Ron Paul is a Pinhead...


New member least according to Bill O'reilly. In one of his cute:rolleyes: segments entitled pinheads and patriots Oreilly dubbed Ron Paul a pinhead for comments Paul made at a Q and A session at one of his rallys.

Specifically, in response to a question about his appearance on the Oreilly factor, Paul said, "what do you expect when going on Oreilly... all he want to do is interrupt... I wanted to talk about history and he doesn't want to know about history."

After the excerpt finished, Oreilly stated that he interrupted Paul for 2 reasons. First, he stated that Paul dodged the question about Iran. Second he brought up the fact that guests cant ramble on when the interview only lasts 6 minutes.

So why is this important or even relevant. Well (as someone who isn't particularly fond of Oreilly) this is the top rated news show on television watched by all sorts of likely primary voters, most of which are republican.

While some might hold to the adage that theres no such thing as bad publicity, thats not how things work in politics. Regardless of whether what Paul said was right, he, once again, came off as the angry whiner, high pitch and all.

Secondly, Bill had the last word making Paul look worse. While admitedly thats the nature of having your own show, its problematic nonetheless. It essentially left Paul with no rebuttal which didn't help his case.

Finally, and most obvious, the fact that the most popular news show by far is calling Paul a pinhead is a problem. All those voters who have never heard of Paul before or really don't know anything about him, now have the frame of reference to refer to Paul as "that guy who Oreilly called a pinhead".

No doubt the Paulites will dismiss or attack all of what I just said. Thats fine. But heres the real problem. In the day and age where everything is taped and put on tv or the net within minutes (especially when Paul is aware that he's being videotaped) you can't get away with openly mocking one of the most powerful people on the news (and doing a poor job of it at that).

If Paul doesn't have the common sense or the savvy to take chiding shots at people while still flying under the radar (like other candidates do day in and day out), then he doesn't have the experience or the skill to not step on a landmine when in office. Pissing off Oreilly gets you bad press. Doing the same to a foreign government has far worse consequences.

Theres a reason why Kennedy smiled at Khrushchev and its totally lost on Paul.
Being called a 'pinhead' by Bill O'reily has to be worth something. My stepdad used to watch Bill,talk about pinheads...
Called a 'pinhead' by Bill-O? Well..that certainly sinks the campaign. :rolleyes:
No doubt the Paulites will dismiss or attack all of what I just said.

If Paul doesn't have the common sense or the savvy to take chiding shots at people while still flying under the radar (like other candidates do day in and day out), then he doesn't have the experience or the skill to not step on a landmine when in office.
That's why it's critically important to have a candidate who is obviously fake? Believe it or not, this is one of the behaviors that many of us like about him.
Besides, I don't suspect that very many people who haven't bothered to learn any more about the candidates beyond what they saw on "O-really?" are going to get off their butts and go vote in the primary anyway.
top rated news show on television

The O'Reilly Factor is not news. It's propaganda and it's very obvious that it is. It's really sad that it's the top rated "news" show in the country. It says a lot of things about America and none of them are good.

Ron Paul should have never gone on that show. He should have known what was going to happen.
The Republican party leadership (currently neo-cons) are deathly afraid of Ron Paul. That's why the Republican machinery (and their cohorts at Fox News) are doing everything in their power to marginalize and discredit him. It will only get worse as the primary draws closer.
I don't watch O'Reilly, but sometimes I catch him on the radio, and he will no doubt at least give Paul credit for having the stones to come on his show.

I really want to like Paul because he is not fake and talks about principles related to governing as opposed to promising to be Santa Claus to various interest groups. I also happen to think that he is, unfortunately, a pinhead. He calls the notion that Iran is a threat "preposterous". Attacks on NY and the pentagon were "preposterous" too up until 09/10/2001. Ron Paul can be anti-war if he wants to, but he needs to show that he understands that there are unprincipled people out there who are a real threat. He seems to project his willingness to behave based on principles on to others, which makes him a pinhead in the real world. He has introduced good legislation, for example, but has he ever stood up to a bully? He seems to just wave the flag of principle and wait for someone to rally. Being right is great, but you still have to win a battle once in a while.
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What I really like about Ron Paul is that he will protect me from the worldwide Jewish conspiracy and the trilateral commission and let me smoke pot and from the North American Union and from the UN and he knows that George Bush caused 911 and that fire can't cut steel and from the Jews and let me smoke pot.
People stil watch that show? Where like Fox he is as fair and balanced as he wants to be. His show is more like a sermon than an interview. I stopped watching him a long time ago.
If O'Reilly is complaining about someone I will investigate further but I will NEVER take that pompous's word for anything.

If someone does they are dumb enough not to have really considerred any candidate on their own anyway.
I have to agree with "Forks". I find it very difficult to like Ron Paul, mainly because of his views on the "Axis of evil" and his "preposterous" statements regarding the tragic events of 9-11-01.

I happened to watch the Paul interview by O'Reilly, and Paul DID dodge several questions. It seemed almost as if Paul had a script to go by, but O'Reilly was asking questions out of sequence from that script! I think that Paul repeated himself THREE TIMES about wanting to give O'Reilly a "history" lesson of some sort, and he didn't seem to be able to answer with a "yes" or "no"!

Whoever "groomed" Ron Paul for his candidacy should be fired!
What I really like about Ron Paul is that he will protect me from the worldwide Jewish conspiracy and the trilateral commission and let me smoke pot and from the North American Union and from the UN and he knows that George Bush caused 911 and that fire can't cut steel and from the Jews and let me smoke pot

Yep.That's good enough for me.
Well I’d have to say that Bill O’Reilly is an arrogant, pompous and often flat-wrong pinhead and Ron Paul is a dimwitted, whiney, head-in-the-sand pinhead. It’s OK to say we were wrong to invade Iraq, but to blame ourselves for 9/11 and refuse to see a threat in Iran is stupid and irresponsible. The good thing is that this guy couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in Ron Paul County Texas.

BTW: O’Reilly’s show is the top cable show, but in viewer ship I don’t think it comes close to broadcast shows. And if you think O’Reilly’s show is about propaganda, try watching some of them. Now there’s propaganda!
I'll credit him with going on the Show; at least he had the guts to do it. Hillbama will never go on the show, because Bill asks some pretty tough questions. And he got a lot of exposure by doing it. Whether the exposure is good or bad depends on your point of view, I suppose.
So why is this important or even relevant. Well (as someone who isn't particularly fond of Oreilly) this is the top rated news show on television watched by all sorts of likely primary voters, most of which are republican.
I'm pretty sure all of Billy's viewers are Republicans. :p It's a "news" show??
While some might hold to the adage that theres no such thing as bad publicity, thats not how things work in politics. Regardless of whether what Paul said was right, he, once again, came off as the angry whiner, high pitch and all.
Well to me he came off as angry, which is a good thing. Bill O'Reilly needs to be yelled at once in a while. He makes the most ridiculous comments and when called out on his complete bull all he does is launch into a tirade of straw man arguments and other delicious fallacies.

The man appeals to pure emotion. Many of his fans later bitch and moan about liberals and their emotional responses to everything yet Bill is pure emotion. No logic, no reason, no rational argument. He's worse than Rosie.

Finally, and most obvious, the fact that the most popular news show by far is calling Paul a pinhead is a problem. All those voters who have never heard of Paul before or really don't know anything about him, now have the frame of reference to refer to Paul as "that guy who Oreilly called a pinhead".
Which for the smart folk makes him look so much better. :D

No doubt the Paulites will dismiss or attack all of what I just said. Thats fine. But heres the real problem.
Honestly though, my replies would have been identical for any candidate. I'm not defending Paul, I'm just reminding people of what it means to actually listen to O'Reilly.
I think O'Reilly is a good counter balance to Chris Matthews and some of the other left leaning journalist.With either you know what they are going to say before they say it.

I watched the interview with RP and actually sent O'Reilly an email saying that he reminded me of Matthews doing an interview in that O'Reilly could not make himself shut up.Whether I thought RP's positions made sense or not,I would like to have heard what they were.I know what O'Reilly's are.

Still,Ron Paul and myself have an equal chance of being president.
I guess there are advantages to being broke - like not having cable to bring me O'Rielly or Mathews or any other opinionated "commentator." It really is nice to be able to form an opinion by reading what Ron Paul has said in front of Congress.
But then, I didn't have the luxury of a modern education to mold my thoughts and feelings so I'd have to depend on the opinions of others (and regardless of how much he's paid, O'Rielly IS giving you his opinion) to form my own. Nor do I need Rudy Guliani (does anybody else think he looks like a snake?) to tell me what the war on terror is all about, I can read Presidential speeches, Congressional records and talk to my step-son in Iraq.
Least of all do I need the continual prattle of those who can never rise above name-calling or character assassination in their arguements.
I know that Ron Paul won't be the next President of the United States. Instead, we will elect Hillary or Rudy who will push us further down the slippery, slimy slope to the NAU and then the NWO because that's what the American public wants.
As a young man I wanted to marry, raise a family and watch them grow up happy. Now, reading all this vitriol about an honest politician and knowing what will follow, I'm truly sorry I brought them into this world.
Well- Dogcatcher aside, Kay B. Hutchison looks to be retiring soon and Ron Paul will have a nice campaign chest to run on for her Senate seat. Ron would do better in the Senate anyway.