on a more subtle level than most.
Hey, don't blame me because Paul likes shrimp so much. Like I said, I like shrimp too. Just not as much as Paul seem to like it.
Fremmer has been trying to smear Ron Paul for weeks. This is a shabby attempt.


You better repent now, cause if Paul wins you may get rounded up with me for..."reeducation"

Picture me and Fremmer, half starved, the floodlights on us sweating in chairs as some Paul operative in a black uniform (if you are into Nazi analogies) or a white robe (if you prefer to use the Om Shinrikyo visual) screaming "sayyoulovepaul" over and over again, wait, its like even better, its a Clockwork Orange as they pin our eyelids open and make us look at movies of Ron walking on water, Ron giving the sermon on the mount, hordes of blackshirt/robed Paulites chanting "thank you Ron, thank you ron, thank you ron" while tossing shrimp cocktails to the screaming, laughing and hysterical crowds, where is Leni Reifenstahl now that we have our new leader LOL...

WildhidewithmefremmerweareindangerAlaska TM
its a Clockwork Orange as they pin our eyelids open and make us look at movies of Ron walking on water, Ron giving the sermon on the mount, hordes of blackshirt/robed Paulites chanting "thank you Ron, thank you ron, thank you ron" while tossing shrimp cocktails to the screaming, laughing and hysterical crowds

Ug. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Can't the Pauloids be more humane and waterboard us? Drawing and quartering? Anything other than the Ron Paul movies!!!!!


P.S. and it would be unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment. :D
Ug. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Can't the Pauloids be more humane and waterboard us? Drawing and quartering? Anything other than the Ron Paul movies!!!!!

Ya know Im FREAKING out here, maybe Im watching too much TV (yes, I watched MOVIES whilst reloading) but does Ron Paul own a Rottweiler? Does he have the numbers...well you know...THOSE NUMBERS tatooed under his hair? Wasnt he first elected to Congress in on June 6, 1966? you know, if you take his name R_O_N_P_A_U_L and look carefully at it spells out LA PORN, which is a company founded by L Ron (Ron? Paul? L. Ron?) Hubbard specialising in subliminal political messages hidden in movies such as Bootilcious Booties parts 1-4,789 and for those of us who are up to part 58, we are already losing our identity!

WildimscaredhelpmeAlaska TM

The good news is I have a new use for a Lee Loader thingy! New thread!
Why are the more main stream Republicans so worried about Paul? He's only polling 6 (corrected) percent, but he certainly has the establishment shaken up. I think about half the traffic on the WWW would go away if Paul left the race. Why are conservatives writing so much stuff about Paul?

That's because the RINO's on this forum are beginning to poop yellow again over Paul's successes

I don't think you can classify Ron Paul as a true conservative if what the article mentioned above says is true. Wouldn't a true conservative be fighting to eliminate earmark spending? According to the article Ron Paul is just another Congressman slurping at the trough.

You can't characterize anyone who isn't impressed with Ron Paul as a RINO just on that basis.
The whole idea that Dr. No is a big spender is so ridiculous I don't know why we're discussing it when every other candidate favors much more government than Ron Paul.

Look out! Here comes the big spender who is going to shut down the government! Yeah, that makes sense. :rolleyes:

$400,000,000 is a lot of money, and I don't like to see the explosive growth in spending either.

1,000,000,000,000 is a LOT more money, and that is the amount by which annual federal spending has increased under Bush.

So, Fremmer, since you can't seem to answer which positions of Paul's you find unconstitutional, how about answering this one: is there a candidate you think will be more restrained when it comes to spending taxpayer money than Ron Paul, and if so, who and why?
I don't think you can classify Ron Paul as a true conservative if what the article mentioned above says is true. Wouldn't a true conservative be fighting to eliminate earmark spending?

Erhm... he is. Quite vociferously.

According to the article Ron Paul is just another Congressman slurping at the trough.

Allow me to repeat. That money was already marked for spending. IT WAS GOING TO BE SPENT. If they didn't spend that money somehow then the control of it would go out of the hands of elected officials and into the control of federal bureaucrats. There is no framework in place where such unspent funds go back into the taxpayer's hands. All Paul did was use it to support an economy that had been suffering from hurricane damage (and I don't know if it even passed or not). If it were up to him that money wouldn't be in the hands of government in the first place (check out the link I provided earlier on the topic).

We can argue about what the money should've been spent on, but it's characteristic of Ron Paul - indeed, a hallmark - to want that money back in the hands of the economy and not spent on bloated wasteful government programs.
You better repent now, cause if Paul wins you may get rounded up with me for..."reeducation"

Picture me and Fremmer, half starved, the floodlights on us sweating in chairs as some Paul operative in a black uniform (if you are into Nazi analogies) or a white robe (if you prefer to use the Om Shinrikyo visual) screaming "sayyoulovepaul" over and over again, wait, its like even better, its a Clockwork Orange as they pin our eyelids open and make us look at movies of Ron walking on water, Ron giving the sermon on the mount, hordes of blackshirt/robed Paulites chanting "thank you Ron, thank you ron, thank you ron" while tossing shrimp cocktails to the screaming, laughing and hysterical crowds, where is Leni Reifenstahl now that we have our new leader LOL...


Okay, I think I must've taken a wrong turn somewhere.
Allow me to repeat. That money was already marked for spending. IT WAS GOING TO BE SPENT. If they didn't spend that money somehow then the control of it would go out of the hands of elected officials and into the control of federal bureaucrats

I see, so if every one else is jumping off a cliff...

Dr. Paul has been tainted by the system is all you've said.
If us Ron Paul supporters are loonies and if he has no chance in winning; why is all this energy being used against us???? Why are ya'll not spending more time discussing which of the "electable" "first-tier" is the best??? Or does your sense of security actually feel threatened?

What is the purpose of the bets such as that offered by WildAlaska? Is this just sports betting to you, with the main objective to predict the winner. I don't support Ron Paul because I think he has the the best chance of winning; I support him because he is not bent on destroying my rights. Besides even if I did take you up on your bet, how is the winner expected to collect if the loser refuses to pay? I'm not going to Alaska just to collect $500.
Besides even if I did take you up on your bet, how is the winner expected to collect if the loser refuses to pay? I'm not going to Alaska just to collect $500.

Surely you are not implying that I would refuse to pay? Tell ya what, lets pick a guy here and each of us send him $500...he will hold ready?

f us Ron Paul supporters are loonies and if he has no chance in winning; why is all this energy being used against us????

And whats the point? Simple, if you dont have the courage of your convictions that Paul will be elected, why are we bombarded over and over with the cultlike adoration of a fringer? You arent changing minds and doing nothing more than providing evidence of Pauls fringiness and the increased lunacy of his movement.

And more evidence of his cult is your own statement, viz "us".

And like all cults, not everyone is looney, some are just misguided.

Why are ya'll not spending more time discussing which of the "electable" "first-tier" is the best???

Folks try...and everytime they do some Paulite jumps in and begins waaarbling Paulpaulpaulpaulpaul...besides, many of us are pragmatic enough to realize that in this election its ABBH PLUS concentrating on the Senate which is in true danger of becoming veto proof.

This incessant Pauling distracts even his supporters from the important tasks in electing Congress. This election could be the equivlaent of hitting a grounder to Bill Buckner in the bottom of the 9th in the World Series.

WildheylookatmynewswordAlaska TM

PAULISM Noun: Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
(I do think stage 2 and wildalaska need to realize the revolution is within the GOP as well. I would love you both to explain to me the current GOP platform......please please say limited Govt...please)

Its not enough to vote for socialism-lite anymore.
I don't think you can classify Ron Paul as a true conservative if what the article mentioned above says is true. Wouldn't a true conservative be fighting to eliminate earmark spending? According to the article Ron Paul is just another Congressman slurping at the trough.

You can't characterize anyone who isn't impressed with Ron Paul as a RINO just on that basis.
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

:D Sorry, I cant resist. At least I was proper enough not to say "Hail":cool:

Its not enough to vote for socialism-lite anymore.

Why not, some of us may agree with socialism-lite or whatever the trendy new term among the crowd is.

WildnonewtaxesAlaska TM
if you dont have the courage of your convictions that Paul will be elected
It's not that I am convinced that Paul will win, but that I am convinced that he is the best candidate running, from a constitutional point of view.
No, I don't agree with all of his conclusions, but he is the only candidate that I know is considering the constitution when he makes his stands, even if he sometimes has to be pragmatic.
Whatever issues we have need to be dealt with within the constitution.

But WA, I do not expect you to understand that, for it was you that once stated that you supported what you thought was bad law because you liked the result. I will continue to work for getting my desired result working within the constitution.
SpectreBlofeld wrote:
Sigh. No, you're still missing the point.

Here's a good look at the situation

From the article you linked to, here's a list of Dr. Paul’s Earmark requests for FY '07.

*To allow the Food and Drug administration to do antibiotic testing of seafood

*For research into Asthma

*Several of which are for the Army Corps of Engineers to design for and protect various harbors, shorelines, ports, river deltas, ship channels, and bayous in the Galveston, Texas area

*For cancer research

*For $25,000 to fund a Children's Identification and Location Database

*For the Texas maritime training program.

*To fix bridges, state highways, and interstate freeways in

*For the Matagorda Episcopal Health Outreach Program.

*For Vanadium Safety Readiness

*For the Nursing Education Doctoral Program, etc. at the University of Texas

*Ah, here's the one we've all be hearing about--money to research shrimp fishing in the Gulf coast area. Wow, that's brazen!!! But it gets worse.

*Money for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to study Wild American Shrimp Marketing.

That's an extensive list. I don't see a great deal of difference between this list and ones I've seen for a lot of other Congressmen. And $400,000,000.00 is a pretty good haul for a Congressman who isn't in a leadership position on any committees. Quite impressive in fact.

My main point: I think Dr. Paul missed a golden opportunity to make a strong moral statement and refuse to request ANY earmarks. The fact that the money would have likely been spent elsewhere doesn't change that.
Tell me how the people you think can win are strong, in any way, on the constitution. It's been said over and over that there is not enough difference between the "lead" candidates of the 2 parties.
Show me where any of them support the constitution better than Hillary.


1) judges
2) taxes
3) healthcare
4) property rights
5) gun rights

Guliani and Thompson and pretty much any other republican are far better than hillary on these issues from a constitutional perspective.

Add to this the fact that 1) Paul has no chance of winning and 2) his foreign policy would certianly destroy us, and you have plenty of reasons why my vote will go to another republican.
Premature WA predictions

right now its Rudy vs Hillary

And 16 years ago this week, "right now" it was Tom Harkin as the presumptive winner of the Dem primary. Paul has plenty of time to come up in rank, because the strong libertarian contingent in New Hampshire will receive him quite well. Guiliani has tanked bigtime once Iowa voters got to know him - as I predicted. National poll numbers are nearly meaningless.