Report of Worn Holster causing AD

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I've carried a 1911 off and on for 20 years, holsters with straps and without. I check the safety all the time and have never found it to be off safe.
so does it make you inability to keep your safety engaged user error or the fault of the machine.

Me either and I've cc'd a 1911 for 30+ yrs. If at the end of every day, I found my safety off, I think I'd find a different mode of carry.
What for you boys do for a living, and how active are you while wearing your gun? Are you a desk or car jockey, living in a controlled environment, or do you "work" for a living?

Some of us are a lot more active than others and live in a very differrent world. I dont sit in an office or ride around in a car. My day is usually pretty active, outdoors, all day, in all weather, and no matter what holster Ive used, I often found the safety on my 1911's off at some point during the day. Kydex (Blade Tech IWB) with a sweat shield always worked best, and what I used for the last ten years or so of carrying a 1911, but even then, Id still find it off.

Now my buddy, who carries when it suits him (and hes carried 30+ years too), still has the original leather holster he got with the gun, and both look new. He says his safety never comes off too, but then again, he doesnt do anything but sit behind a desk, is about 60 pounds overweight, and sweats like a pig from the air to the car and then from the car to the house. Come to think of it, he looks a lot like the boy in the first post with the hole in his butt. :)

These days, I carry a Glock same way as this. (Sorry, I dont have a Dunlop, so maybe thats the problem, eh? :))


The old Commander here was at the end of its career here, and both it and the holster were together just over 10 years at that point. I still have both, and both, though well worn, are still very serviceable. Before that Blade Tech holster though, I used to go through two good leather holsters a year, and I know what a wet leather holster is like and why you dont want one. The one in the link in the first post, aint even damp. ;)
Im sure it was something in the coolaid...
Which coolaide? :rolleyes:

"Hand wringing" lemon, or "Aint Skeerd" cherry? ;)

Maybe if some who are such ardent 1911 fans were to actually spend some time with a Glock, they'd know that so much of the BS that gets passed around, is just that BS. The again, it just reinforces the lack of knowledge on the part of those who choose to "baffle'em".

This is just like the AR vs AK thing. Maybe if the drinkers on both sides were to mix things up a little, they'd have a whole different outlook on things.

Some of us understand that its not the gun thats the problem in most of these cases. If you cant shoot it, or cant operate it, thats not the guns fault. Thats just a short coming on the weakest link in the equation.
The bottom line for me is you can sing the praise of the Glock tell the cows come home and I would never even consider carrying it the places I have been for the military nor the places I may go in the future for myself. Claim perfection all you like but a simple google and looking around various forums shows pretty quickly that they have problems just like any other gun.

The coolade makes em grumpy too... :)
I couldnt care less what you carry or use. But dont try to tell me they are "bad", only because "you" dont like them. Thats simply your opinion.

Ive actually used both (as well as a few others), and know whats what with them. Koolaide has nothing to do with it. Its purely about what works. These days for me, it just happens to be a Glock. The only reason its no longer SIG or HK, is because they priced themselves out of my market. 1911's, well, if it aint a Colt, whats the point?

If you look at any of them critically, youre going to find that they all have had their issues. As I said earlier, the math only adds up if you take everything in context. Internet posts based on opinion, dont count.
When Glock Gets to be 100 and the same basic model is still in production and use, well then you will have me over a barrel, until then not so much.

I guess your opinion has as much value as mine, so were stuck and might as well move on....

By the way I did like your MK II you posted....
Hey, what ever floats your boat. As long as they work and work for you. This whole thing here was a holster issue that everyone seems to want to turn into a gun issue, thats all.

Yea, the old MKII is pretty much my favorite, and that one and I spent a lot of time together. You can blame Mike Echanis for my addiction to them. I was just way to impressionable back then and never got over it. :)

For that type of knife, theyre pretty hard to beat. To bad they dont make them like they once did. The new ones flat out suck, and I told them so when I got one. They didnt seem to mind either. :(

Oh well, I got mine! (and a spare) :D
The discussion about Glock retooling to add a thumb safety presupposes both that Glock wants to add a safety and that their customers demand it. Without meaning to offend any individuals who have posted, I don't see how you can participate in handgun forums for any length of time and not realize that there is a significant number of buyers who want the simplicity of a handgun without a thumb safety, or that an enormous number people purchase, use, and carry them on a regular basis with sufficient attention to handling, including holster selection and use, to avoid untoward incidents.

Don't you think the Brady Bunch would love us to help them mandate thumb safeties? What other "safeties" do you think would be mandated next?
some who are such ardent 1911 fans were to actually spend some time with a Glock

Had one for 2 years, went back to my 1911. just isnt for me, not gonna bash it, just isnt for me same as a XD just dont fit right nor feel right to me.

I also sold off them taurus semis I had awful long travel on the trigger, didnt feel right went to a high power for the 9mm or went back to it Ishould say.

Glocks, like a 1973 Volkswagon beetle are not for everyone :)
I am not blaming the gun for this incident... External safety's may have helped but the bottom line is the user didn't holster the gun correctly and didn't check himself.

For any gun to be safe it has to be handled in a safe manner and the photo makes it clear (or at least it is to me) that this gun wasnt holstered safely, this never should have happened..

Soft leather or weapon type is an excuse for user error..... in this specific case...
This whole thing here was a holster issue that everyone seems to want to turn into a gun issue, thats all.

Yep, that happens when a thread hits over 100 posts. We've pretty much run out of new things to say about the OP's problem, and the thread's wandered around like a drunken ballerina :D.

Besides, I think the OP's been thrashed soundly enough ;).

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