Ron Paul is a Pinhead...

Some interesting responses. Glad to see the usual suspects didn't disappoint.

I'll add this. Whether someone hates oreilly, thinks his show is bunk, or thinks he himself is a pinhead is really irrelevant. His show, whether you want to call it news or entertainment, is watched by more people than ALL of the other cable infotainment shows combined. This is a huge audience and its alot of voters. Contrary to some assertions here, lots of republican primary voters watch this show.

So what we have here is millions and millions of people who saw Paul give a poor interview and refuse to answer a legitimate question on foreign policy. Then, you see Paul whining about it with his supporters only to get rebuked by oreilly a second time.

Regardless of what you think, this isn't good press for Paul, and its one of an endless number of examples where Paul orally self destructs when in the public eye.

Like I said, being a leader is just more than the right ideas. You have to have a certian savvy that will allow you to get things done with others. If we were electing a king, Paul would be fine. We aren't however and as president Paul needs others to get anything done. He has yet to show that he has any ability in this area.

{It also should be noted that Paul did try for a senate seat and failed misreably}
Yes, but more people watch American Idol than O'Reilly! Perhaps America should pick its leaders based on a dial in vote after the reviews of Simon, Paula and Randy?
His show, whether you want to call it news or entertainment, is watched by more people than ALL of the other cable infotainment shows combined.

Regardless of what you think, this isn't good press for Paul, and its one of an endless number of examples where Paul orally self destructs when in the public eye.
No, some of us saw the interview and feel that Paul slapped Bill silly. For many this is great press for Paul.

Do you think the O'Reilly fan base was open minded about Paul beforehand?
You have to have a certian savvy that will allow you to get things done with others.
Which is meaningless if everything he wants to get done goes against what I believe. I'd rather have an ineffective idealist than an effective tyrant running the country.

Right now we just have an ineffective...whatever. :p
Guess that's why he's held office in his district for so long, huh?

Kennedy and Kerry have held the same office in their districts "for so long". So, with that in mind, we all know idiots and a$$ monkeys can hold an office for a long time.

Paul will not win, he will not even come close to being in last place. He is a kook. I dont care how much money or how many straw polls he wins, he will not be elected president. It wont happen.

I agree with the OP, like O'Reilly or hate O'Reilly. He is a media big dog.

O'Reilly has about 2 million viewers,which is more than CNN and MSNBC in that time slot.

By comparison,broadcast news has about 18 million viewers.

Ron Paul did not gain any ground in the interview,and O'Reilly performed poorly also.All and All it was bad segment.
The O'Reilly Factor is not news.

Correct. It's an analysis of the news.

It's propaganda and it's very obvious that it is.

Propaganda such as about the only program that hammered Judge Cashman because he gave community service to a convicted rapist? This is only one of many many stories that either Fox or O'Reilly hit head on that should have been exposed.

It's really sad that it's the top rated "news" show in the country. It says a lot of things about America and none of them are good.

Yeah, like CNN and MSNBC are the ones that are unbiased and balanced...

I happened to watch the Paul interview by O'Reilly, and Paul DID dodge several questions.

As do most other people that come on his show that do this. I used to think he just interrupts to be a jerk. Over time, I see that he's a no Bull*****er. He wants straight answers without referencing bad behavior to justify other bad behavoir. I don't agree with some of his beliefs and sometimes want to throw my remote at the TV. However, I do respect most of what he says because he gives a clear thinking honest straight answer. Is that too hard for people to understand? I guess not. It appears people just want to call him an arrogant blowhard when he actually tries to get answers.

I see people that come on his show that disagrees with him and he doesn't interrupt. Most of those times they are being direct and not wasting the segment's time slot. I personnaly don't want to hear blather for six minutes on one question. Get to the point, or don't come on the show. I want a compressed interview and move on to the next guest. If I want a five paragraph essay explaination that doesn't even direct the question, I'd surf over to Larry King.

I think that Paul repeated himself THREE TIMES about wanting to give O'Reilly a "history" lesson of some sort, and he didn't seem to be able to answer with a "yes" or "no"!


No, some of us saw the interview and feel that Paul slapped Bill silly. For many this is great press for Paul.

How so? Because he wouldn't give a straight answer to some of the questions given?

Do you think the O'Reilly fan base was open minded about Paul beforehand?

Do you think the Ron Paul fan base was open minded about the reasons why O'Reilly wanted direct answers beforehand?

The man appeals to pure emotion. Many of his fans later bitch and moan about liberals and their emotional responses to everything yet Bill is pure emotion. No logic, no reason, no rational argument. He's worse than Rosie.

After being open minded and actually listening and reading WHY he's so emotional on his arguements, I see where he's coming from. I still disagree with some of his positions on issues, but I still respect the fact that contrary to your belief, he's thought issues through before reacting. With some of his social beliefs and stance on "global warming" I'm surprised you make that kind of statement, Redworm.

very true, but a patriotic pinhead!

I have to agree with that. He may be out in left field on some issues, but I see some great principles in Paul. I can't knock some of his beliefs and do respect that he does do what he says. That's very uncommon in the political realm...
Do you think the Ron Paul fan base was open minded about the reasons why O'Reilly wanted direct answers beforehand?
To get direct answers you need to ask direct questions. Questions that aren't loaded, questions that can actually be answered with simple "yes" or "no" responses. Instead it's more fun to ask questions that require a paragraph of elaboration and then pretend the other guy was dodging.
After being open minded and actually listening and reading WHY he's so emotional on his arguements, I see where he's coming from. I still disagree with some of his positions on issues, but I still respect the fact that contrary to your belief, he's thought issues through before reacting. With some of his social beliefs and stance on "global warming" I'm surprised you make that kind of statement, Redworm.
Just because he's actually smart enough to understand how science works doesn't mean he has any other redeeming qualities. :p
Thats it.....all us for Ron should just go home..........lets see.....which moderate should I vote for............
I don't think Thompson is a moderate. However if I had a nickel for everytime I hear a Paul supporter lump Thompaon in with Guliani, Romney, Hillary, and Obama I could retire.
Well I hope you see how your answer to the question "which moderate should I vote for" caused a little confusion. Why suggest Thompson if you don't think he's a moderate?

I don't give a hoot where people lump that bag of skin, as long as he never gets close to the oval office I'll be thrilled.
I don't give a hoot where people lump that bag of skin, as long as he never gets close to the oval office I'll be thrilled.

I'm going to enjoy taking your $100.

That aside, if you don't consider "that bag of skin" a conservative or a moderate, what exactly is he.
I'm going to enjoy taking your $100.

That aside, if you don't consider "that bag of skin" a conservative or a moderate, what exactly is he.
When did I say I didn't consider him a conservative?

Not that I do consider him one but I don't think I actually posted that anywhere. :p That and I don't believe everyone can be lumped into neat little categories like that.

Three classifications of political ideology is a gross oversimplification of American politics.