Rigged USA Elections Exposed!

That's why they call it politics. Poly, from the Latin, meaning many and ticks, small blood-sucking parasites.

"As a Democracy lover ..." There's your problem right there. This is a republic. Contrary to what's taught in gov't schools today and despite the desires of some in politics

Good point. Good point.

Because a Democracy has been defined as "Three wolves and a sheep making a decision about what to have for dinner."
"mismatched exit polls"

And why would you assume anyone in their right mind would tell the pollsters the truth if they bothered to talk to them at all?

Okay, continue with the "exit poll" tantrum dance. Didn't mean to interrupt.

There's your problem right there. This is a republic. Contrary to what's taught in gov't schools today and despite the desires of some in politics.
If only the population understood the difference...
Just want to make sure I have this right............
We shouldn't have paper elections because of hanging chad and ballot box stuffing and we shouldn't have electronic elections because the software can be tampered with.
I suggest we vote with smoke signals or possibly a verbal vote.

Never mind, Bush would be blamed for a wood shortage or possibly outlaw matches. If it were verbal we would all be lieing about who we voted for in the election.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'd really like to thank all the people who decided to gum up a good thread with posts that would be juvenile coming from toddlers. Thanks, guys. Thanks. :)
I'd really like to thank all the people who decided to gum up a good thread with posts that would be juvenile coming from toddlers. Thanks, guys. Thanks.

You're most welcome, always glad to be of assistance:D

Three pages and it's not dead yet:confused:
Great discussion

Which brings us back to the conclusion, that we follow the Constitution, not executive orders, not lobbyists, not PACS, not special interest groups, and certainly not the U.N., nothing but that Constitution. Congress shall make no law. The Constitution is lawful, for it follows the ten commandments, everything else is just legal. The contrast is apparent today.
I can't tell you what "bush haters" want, but democracy lovers want a reviewable (by an ordinary person) accurate (when a candidate is selected he's selected and not maybe selected by virtue of "hanging chads").

Reviewable. Accurate.

OK, I stand corrected. Remove the phrase "democracy lovers" and replace it with "lovers of their ability to have a say in choosing who represents them". Lovers, if you will, of a republic. Of a system in which the decision of who does and does not represent is made in accordance with the will of the represented.

Having made that correction, the above quoted statement stands.
Just want to make sure I have this right............
We shouldn't have paper elections because of hanging chad and ballot box stuffing and we shouldn't have electronic elections because the software can be tampered with.
I suggest we vote with smoke signals or possibly a verbal vote.

Smoke signals might be more accurate. I repeat, why would ANYBODY want a dishonest vote count? Check the videos.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDEBMp6uwdc
