Ron Paul he is direct.

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From the essay:

Paul rallies heave with voters waving placards and shouting “Liberty! Liberty!”

Are those supporters crazy, as some colleagues tell me?

Perhaps they are, to be shouting for liberty in 2007, after decades of swelling federal power and arrogance, of proliferating taxes, rules, and interests, of gushing transfers of wealth to politically connected elites from working- and middle-class grunts

What a load of steaming fetid crap.

Does the Bozo (a.k.a. John Derbyshire) who wrote this realize that the wealthiest 15% of Americans pay about 65% of all income tax, and that the largest transfers of wealth in our system go TO the middle class in the form of entitlement program spending?

Has the rubber-nosed, horn-honking clown (a.k.a. John Derbyshire) who wrote the essay ever heard of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Student Loans, Mortgage Interest deductions, the GI Bill, etc??
Does the hatred of Ron Paul blind one to reality. Support or don't support him as you will, but every day we lose a little more of our freedom and liberty in this country.

My wife and I are middle class - I know how much I pay in direct taxes and I can barely start to guesstimate how much I pay in hidden taxes - government mandates and regulations that cost me directly or indirectly to comply with them. I work 70 to 80 hours a week and my wife works 48 hours a week and goes to college full time, (paying her way). While raising our family we pay - after deductions (not a government hand out just some of our money that we earned and don't have to pay) around thirty two percent of our income (federal income, state income, real estate taxes) which does not include sales tax around 7 percent or more depending where you live/shop locally, and then user fees - phone, electric, etc... I had to replace a septic system this year - in the past I could have repaired it for a few hundred dollars - due to new government restrictions I had to entirely replace it costing me 5,800 dollars. My wife's relative is a small town bar owner the government just banned all smoking which will cost her thousands of dollars a year. Because of government restrictions and artificial monopolies created in the energy industry my cost for electricity and gas to heat my home in the last 14 months has increased by double, not to mention gasoline prices. Fifteen percent pay sixty-five percent of the taxes - well I am glad they are doing so well that they can pay those taxes - but that in no way means that the rest of us middle class mopes don't "pay a substantial amount of our income in taxes" in the real world.

There are a lot of us out here that are tired of the "Good God Government," not only taking and/or costing us more of our hard earned money every year, but of indefatigably sticking its busybody nose into every aspect of our lives. Maybe that is why people start standing up and paying attention when a politician actually seems to notice what is really going on, and even more so when that politician has a record for actually doing what he says he will do.

Social Security - I could have more money if I got to keep what I paid in. GI Bill - I'll remember to tell the next vet I see that he's sucking on the federal teat - cause risking his or her life for his country wasn't pay enough for all those "free" benefits. Medical benefits - seems I pay my and my families medical bills and pay a higher cost for them because of those "free handout" programs. Wonder what I would have to pay for medical bills sans subsidizing those programs and the uninsured per government mandates and regulations.
Fifteen percent pay sixty-five percent of the taxes - well I am glad they are doing so well that they can pay those taxes - but that in no way means that the rest of us middle class mopes don't "pay a substantial amount of our income in taxes" in the real world

Sorry about your septic tank.

Whereabouts in your post did you get around to rebutting that the middle class is the largest recipient of wealth transfer by the Federal Government? I must have missed it.

If Ron Paul wants to play the class warfare card it's his business (He sounds more like Dennis Kucinich every day). However, the idea that the middle class is being impoverished by taxes that are then used to enrich some wealthy elite is just crap.
However, the idea that the middle class is being impoverished by taxes that are then used to enrich some wealthy elite is just crap.

Pard the wealthy have been stepping on working people for years but it is indeed reaching a boiling point in this country, greed at the top is killing America, so called free trade, outsourcing, importing of illegal slave labor, It may suit your interest fine but it was not what America was founded on or should be. Our government now is controlled totally by wealthy corporations and any plans put forth are indeed in their interest.

While as a Conservative I believe in capitalism and the freedom to be as wealthy as possible but it is wrong when you step on people to gain that wealth so if you wish to see that as class warfare so be it and I will vote for Ron Paul.
No, I didn't miss that at all. But as I indicated implicitly that stat is about as misleading as the so called cost of living put out by our blessed governnment. Perhaps you missed the costs entailed by all the federal, state, and local regulations imposed and paid directly or indirectly by individuals. Or the fact that working individuals indirectly (therefore it is not counted in the magical stats) pay for many of those programs - not even considering the cost of the increased govt debt that we all owe and devaluation of the dollar, and increased cost of services that those of us still working don't get. I don't seem to get Social Security, or government medical benifits, et al...though I do pay more for my medical now because of them. Just like the stat about fifteen percent pay sixty-five percent of the federal income tax - well that doesn't include state taxes, realestate taxes, sales taxes, user fee taxes, corporate taxes that are paid by the consumer in the cost of products, government deficit spending that is a bill we pay interest on today, that devalues the dollars that we make today, and that someone is going to have to pay tomorrow. So when I read a nice claim that the middle class benefits from some huge transfer of wealth from the wealthy - I don't take it at face value - I look into the facts and the facts of my life and of the other working middle-class stiffs that I know, when we look at our income and the so called benefits we recieve, don't match up with the magical stat. But then again when one considers social security a "gift" from the government I guess I can begin to see where at least some of that magical stat comes from - never mind that that individuals would have more money saving/investing only a part of the money they pay into social security than what they will ever get back or that many will never live to get social security as they seem invested in continuing to raise the retirement age for recieving it. Also that magical stat doesn't take into account one of the many indirect or hidden taxes that individuals pay nor even many of the direct taxes mentioned above.

Sorry, I thought my first post pointed out how bogus and empty that claim was, guess I needed to make it explicit rather than implicit in my answer.

So explicitly, the working middle class are not subsidized by the wealthy and they do not recieve more benefits from the government than they pay for. Specifically, I pay over thirty percent of my income in federal, state, and local (mostly realestate taxes). I also pay into social security, some of which I "may" get back - but not as much as if I could have kept that money in the first place - I and other working middle class tax payers do not get government medical benefits, if one is a vet then they have paid for their GI benefits by putting their life on the line. Us working middle-class mopes also pay sales taxes, corporate taxes which are included in the price of goods, and the increased cost of goods and services from government regulations and mandates - none of these are included in the calculations that go into that massive subsidized magical transfer of wealth stat.

Of course that doesn't begin to address the even higher cost associated with the loss of individual freedom that we suffer every year from ever more intrusive government regulations.

I don't know which is more disturbing that the vast majority of politicians (republican and democrat) think we are so stupid as to buy into their rhetoric given the evidence of our daily lives or that so many people are willing to overlook the reality of life because it is easier to remain in denial than to examine or change ones cherished beliefs.

It isn't the wealth of the wealthy being transferred to the middle class and it isn't the income of the middle class being transferred to the wealthy. The problem is the wealth of individual citizens being transferred to the government and the political elites that think they know what is best for any given individual through the ever expanding myriad of government laws and regulations and the continued expansion of government power. As far as I am aware neither Ron Paul nor the majority of his supporters are against individuals making and keeping as much of their own individual wealth and liberty as possible.
Maybe I missed part of the interview but seemed like they gave RP his 2-3 minutes then moved on to talking about the Hillary / Obama race for the rest of the program. I has hoping to hear the man discuss issues. I'm getting where NBC doesn't float my boat much anymore. Besides Fox, are ABC or CBS any better?

Reguarding taxes - all middle America pays at least 50% taxes. Figure all your sales, property, gas, income, and so on and you are at least 50%. Being self employed I have to write a quarterly check to Uncle Sam and I also pay directly my propety taxes instead of through my lender. If everyone did this there would be revolt in the streets.
Today, Ron Paul said on national TV, the following.

He said that if the historical situation was that the 1964 Civil Rights Act were brought up for a vote today, he would vote against it.

He said that Abraham Lincoln was wrong to go to war over slavery, and that his plan, had he been back there, would have been to buy all the slaves and set them free.

He said these things on national tv this morning.

He showed the whole country what a flaming whack-job he really and truly is.
So when I read a nice claim that the middle class benefits from some huge transfer of wealth from the wealthy - I don't take it at face value

In my line of work I'm constantly faced with people who try to bury an opposing argument in a mountain of dense writing that says nothing. That's what you've done here.

None of what you've said refutes the fact that the American middle class benefits from a massive transfer of wealth at the Federal, State, and Local levels.

At the Federal level we've already covered transfer payments in the form of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Student loans, etc.

At the State level, you have public school spending that invariably involves transfer of money from wealthy school districts to poorer ones, similar transfers for roads, police, special needs schooling, etc.

I was glad to see Ron Paul on the Glen Beck show disagreeing with the notion that the American middle class is being impoverished by Federal transfer payments to the wealthy. He seems to have at least enough common sense to realize that it's the middle class entitlement programs that are bankrupting this country, not tax breaks for three martini lunches.
He said that Abraham Lincoln was wrong to go to war over slavery, and that his plan, had he been back there, would have been to buy all the slaves and set them free.

Is a peaceful solution so crazy? He also pointed out that no other nation needed a war to end slavery, and we lost 600,000 Americans in that war.
He said that if the historical situation was that the 1964 Civil Rights Act were brought up for a vote today, he would vote against it.

But, the reason he would vote against it is for the same reasons Reagan was against the Equal Rights Amendment.
IMHO, the fact that he supports strict compliance with the U.S. Constitution, which is often violated these days, makes him of value to me.
Whereabouts in your post did you get around to rebutting that the middle class is the largest recipient of wealth transfer by the Federal Government?

If a thief steals 75% of the belongings of 5 people, then gives one of them back 10% of what he took, then that person is the largest recipient of a wealth transfer from the thief. :) So did you have a point? :)
Is a peaceful solution so crazy? He also pointed out that no other nation needed a war to end slavery, and we lost 600,000 Americans in that war.
If he said that he knows very little about our history. Most folks couldn't give a flip about slavery and were content to let it die a natural death.
Today, Ron Paul said on national TV, the following.

He said that if the historical situation was that the 1964 Civil Rights Act were brought up for a vote today, he would vote against it.

He said that Abraham Lincoln was wrong to go to war over slavery, and that his plan, had he been back there, would have been to buy all the slaves and set them free.

He said these things on national tv this morning.

He showed the whole country what a flaming whack-job he really and truly is.
This shows how well Ron Paul is educated, and how he knows the historical facts about the economics of slavery and the War Against Southern Freedom.

It was Russert that asked the question, and Ron Paul answered it thoroughly and well.
Is anyone here surprised that Paul stated that he would vote against the civil rights act?!? He's written that 95% of black people are criminals. He accepts campaign donations from white supremeist wackos, and then doesn't return or get rid of the donations.

He's "direct", all right. He wouldn't enforce the civil rights act if he were elected president. He would rather allow blacks to live as second-class citizens, subject to the scourge of racism and bigotry.

A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for racism.
He said that Abraham Lincoln was wrong to go to war over slavery, and that his plan, had he been back there, would have been to buy all the slaves and set them free.

The American Civil War (War of Northren Aggression) was absolutley not fought to end slavery, although that falsehood is often told.

It was fought over states rights, most specifically the constitutionaly granted right of secession.

Lincoln was one of the biggest anti-spirit of the founders, facist warmongers who ever lived, bar none.
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