Ron Paul announces campaign for liberty! The revolution continues...

Your argument will become relevant just as soon as Ron Paul announces that he is no longer a Republican and is the nominee of some third party.

Absolutely correct. It's exasperating to see all the posts trying to compare Paul in 2008 with Perot in 1992. Paul isn't running as a third party! Voting for him in the primary is not giving the Democrat an extra vote !

The only related issue I had to watch for was a hypothetical situation where another excellent candidate is running in the Primary, but was just a few percentage points behind a much less qualified Republican. For example, let's say that in a state's primary Giuliani (or even McCain) was getting about 48% of the vote in the polls, and Thompson (an excellent candidate) was getting about 46%, with Paul getting about 7%. In that situation, I would have to seriously consider voting for Thompson instead of Paul. But, that situation never materialized in my state's primary, and I never even saw a reference on these web sites to the possibility.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're stuck with McCain, who, while not nearly as good a candidate as Thompson or Paul, is still much better than Obama.
It will continue to be this way until the Republican field a candidate who understands their oath of office and in the meantime I'll help promote candidates who do.

In other words, "I'm going to let everything go down the crapper until I get every thing I want, exactly the way I want." Life doesn't work that way and neither does politics.
Little harsh Stage 2. If he wanted to really draw media attention he would break with the Reps and vow to run as a Libertarian. Dr. Paul is not doing that. His laudable goal is to work to bring the party back to where it should be, not abandon it.

That and he would likely loose his seat in congress too.
No, Stage2. In other words, it's going down the crapper whether Obama or McCain is elected. What would be nice is if we could start working together to get out of the crapper. Unfortunately, some are so filled with hate, or something, that they cannot see the need to get away from the Obamas and McCains and get back to the Constitution.
Be happy, Stage2, we are moving further from the Constitution daily, while you stew in your hatred for Ron Paul. Good on you.
How horrifying that Americans could advocate political positions without the approval of the two major parties or being guided by the media.
No, Stage2. In other words, it's going down the crapper whether Obama or McCain is elected.

While that may be true, one is far faster than the other. I'd rather die 10 years from now from a heart attack than be shot in the head today.

What would be nice is if we could start working together to get out of the crapper.

Oh the irony. I'm not the one espousing the all or nothing position. Realpolitik is my game.

Unfortunately, some are so filled with hate, or something, that they cannot see the need to get away from the Obamas and McCains and get back to the Constitution.

I'd say its the other way around. Most people voting for McCain arent doing it brimming with excitement. They are doing it reluctantly. Your truly included. The fringe folks are the one's with unrealistic expectations and vitriol. Those folks are the ones with the "since we didn't win we're going to ruin if for the other guy" attitude.

Be happy, Stage2, we are moving further from the Constitution daily, while you stew in your hatred for Ron Paul. Good on you.

I don't think its accurate to say I hate Paul. I don't like his politics and I think he's done more bad than good for the conservative movement. Of course if he was running against Obama, I'd probably still pull the trigger for him even though I don't fancy the guy. Again, we're back to pragmatism, something that the fringe just doesn't possess.
Oh, I am very pragmatic. Since, from my point of view, it doesn't matter who wins, I'll vote to strengthen whatever party puts forth a candidate that professes to support the Constitution (and doesn't have a history of violating it). If none, then I'll write in someone. But I can vote for neither of the violators of the Constitution being put up by the big 2 parties.
How's that for pragmatism.

While you are trying to guess which is the slower route to crappiness, I'm trying to change routes away from crappiness. That's not going to happen by voting for someone on the road to the crapper, even if he is traveling slower. And there's no guarantee that McCain won't travel just as fast as Obama.
Oh, I am very pragmatic. Since, from my point of view, it doesn't matter who wins, I'll vote to strengthen whatever party puts forth a candidate that professes to support the Constitution (and doesn't have a history of violating it). If none, then I'll write in someone. But I can vote for neither of the violators of the Constitution being put up by the big 2 parties.
How's that for pragmatism.

Saying something is pragmatic doesn't make it so. Case in point. Writing someone in has never and will never accomplish anything. Voting for a party thats never going to see power will never accomplish anything. Saying it makes you feel better would be a far more justifiable reason.

You may want a more constitutional union, but you've set in place standards that ensure you'll never get there.
At least Paul has the guts to stick it out.

And that's all I have to say about that. Gimmie a box of chocolates....
"Ron Paul announces campaign for liberty!"

Good for him. And it will no doubt provide jobs for all of his relatives who had been getting paid to work on his election campaign.
Good lord it doesn't seem that long ago that the Republicans won control of congress and were going to reduce the size of government and return power to the states. Now one of the last Republicans left in the vane of Reagan and Goldwater is relentlessly lambasted, lampooned and vilified by those who claim to be conservatives. Besides McCain being a big government statist this is exactly why I've choosen to support Bob Barr.
Besides McCain being a big government statist this is exactly why I've choosen to support Bob Barr.

Sorry, but this just doesn't wash. Barr is just as much a big government guy as McCain. He just prefers to use the government to enforce morality rather than other areas. Seems to me that someone who supported Paul couldn't in good conscience support Barr as he is just as much an anathema to the constitution as McCain allegedly is.
Good lord it doesn't seem that long ago that the Republicans won control of congress and were going to reduce the size of government and return power to the states. Now one of the last Republicans left in the vane of Reagan and Goldwater is relentlessly lambasted, lampooned and vilified by those who claim to be conservatives.
Notice how he artfully dodged addressing this? :rolleyes:
Fact is, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a grassroots organization that funnels it's efforts into more libertarian and conservative candidates, yet they still complain. Why?
Only reason I can think of is they like where the party is headed.
"Now one of the last Republicans left in the vane of Reagan and Goldwater is relentlessly lambasted, lampooned and vilified by those who claim to be conservatives."

Okay, he's a great guy. He's verging on extinction as one of the last Republicans left in the vein of Reagan and Goldwater and is unelectable this year in the Presidential election.

How much did Goldwater lose by anyway? IIRC it was a lot.

And why do I always start humming the songs from Man of la Mancha when thinking about Ron Paul?

I don't think its accurate to say I hate Paul. I don't like his politics and I think he's done more bad than good for the conservative movement.

So what have the Republicans running things for the last 8 years done for the Conservative Movement?

The blind opposition to Paul among many Republicans proves to me there are as many prostitutes in the RNC as in the DNC. Both are full of pigs looking for slop and people more than willing to trample the rights of OTHER people. "Don't regulate my freedoms but tell that group they can't do this or that because I don't like it!" is the hallmark of a party whore.
You may want a more constitutional union, but you've set in place standards that ensure you'll never get there.
And how would McCain would help this? He has a history of violating the Constitution.
And don't tell me that Obama is worse. That's just fear mongering. What would McCain do to ADVANCE the Constitutional cause?
You see, I am looking for positive movement, not the slower negative movement which some of you approve, and even encourage.