Revolver recoil question, health related

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This is an old thread, so I am not going to address anyone specific. I just want to say, regardless whether you agree with me or not about NOT squeeze the gun to death in shooting, relax the hands to shoot. The more you fight the recoil, the more you feel.

I never thought it make much difference between shooting like 9mm, 38spc or even 45ACP to 22LR. You just go with the flow. I have been shooting with hands relax as much as possible for years, I was actually surprised to learn people actually hold their gun tight to shoot. Then I hear people complaining about recoil.

Shoot with hand relax works, I am not a great shooter nowhere even close, but I am definitely above average judging by looking at other people's target. I don't shoot 357 magnum that often, but it still doesn't bother me when I shot them. The only one that recoil bother me was 12 gauge shotgun.

I am not trying to change anyone's mind, BUT anyone have problem with their hands that keep them from shooting, have an open mind and give it a try if it is choosing between not shooting OR try shooting with relax hands.

On the subject of exercise the hand, it works. I am 68, all the joints started to hurt, my knees started to buckle two years ago, feet hurts, back, neck..... I stay active, I exercise a lot, about 5 hours a week doing weights and aerobics and stretching. The pain and knee buckling got a lot better. Exercise works, I can easily keep up with people in their 30s and 40s. I can run circles around my two stepsons, I out pushup my 21 years old grandson.......... Just stay active and keep exercise. I still exercise with kick boxing type, punching and kicking on the kicking bags. I even pick up stick fighting lately.

You cannot help getting old, but you don't have to be old and act old.

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Exercise works. I am living proof, I used to go to a hard core gym until the pandemic. There were plenty of old people even into the 80s. You see them walking around doing weights, it's just so normal..............Until I went on a cruise, people even in my age using cane, walker and even wheelchairs!!! They were lazy, had to take the elevator to go up or down one floor!!! I ran up 7 floors double steps non stop. One person said "show off"!!!

It's all on you, you cannot depend on your kids, they have their own life and family, you are really on your own. If you cannot be independent, you end up in senior homes.

My wife is 75, she still go to the gym 3 times a week until the close down last year. since the pandemic, she really have trouble, body deteriorate a lot. Now that the gym is open and we got our 2nd covid shots last week, she can't wait to go back to the gym. She still walks better than her older son that is 57 years old.

In my 30s, I was into martial arts and injured my back, at one time, I couldn't even stand for 2 minutes without tingling going down my legs to the toe. I worked my way back, I am still punching and kicking heavy bags as aerobic exercise. The regiments that helped me is weight training. exercise works.

BUT it is important if you are out of shape, start slow, have a trainer to start you up and monitor you.
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Alan, so you feel confident in assuming you know why those folks on the ocean cruise trip you took had their various disabilities?

They were weak and unwilling to take care of themselves, right?

Must be nice. I wish I had your intuition.
Alan, so you feel confident in assuming you know why those folks on the ocean cruise trip you took had their various disabilities?

They were weak and unwilling to take care of themselves, right?

Must be nice. I wish I had your intuition.

I took many cruses like two or three times a year for many years( not last year, we had to cancel because of covid). The picture is the same, just different people. Don't take my word, take a cruise. People in Carnival are younger, but try Princess cruise or others, you'll see.

Two years ago, I started to have problem with my knees and foot, I started to have problem going down the stairs. I work out, but more concentrate on the upper body as a lot of people do. My knees started to buckle when I walk down the stairs. This is not good!!! I started concentrate on my lower body. I start doing squat( no weights), it was so hard to go down. I started making squat as part of my daily regiment, just go low to within comfort, but slowly go lower and lower until I can go fully down. I practice everyday after shower, squeegee the wall and the shower door and squat all the way down 10 times or so a day. I also holding dumbbells and wear weighted jacket totaling 120lbs and do squats 3 sets of 10 once a week as exercise. Nothing to write home about, but just keep active.

Then I started going up and down the stairs to 2nd floor, going 2 steps per step when going up, repeat 14 times, once a week, stretching the knees and other exercise. The foot pain and knee buckle are gone now.

I don't have a medical degree, I cannot suggest anyone to do anything. I can only talk about my experience and my journey of getting old, overcome pain and injuries.
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Well, you can make fun of it, it's not my loss. I know there are a lot of old people here, I thought I share my experience.

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