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No, it's not reading too deep. Some folks really do take immense pleasure in causing pain and killing. It's those sick individuals we (cowards) who take great offense to... not "real hunters". It's those who take "immense pleasure" in the kill... yeah... those folks are just one step away from killing people.
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I feel remorse when putting down family pets. I feel remorse when I wound an animal and it gets away. I do not feel remorse for a clean kill no matter how ethical/unethical other people may think that the deed was. then again I'm a religious nutbag that says a prayer of thanks every time I walk up on an animal that I've killed.
sorry, I didn't read the thread. I just wanted to throw in my .02. no offense was taken.

I also "hunt" squirrels, black birds, praire dogs, rabbits, and other varmints that I have no intention on eating... am I one of the guys that takes immense pleasure in killing for the sake of killing?
There's a big leap between taking immense pleasure specifically in killing something, and feeling good about having successfully completed a hunt, especially if the result is a nice trophy or having made a particularly difficult shot. Most do feel something in the process.. if you want to feel some reverence toward your prey that is fine, but some choose not to.

I grew up party hunting with groups of shotgun hunters, which were also groups of farmers. Believe me, nobody was off crying in a corner after they killed a deer, they tagged it, dressed it, and threw it in the back of the pickup like everybody else. We're not there to share our emotions, we're there to shoot some deer and drink a beer after hunting light is over.
Somehow, these threads always degenerate to a couple of guys talking about others taking immense pleasure in pain and suffering, even though nobody else in the thread ever says that they have such pleasure in the pain and suffering.

In fact, I don't recall ever having seen any such posts on TFL.

Now, this is not to say that these folks who insist on all this pain and suffering talk don't/won't say that they do find such posts, it's to say that it is, quite literally, in their own imaginations.

It's classic vilification.

One thing that these threads have in common (unfortunately along with many others on TFL) is that folks seem to go out of their way to misunderstand and/or mischaracterize the opposite argument.

There's no "can you explain that further", there's no "maybe he doesn't mean that like I read it..."

Nope. Just blow ups, denegration, innuendo, flaming and invectives.

It's embarrassing, or should be. Apparently it's not, as it just keeps happening over and over.
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