restoring a rusted 1848 uberti

Definitiely worth the effort.

These pistols are a lot of fun to work on. You learn a lot by fooling with them.

Love to see the progress (photos) as you move forward.

i have not worked on it in a few days, but will keep posting pics as i go. thanks for all the advise...
restarting work on the uberti...

i had to put the refinishing job on hold till i get done with a set of grips for a friend for his 1911. just about done then i can get back on the refinish.
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restarting work on the uberti...

well i have found some time to start working on the uberti for a few days and thought i'd share a few pics. i think its going pretty good for my first time restoring a gun like this. the next step is to clean and reblue all the parts.. thanks for looking, brian
Is it now polished to a high shine or have you blued it? Hard for me to tell from the pics.. I have had good luck with cold blue , once I've brought it to that level of polish. I'll know I'll get all types of yeah's and ney's about the cold blue, but for me , with proper preparation, you can get a pretty good finish on a project gun like yours with it.JMHO
I knew someone would come along saying how wonderful cold bluing is.
It's not. It sucks, stinks, wears off, promotes rust.
It's the finish of amateurs.
Looks good so far. I used to know a fella that jeweled firearms as a hobby. That might be something to try.

These BP guns are good ones to practice on. Not many are going to shed a tear over a bubba'd run of the mill dime a dozen Italian BP gun.

You might get yourself a nipple wrench and remove the nipples from the cylinder before refinishing.

A somewhat common practice is to "Defarb" & Antique the finish of run of the mill Italian BP revolvers removing the lettering and making them look like old Civil War era guns.

More on that in these threads:

One more:
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Thanks Bill,
I figured you would chime in
I am an amateur and have done well with cold blue on a piece that isn't meant to be a beauty queen
Bite me, Thank you very much:)
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I forgot to add earlier, that now that you have it polished, you should spray that down with Brownell's Hold, or something similar, as if you don't, it will rust again in no time. You can keep applying Hold until you get ready to blue it. I would reapply it every 4-5 days, you just spray it on. Any good cleaner will remove it, before you start to blue.

Hold is only available now, by the gallon, and it runs around $35.00 or so. I fill a pint spray bottle with it, and spray the parts as soon as they're polished.
lets see, i am just about ready to do the cold reblue and will do it outside when the temp gets higher than it has been. here in fl its starting to rain when i go out to do it so i have to be picky about when i do it. i hope it turns out ok but i will keep in mind about the hot blue. i am done sanding and took it from 180,220,320,400,600,800 and finished it with 1500 then used met-all polish with terrycloth to get the mirror finish on all parts. i have used blue and rust remover and it cleaned up pretty good around the internals on the barrel part of it.... i am not concerned too much about how long the blue will last because i realy enjoyed doing this and will redo it if it needs it latter, sharing it with you all is awesome and i would like to thank you for the comments and i will post pics when i get it done, its hard to find the time to set and work on this since i am not working do to me careing for my wife that has 2 strokes and has lost the use of her left side. so i do what i can after she is settled in for the night. have a great night all...
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i just had a few minutes and put the uberti together for a test fit to see how it looked and i will start the reblue this weekend...