Remington 770 vs. Savage (non-accu trigger) both are package deals

stinger 427

New member
Is the Remington 770 really that bad? The Savage is the superior rifle here? The caliber is 30.06.
What's the reason that the Remington 770 has such a bad reputation?:eek:
The 770 was designed to be cheap to manufacture and it has many shortcuts such as a press fit barrel instead of a barrel screwed into the receiver. It cannot be upgraded. The 770 is trying to survive on the Remington name alone. The 770's previous incarnation was the model 710 and it didn't have a good reputation either. If all you care about is making loud noises and occasionally hitting a deer sized target, then the 770 may be for you (if you happen to get a good one).

The Savage has a reputation for accuracy straight out-of-the-box and it can be upgraded.

Another alternative is to find a Howa hunter's package.
The savage can be upgraded, rebuilt if ever needed, and is a decent rifle. The other is disposable. A package deal is not as bad as people make it sound. I have bought them and never had a scope fail on me. The clarity isnt great but it works for hunting on these inexpensive scopes.
I didn't accept delivery of the Rem 770 and got a refund. To reassure myself on this decision I played with the bolt action and it isn't smooth and would be terrible for follow up shots. It's a heavy rifle too. I checked out two versions of the Savage both in 30.06 one for $399 and the other for $499 and the actions were superior to the Remington 770.

I have decided to go with the Baretta T-3 it has the smoothest action and you can see the quality in it. If I didn't know about the Baretta then I would have got one of those Savages which are readily available though I'm in no hurry as I have all the time in the world pending price increases and availability of these rifles.

If memory serves me correct when I compared these guns a few months ago:
The Baretta T-3, Savage, Remington, CZ and Vanguard,
the Baretta really shined in the bolt action over all of them being so smooth for follow up shots.

The heavier Remington clearly the bolt kept getting hung up. The Savage was a little better but didn't hang up as much as the Rem 770.

The only thing I remember about the CZ was that it was a larger heavier gun with nice wood stock for $549 made in CZech. Same thing with the Vanguard priced at $649 great looking wood stock but a large rifle made in Japan.

Both of these rifles are loaded via floor plate which is slower and more difficult to load than pre-loaded detachable clips like on the Baretta.

I don't think the smoothness of the bolt actions got my attention on the Vanguard and CZ like the Baretta T-3 did where it really stood out as well as the lighter weight of rifle which means more recoil.

I have found a place that has both of these guns but you have to pre-pay for the CZ and then they can take 10% of the price of $689 so in this case I would be buying a gun with a great reputation but not really knowing how it felt which would be a poor basis to make a decision for purchase but at a great price.

The Baretta I already know how that rifle feels and it is more obtainable to find but I know now that's the one I want and but price difference is only 30.00 between Baretta and the CZ in this case.

I would still want to give the CZ the benefit of a doubt since it has a great reputation and see what that feels like because at 689 minus 10% is the best price I have found so far on a CZ but again as previously mentioned you have to prepay for a rifle that I can't be as sure of like the Baretta.

Maybe I should get both of them?:D

Or get the CZ first since the opportunity is there:confused:

I have a gun collecting friend that said If he were only able to have one rifle it would be the Mauser and the CZ is the closest to it. All the others are pushers.:confused:
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I would go CZ. They have an outstanding reputation for a reason. They also come with a lot of options that normally aren't standard: set trigger, nice wood, and my favorite- iron sights. There are also a lot of upgrades available for them and there are even people who specialize in customizing them, like AHR.

A detachable mag isn't a necessity in a hunting rifle and I wouldn't let that be the selling point for buying the Beretta. You will likely never get into a situation where you will need to change mags. When I got out with a bolt action I fill it up and put a spare round in each pocket. I've never needed more than 1 or 2 shots total.

If I ever quit buying old guns a CZ FS in 6.5x55 is on top of my list.
Wow! The CZ is really getting high marks I just wish there was a way I could get a hold of one to make a final decision. As far as the loading goes do you mean one shot one kill usually follow up shots aren't needed but it is the accuracy to begin with?:confused:
I gather it is the CZ 550 American that's the most accurate out of the selection?
In the price range you've listed so far I have to say that the CZ is the winner for accuracy, although a Vanguard or Savage isn't far behind.

And you don't load a rifle through the floorplate you load by putting the bolt to the rear and loading the rounds from the top. The floorplate is only there to allow you to unload the rifle if something goes wrong with the bolt and you need to empty the magazine.

If you were to give me a Rem 770 and I couldn't sell it I wouldn't take it, not worth the room in my safe's. Savage or Stevens are far superior.
Jimro my mistake I meant that the two rifles have different loading systems the top feed with the built in magazine if that's what you call it and then the detachable clip which I'm used to.:D
The Remington 770 is a disgrace to everything done in the name of engineering. I saw one come into the local shop with the bold handle broken off- turns out Remington is essentially soldering them on....
I have owned several Savage rifles, and in regards to value recieved- price, performance and overall quality- noone compares, IMO. I own a 110 package rifle (have since replaced the scope), and it is my best shooter, bar none. I don't know your reasons for purchasing a package gun specifically, but I would consider Marlin Mr-7 or XR-7 if price is the primary consideration. I own an MR-7 in .270, and am very pleased with everything about it. I saw a XR-7 at the gun shop last week for $319, brand new. It had a very nice camo stock. That, coupled with a Tasco World Class (a better scope than the package scopes, by far) and scope bases and rings would put you around $380 plus tax and fees. This is just another suggestion to further cloud your decision-making ability;) The reason I suggest it is that is what I would do now if I were in the market with a similar budget.

As far as the loading goes do you mean one shot one kill usually follow up shots aren't needed but it is the accuracy to begin with?

It depends on shot placement, bullet selection, etc. Accuracy does play a part in that too. And yes, if you don't think you can kill the animal in one shot, you shouldn't take it. It doesn't happen every time and sometimes you need a follow up but it should be the goal. I once had to make a follow up on a sow who pretty much had jelly for lungs, just to prove to her she was dead. If it takes you a whole mag to put down any animal you are either using the wrong gun or you don't need to be hunting. And odds are, if you miss with the first shot, the animal won't be there for the second.
Biggfats the follow up shots are for the range. One shot one kill what I mean by that is I would like to get the bulls eye with the first shot.:D
The Savage combo is excellent! Removable mag, sweet butt pad, and a solid performing rifle for $450. It is no problem to upgrade to a accutrigger but I shot this combo in .270 the other day and made a few raggedy single-hole 100 yard groups. The scope is a cheap simmons but it worked fine. It was actually the same scope I got for $50 to put on my .22, hahaha.

Oh, and I have held the 770. It sucked.