Revolution Timing?

Would you be willing to put your life on the line if continued liberty called for it?

  • Not under any circumstances.

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Possibly, if forced by my location, or personal situation.

    Votes: 8 13.3%
  • Very likely to do so, but would have to be a life-or-death setting for me.

    Votes: 30 50.0%
  • I would do so gladly, under any conditions.

    Votes: 21 35.0%

  • Total voters
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In looking to our forefathers for guidance, I think it is important to remember that one of their major complaints was that they had no representation. Our forefathers had actually organized politically long before the revolution and controlled many of the colonial legislatures. They owned newspapers. They were important leaders in their communities.

They weren't guys who were solely organized around the idea of an armed confrontation. They were masters of all the tools of modern warfare - communications, PR, information, logistics.

The great thing about the system they set up is it serves as a pretty reliable proxy for warfare without the destruction of infrastructure. If you can't win a political campaign, you probably aren't going to win an armed conflict either.

You are correct. Convincing someone to vote for you is a hell of a lot easier than convincing them to pick up their gun a follow you to war.

If you have the ability to convince the requisite number of people to follow you to revolution through arms you certainly have he ability to recruit enough to win at the ballot box.
Personally, I can't go so far as to say that there is no way that I'd ever participate in a revolt against the powers that be. I recognize that a very significant reason the 2nd Amendment is there is to allow for revolution. The implied threat of revolution is part of the checks and balances of our political system. Disgusted as I am with the current powers that be in our Federal Government, I don't feel that now is the time to play the revolution card. It has to get even worse than it is (they have to actually carry out their intended plans), and we need to allow for a few election cycles to flush these miscreants out of the system before resorting to such. Now, if they were to just trash the system by suspending elections, declaring martial law, shooting or jailing the opposition, confiscating civilian weapons, or otherwise doing something like a rehash of the post-WWI Russia or the '30's Germany, then I'd change my mind in a hurry, as I suspect a whole lot of others would as well.

When the time for revolution comes, it'll be obvious to the reasonable patriotic person.
One additional problem arises in the advent of a "revolution".

The Civil War was viewed as two different events. The South believed they were seceding from a voluntary entry into the United States. Abraham Lincoln believed, and proceeded with what he believed was an armed insurrection. This allowed him (again, in his belief), that habeas corpus could be suspended, and that he was allowed super-constitutional powers.

Lincoln was supported for the most part, by Northerners who believed in the preservation of the union.

This isn't to state that a successful secession couldn't succeed. It, however, seems unlikely.
Great social changes have been instituted in the USA by convincing the public of the correctness of your cause and wielding power via the ballot box.

African-americans were slaves and couldn't vote. Women couldn't vote. Now we have an African-american president and several viable female contenders for the presidency.

Wars that were not supported were ended by the ballot box and not by revolution.

Only some in the gun world are so fearful that they cannot convice others of the righteous nature of the RKBA and the use of the ballot box that they have to propose revolution and put on the tin foil combat beanie.


That is the time to resist. When the handcuffs come out. NOT after you put them on.

The trick, of course, is to recognise the handcuffs for what they are. Even if they have a cute fur cover on them.

I can't give you a definate answer of when that time is, only that it is not today. Tomorrow things may be different. I don't see any handcuffs yet. But there is something glinting in the distant light.

Also, this. Revolution is always supposed to be a last resort, which is why many in polite society get a little uncomfortable when some folks like to talk just a little too much about it. It gives the impression that you're waiting for it. I hope any revolution doesn't come in my lifetime, or that of my children, or of their children.

As far as handcuffs go, there was an interesting post a while back in the old L&P forum basically explaining why second amendment rights are not the only concern to a free society, or even necessarily the greatest concern. As far as handcuffs go, I'd consider increasing restrictions on freedom of speech, press, and assembly to be much more worrying than some silly ban on semi-automatic rifles. The former are much more powerful tools to fight a tyrannical government, especially one as well-armed as ours, than an AR-15.

Not that the rifles won't help, of course. But one might argue that it's easier to get ahold of some rifles (there are plenty in the world, and somebody will always be willing to profit off a revolution) than to regain the ability to easily communicate, organize, and rally others to your cause.
Now, if they were to just trash the system by suspending elections, declaring martial law, shooting or jailing the opposition, confiscating civilian weapons, or otherwise doing something like a rehash of the post-WWI Russia or the '30's Germany, then I'd change my mind in a hurry, as I suspect a whole lot of others would as well.
When the time for revolution comes, it'll be obvious to the reasonable patriotic person.

This is pretty much how I feel on this topic. The Constitution is there to protect the people and limit the government. Those that have taken oaths to defend and protect it are likely to be prosecuted if they blatantly choose not to. The legal and election system are a far more preferable route to take to eject those that no longer think the Constitution is a viable document.
Timing can be tricky. What you want to do well before you pull the distributor is to mark the housing and the flange of the distributor so you index it's position.

If you fail this, get an old distributor cap. Remove your good one. Crash out the #1 post with a punch, and then drill out the hole so it is a BIG hole. Install it onto your distributor. Now you can make sure your rotor is pointing to the #1 post when you install it

Now, get in the car. The distributor's out so it won't start. While you 'bump' the starter (move it ever so slightly with the key) a friend has his finger in the #1 spark plug hole. No I'm not kidding. This will allow you to judge when the compression is 'lost'.

You'll either be timed or damn close to it, or 180* off. If that happens, bump her around the crank again and you've got it

Bear in mid that the cam gear is cut on an angle, and the rotor will rotate slightly as you install it. This is where a lot of mistakes happen- you line up your index marks, but the engine runs like crap...well, the rotor was off a little bit, and you can't advance or retard the spark enough by just turning the distributor to make up the difference. So timing can be tricky, and it's why I always recommend the old distributor cap trick
When I first saw the title I recall thinking " How could a SIG Revolution have a timing issue? Its not a revolver?!?!?"

Thanks Chris for the timing lesson...LOL
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Oh man, when I read this I was sure it was locked.

Nobody knows what they will do until confronted with the actual decision.

I'd like to think that I would always stand up for what I thought was right, but there are just too many variables that come into play.
I'm familiar with the history. I wasn't being literal, I was being sarcastic.
Yep, I figured that.

I was just being literal AND sarcastic -- simultaneously! After all, it is possible that there are people on this forum who aren't familiar with the history behind it...
Interesting poll and good thread...but the true question is...

Are you willing to murder, or participate in acts that will lead to the murder of your fellow Americans over political issues?

See Il'yich's quote below and give ol Pete Townsend a glance

WildthatswhatarevolutionisallaboutAlaska TM
Are you willing to murder, or participate in acts that will lead to the murder of your fellow Americans over political issues?

Very valid question, but a two-way street.
Would military, NG, and LEO's be willing to do the same, if ordered to do so? I know history has shown there to be several instances of this (i.e. Kent State), but what if (purely hypothetically, of course) both sides main intent and common cause was to protect and defend the Consitution from an outside source wishing to destroy it?
Would military, NG, and LEO's be willing to do the same, if ordered to do so?

But thats not the issue here is it. Thats an issue to be addressed to those folks.

Y'all can cloak the idea of revolution in any highfaltutin lingo you want, but the fact remains that historically, every true revolution (and the American "Revolution" wasnt one) leads to bodies in ditches.

WildupagainstthewallAlaska TM
Make ourseves heard

We, the silent majority , have been silent too long. If our "unbiased" media is only going to print the anti's side of the issue the only alternative we have is make the most of the organizations we have that are printing the truth and be active in promoting firearm freedom in our daily life verbally to everyone we meet. If the American citizens, who have never been around guns or have no experience with guns, keep having the anti gun views hammered into their heads by the media and idiots like Feinstein, Pelosi, Clinton, Holder etc. we have to combat them with what we have. We are like a big old bear. We need to come out of hibernation and start living in the real world. Write your elected officials and remind them that we "hired" them and we can also "fire" them. I have noticed, as have most of you I'm sure, that when you start talking about votes, politicians have a way of hearing better. stay safe and be a walking advertisment for the 2A.


In my book, and it is mine, It is not a murder to kill the opressor like it is not a murder to execute a criminal who commited murder.

The cliche is that if you could have killed Hitler in 1918 it would have been murder because at that time he was innocent. But if you could have killed him after the long knife night, it would have been Justice...

I strongly believe we have elected and nominated individuals in the Government working against the good of the People for their own and their friends good. They know what they do will hurt (and currently hurts) millions of people but they do it again. What they do is legal, but they are morally criminals..and we are morally criminals to let them do it.

Thank you
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