Remind me why *** Someone*** would want an unfinished 80% Glock knock off...

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That's a good example from recent history.

The perception was that bumpstocks were a loophole and once they came into the public eye, the limits were changed. In that case (at least so far) there has been very little "collateral damage".

I think it's reasonable to expect the same kind of thing from the 80% receiver situation. If it is pushed into the public eye and gets sufficient attention, there will probably be an attempt to change the limits of the law to eliminate what is perceived to be a loophole.
And all the hue and cry about "evil" bump stocks derived -- essentially -- from ONE incident: the Las Vegas Harvest Festival shooting.

And, yes, a number of people were killed in that incident. The reality was, though, that because of the shooter's location and the enclosed nature of the concert venue, it was basically shooting fish in a barrel and the use of the bump stock probably didn't make a lot of difference to the casualty count.
I have an 80% Glock frame that I bought on a great sale ($25) several years ago. I thought it looked like a fun project that would result in another range toy. Then I looked at the cost of all the parts to build it into a functional handgun... It's still sitting in the original box in my dresser. For less than the cost of parts to build a pistol of dubious quality, I could just buy a Glock (or many other similar guns) and have one that I would feel I can rely on in a pinch. I even thought about just building it into a .22, but all of the .22LR Glock kits I've looked into are horribly unreliable. I still think it would be fun to have a gun that I "made", but the dollars involved just don't tally up to being worth the novelty value, IMO. Oh well, maybe I'll graft the grip onto a coffee mug.
I've been around long enough to understand a basic truth: when it comes to "compromise" regarding gun control vs the Second Amendment, the people who want to take your guns have never yielded a single inch in exchange for ill-gotten concessions from pro-Second Amendment advocates. Pro-gun folks, on the other hand, have given up yards of freedom in the vain hope of agreeing to a compromised truce. Yet, leftists (who want way more of your liberty than guns but understand that history has proven that gun confiscation has to come first before their goal of complete societal domination and control can be achieved) clamor for still more. They will never be satisfied until they have everything.

These people, sadly, are in power now and everything needed to rob you of your rights (including but not limited to the socialist Democratic party, academia, activist courts, the mainstream media, the social media giants, so-called community activists [aka Black Lives Matter and their ilk] and liberal entertainment as evidenced by late-night tv and Hollywood) is finally in place and they are eager to start the war against liberty and individual freedom; a war against all of the values and tradition America has stood for for the past couple of centuries.

Accordingly, I am not willing to cede one millimeter more to their unrequited demands; not magazine capacity, not muzzle suppression devices, not gun show "loop-holes", not "red flag" pre-emptive laws, not "assault" rifle bans, not the length of a bayonet, not "bump stocks" and, yes, not "ghost guns". Not now, not ever. The lines have been drawn and we'd best stop quibbling amongst ourselves and start circling the wagons together.

From these cold, dead hands...
What hoodlum wants to spend $500 + on parts and make it themselves when they can steal or buy something cheaper?

How is this "ghost" gun anymore of a ghost than the firearms criminals currently have in their possession tonight? Those firearms may even have serial numbers but it's not leading to their arrest, they are only recovered after an encounter.
I saw a Glock 21 at a pawn shop back in January 2020 for $250. Someone had extensively "stippled" it with a soldering iron. Hack job. Almost bought it. That would have made for a nice 80% project.
This thread has been spinning in circles for a couple pages now, with some valid arguments and some serious misconceptions.

It is now too far off the OP topic to be allowed to go on.

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