Ron Paul is a Pinhead...

That aside, if you don't consider "that bag of skin" a conservative or a moderate, what exactly is he.
An extremely lazy Neo-Conservative? A poster boy? A caricature on a stick? Another party hood ornament? Take your pick. Doesn't really matter anyway; if he somehow overcomes his disastrous underwhelming debut and get the nomination he's gonna lose anyway.
Just because he's actually smart enough to understand how science works doesn't mean he has any other redeeming qualities.

Fair enough. But, what about his social stances?

To get direct answers you need to ask direct questions. Questions that aren't loaded, questions that can actually be answered with simple "yes" or "no" responses. Instead it's more fun to ask questions that require a paragraph of elaboration and then pretend the other guy was dodging.

I don't know where you're going with your statement, but O'Reilly is the king of simple, direct, yes/no questions. Normally, if the guest will simply give a yes/no first, he will allow you to briefly give a direct explaination. Some people just don't get the fact he doesn't let his guests himhaw around.
Fair enough. But, what about his social stances?
I'm not sure where to get a break down of his stances on social issues I sure as hell don't trust the wiki page that's rife with labels of inaccuracy and weasel words. :o
I don't know where you're going with your statement, but O'Reilly is the king of simple, direct, yes/no questions. Normally, if the guest will simply give a yes/no first, he will allow you to briefly give a direct explaination. Some people just don't get the fact he doesn't let his guests himhaw around.
I disagree. I don't believe many political questions can ever be answered with a simple yes/no. I think it's silly to expect such an answer to many of these questions.
He's the master of the "have you quit beating your wife" type question. Do you have a yes/no answer to that one?
Exactly what Justme said. He throws questions out there which can't be accurately answerred with a yes or know. He also likes to rip out one small part of a larger issue and pursue a yes or no on that in order to balloon it up to the whole issue.

O'Reily: "Do you support the war in Iraq?"
Guest: "No."
O'Reily: "So you are saying you don't support our troops!"
Guest: "Why did I even come here..."
I'm not sure where to get a break down of his stances on social issues I sure as hell don't trust the wiki page that's rife with labels of inaccuracy and weasel words.

Understood. His books have stated some of his beliefs in general and from time to time he opens up on his show. I don't think there's credible 3rd party sources that exactly has accurate info. on what he stands for.

He's the master of the "have you quit beating your wife" type question. Do you have a yes/no answer to that one?

Don't ever recall him leading a guest that doesn't deserve that type of question. Most of his questions are quite simple to answer. He's not asking "Would you or would you not agree with the financial analytical thought of Khopenstein's thesis debunking Primekauf's near opposite practices."

O'Reily: "Do you support the war in Iraq?"
Guest: "No."
O'Reily: "So you are saying you don't support our troops!"
Guest: "Why did I even come here..."

Not a good example. The guest you have here answered his direct question. He would allow you do provide an intelligent viewpoint before cutting you off. He has never pidgeon holed someone like that in my memory. He's stated time and time again that there's NOTHING wrong with honest dissent and even being against the war in Iraq. But, if it was Sean Penn up there, then yes he would call him out like that. We all know that his dissent is dishonest to begin with...
How is it an interviewers job to determine beforehand if a dissenters dissent is "honest" or not? You really just summed up the problem with ole bill right there, he's not interviewing people he's trying to "get them". Easy to do when it's your show and your producer.

I am SOOO tired of hearing about Ron Paul! Please STOP!

I'm no rocket surgeon, but I think if you didn't want to "hear" about something, you wouldn't...I a thread about it. That's just me I guess...
How is it an interviewers job to determine beforehand if a dissenters dissent is "honest" or not? You really just summed up the problem with ole bill right there, he's not interviewing people he's trying to "get them". Easy to do when it's your show and your producer.

Are you really kidding me on your first question? How is it his job? He's a journalist. How many times do I have to tell people that he doesn't have the time on his show for blathering. If you don't see giving a short leash on someone like Penn on your show compared to, say, Judge Palantano(sp) then I can't help you to reason...

Now, back to Ron Paul being called a pinhead...

His statement may be deserving of the title to him, but I don't think he's a pinhead overall. In other words, I think he was being a pinhead, not "is" a pinhead...
No doubt the Paulites will dismiss or attack all of what I just said. Thats fine. But heres the real problem. In the day and age where everything is taped and put on tv or the net within minutes (especially when Paul is aware that he's being videotaped) you can't get away with openly mocking one of the most powerful people on the news (and doing a poor job of it at that).

Bill O'Reilly is one of the most-mocked people on the planet. The Colbert Report is an entire show dedicated to mockery of the O'Reilly Factor.
What I really like about Ron Paul is that he will protect me from the worldwide Jewish conspiracy and the trilateral commission and let me smoke pot and from the North American Union and from the UN and he knows that George Bush caused 911 and that fire can't cut steel and from the Jews and let me smoke pot.

You've been smoking something, all right.
I happened to watch the Paul interview by O'Reilly, and Paul DID dodge several questions. It seemed almost as if Paul had a script to go by, but O'Reilly was asking questions out of sequence from that script! I think that Paul repeated himself THREE TIMES about wanting to give O'Reilly a "history" lesson of some sort, and he didn't seem to be able to answer with a "yes" or "no"!

See, O'Reilly loves to employ a lovely little logical fallacy called a 'false dichotomy,' wherein he asks an interviewee a trick question - a famous example of the type is, 'Have you stopped beating your wife?'

If you answer yes, you admit that you USED to beat your wife.
If you answer no, you admit that you still are!

An example closer to home these days - 'Do you support the war in Iraq, or do you support the terrorists?'

On the O'Reilly Factor, if you try to avoid that trap by answering with more than a simple 'yes' or 'no' question, you get accused of rambling and dodging the question.
I think O'Reilly is a good counter balance to Chris Matthews and some of the other left leaning journalist.With either you know what they are going to say before they say it.

The very idea of 'fair and balanced' news is flawed. An hour of speaking lies to counter an hour of speaking truth is 'fair and balanced,' but it's not truthful, informative news. It's entertainment.
Not surprising. Campaigns that Stage2 has (by his own admission)worked on:
Brian Bilbray, Duke Cunningham, and indirectly, Duncan Hunter.
Which begs the question: exactly when did he work on Hunter's campaign "indirectly", and what does he mean by "indirectly"? Of course.. no answer was forthcoming. :cool:

I'm wondering whether he trashes Paul because he truly likes Hunter of if he's just being paid to say that he does. :rolleyes: Hunter's broke, polls nowhere in random/straw polls, and has no grassroots. Naturally his "supporter" would spend all day attacking Paul.

All neither here nor there I suppose. I can't imagine myself voting for a candidate that O'Reilly likes.