Ron Paul announces campaign for liberty! The revolution continues...

Who has Paul "already" directed people to vote for instead of McCain?

He hasn't stated anyone specifically to my knowledge, but he's said several times that he cannot support McCain (and even made assinine comments about potentially supporting Obama) and made efforts to make a stink at the convention.

As a result, his supporters aren't going to be voting for McCain. They will probably put their effort towards more useful things like running down Sean Hannity or repainting the blimp.
He hasn't stated anyone specifically to my knowledge

Then, factually, Paul has not "already" directed people to vote for someone other than McCain; you only deduce that Paul's lack of support for McCain will lead his supporters to vote for someone else.
Then, factually, Paul has not "already" directed people to vote for someone other than McCain; you only deduce that Paul's lack of support for McCain will lead his supporters to vote for someone else.

By telling someone you cannot support a candidate you have directed those that follow your lead to vote for someone else (or not vote at all). Especially when you've done it repeatedly.
Yep, I was gonna vote McCain until Ron Paul told me not to. I take direction extremely well. ;)

After 2 decades in congress he's got nothing to show for it.

And the other guy has McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, and McCain-Leiberman, along with the Keating 5 and that political shakedown machine called the Reform Institute.

Yep, give me one large order of NOTHING instead of all that stuff.

Until they grow up, get a job and don't have their parents money to donate to the campaign and not have all day to wax political.

Many of these kids were hearing conservative ideas for the first time because of Paul's campaign. Maybe they'll forget all about those ideas once they get out of school, and will act as if they had only heard lefty indoctrination throughout college. I have a job and still manage to think about politics. How about you? Are we so superior to these college kids, or are you misunderestimating them?

If this were any other election I would agree with you. However I don't think the traditional political paradigms are going to play out. As we have already have seen this is an election of firsts. As such I don't think its a safe bet that the chips are going to fall in their usual place.

I usually don't want to risk getting myself and TFL into the same kind of trouble with anti-terrorism laws that PayPal ran into, but in this case, I just have to ask: wanna bet? New York, California, Illinois, and Massachusetts will send electoral votes to the Dem. Name an amount.
Then Paul is invalidated on that ground as well. After 2 decades in congress he's got nothing to show for it.
Not true. After this last primary we've got 8 federal candidates who have won their primaries and 3 more we've gotten on the general ballot.
We hope to continue this for the long-term, hence the organization.

If you've got a better idea (which I frankly doubt) then by all means please share. Otherwise, I fail to see what's so bad about getting conservatives into office.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the republican party has won the executive office the last two elections and stands a good chance of winning it this time around. Hardly what I would call not getting the job done.

What job has he gotten done? How is spending doing, the size of government, nation building (wasn't that a major argument against Clinton)? Is Gov't more or less involved in our daily lives than it was 8 years ago?

The only thing sadder than a DNC liberal Kool Aid drinker is a RNC professed conservative one. The reason is the one on the "right" is at least exposed to intelligence and conservatism and libertarian ideals but is too numb to accept them.
Stwo, I wasn't going to vote for McCain before I ever heard about Ron Paul. But, I've told you that before. Continue ignoring any statements that do not fit your paradigm.