Rem SPS 16.5 Tactical .308

I have the R700 ACC SD which is the same, just a 20" bbl. Excellent shooter for short range but the shorter barrel gives up a bit of velocity and precision at 600 yds where is where I do a lot of my target shooting, I bought the ACC for shooting subsonic suppressed at 200 meters. Awesome platform for this specific usage.
I corrected that 100, shoulda been 400.
The .308 is less sensitive to the shorter barrel in velocity loss than some other calibers, so not worried about that. I want a short package.

Yes, and speaking of short packages in .308, my 16.1" Mini-G pitches IMI 150gn FMJ ammo to an average of 2666fps. That same ammo averages about 2800fps from a 24" barreled bolt gun. The velocity loss is not as great as some might believe ... The quirk there, of course, is the Mini's semi-auto Garand-based gas system (using a Schuster adj M1 gas plug) as against the bolt action, but you can still get some appreciation of the drop-off in fps from the shorter tube.

The power should be there at 400, I'm more concerned about the accuracy.

Yes, at normal 'hunting ranges' on big game animals, the shorter barrel will have little effect on killing power (foot pounds of energy) if your shot-placement puts the slug in the kill zone.

By the way, Shuff sells dozens of 16" Mini-Gs each year to Alaskan residents, with most of those having been re-barreled to .35 Whelen - for the hunting of, or protection against, big bears, Moose, caribou, etc.

I believe the whole idea behind the SPS tactical was to add a suppressor to the threaded barrel. This should also give a small velocity boost depending upon the load.

Yes, and yes. I've shot suppressed 16" bolt guns and there is a small but consistent 'back-boost' effect on velocity from the can. The effect is also there on 16" (and shorter) semi-autos running a can.
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You think a 16.5” barrel .308 is loud, my SBR is a .308 with a 12” barrel, :eek:. It now wears a linear comp... My feelings towards Remington aside, congrats on the new rifle. Not a Remington but a short barreled .308 story. I used to have a Savage 10P-SR in .308 with an 18” barrel. I used it in a rifle/target competition once. This comp was steel targets from 100-300 yards and firing from all different positions. Sitting, kneeling, laying, standing, and any other position you can think of. Most of the other shooters brought custom rifles of some sort with the most common being chassis rifles with 24” or longer barrels. Me and my little savage did better than over half of the other shooters and shined when standing because of the light weight and short length.
Shorties CAN shoot. :)
The key is good material to begin with.

I've had Savages here that shot well, but wanted the little SPS base metal to build on.
Depending on how well the bolt's set up, it MIGHT get an aftermarket there, too.

Hope it's not needed, the idea is use as many drop-in components as possible with as little gunsmithing as possible, while still getting good performance.
Always wanted a 16 in 308 bolt. Have several 16 in semi's. With shorter frame/arms, longer barrels move that center of gravity way out there. Thinking on getting RPR 308 cut down and threaded. Would fold down nice and compact.
Stock, trigger, scope all here, gun is not.
Waiting for it to come in so we can determine ring height.

Remington moves very slowly. :)
Man, that’s killer!

Goal is a short & handy quality package to engage from 50-400 yards, if needed.
The .308 is fairly forgiving of a shorter barrel.

Nice. Me too. But 400 is a little close.

I’ve been thinking about this rife for a little while with an eye to it being the “perfect” trunk gun for me out here in KS where things can open up to insane distances. When I was in the city 24/7, I had a shotgun in the trunk and all was good. Then when I started to regular north-central KS, I bought a nice Marlin 336 30-30 lever for the trunk. Love that rifle with its little 16” barrel as well. But 200 yards (max range of my lever), even defensively, can be short out here if someone has you pinned down. There’s not much to hide behind! So I got to thinking about something that’ll reach out farther.

At first, my thinking was all about the lightweights. Kimber Adirondack, Barrett Fieldcraft. Fantastic rifles that are great if you got to hoof it, but those pencil barrels are pretty thin! I could see some stringing after the third shot if not the second. Great rifles for stalking and making the kill when hunting, but not much good for defensive purposes.

Then I saw this rifle. A bull barreled 16.5” .308 - I figured it was a nice little platform! One that might just be my perfect trunk gun that could also double for hunting and some “long range” target shooting.

Ok, long range is subjective, but being the .308 out of that barrel will stay supersonic out to 850 yards with a light bullet (150gr), I figure it’s a 800 yard gun. That’s pretty darn far! Moreover, the harmonics on a barrel that short should lend itself to being able to actually hit things out that far!

It’ll be a handy rifle for sure! I’ve handled rifles that are “top heavy” before, they balance great for me. It takes em a while to swing, but once in action, they swing (track) great... but only if they aren’t too heavy! And that’s my task. If it’s going to go out hunting too, it’s got to stay relatively light.

I knew that the rifle might need some aftermarket stuff, and that’s ok, but now it’ll be all about the weight for me. They say it’s a 7.5lb rifle. Which is odd because the exact same rifle with a 20” barrel they (Remington) say is 7.5lbs too lol!

I figure if I can get a lightweight stock, say 2lb, then I’ve shaved off a pound being the Hogue is a 3lb stock. So if I can keep the muzzle guard/scope/rings under two lbs, I should be able to keep it at 8.5lbs all in. That’d be pretty sweet and could possibly even make it an ok swinging gun!

The only thing I can’t resolve in my mind is the bottom metal. Do I want a mag, or don’t I? That and mscope magnification? Do I need 20 times magnification out at 800max? Would be nice lol... but do I need it lol?

Ok... well that’s my rambling lol! What do you think? What stock model and scope model did you get? Weights?
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This fiberglas McMillan is 2 pounds 2 ounces.
Have not weighed the Trijicon scope, I'll be going steel on the rings.

I do most emphatically NOT want a detach magazine.
They get in the way & they can get lost.
I would not be buying several spares to carry for quick reloads.
Your 2.125lb stock sounds perfect.

Yeah, I’m not too sure about the mags either. What magnification did you get on your scope?
After a delay caused by an unworkable first rifle sent, the second one came in.
It was, after some minor work, do-able.

Gunsmith had to remove bluing salts left inside the bolt, chase threads inside the bolt & clean 'em up, and finish the scope mount threads in the receiver. Factory didn't tap those deep enough.

Action now fully bedded in the McMillan stock.
The rear triggerplate tang had to be shaved slightly to get it to sit lower in the inletting there, not a major problem.
Timney trigger now in place, 3-pound pull, tremendously fine break.

Warne Maxima QD steel rings in Warne steel two-piece bases.

Trijicon AccuPoint 3-9x40, green dot, tritium/fiber-optic, mil-dot.
Butler Creek flip-up caps, for now.

Toe of Pachmayr Decelerator pad that came on the McMillan was rounded off by my gunsmith, those "sharp" tips kinda dig into my shoulder, even on soft rubber.

Staying with the factory bolt for now, sometime next year I'll replace it.

Shot it Friday.
At 100 yards with five loads & four different bullet weights, it seemed to prefer the lighter bullets, which surprised me with that 1/10 twist.

Not exactly a tack-driver, but I did manage to pull off one 3-shot group under an inch.
Probably averages about 1.5 inches in testing so far.

I'd expect that to tighten up fractionally with barrel break-in and a good handload.

It IS notably front heavy, but the short length kinda makes up for that in handling the gun, and I wanted something handy for in & out of the truck, ATV, and so on.

I'm liking it. :)
Great update! Thank you!

Please update more/post picks. I still intend to get one, but am having a horrible time finding a place to shoot after my move. My first paycheck in September is earmarked.
The SPS isn't Remington's top-end 700, but I didn't care about the matte finish & lack of polish.
Actually did not want those. I want something I don't have to baby.
And I really wanted short.

The SPS is a great platform to start with, on a semi-custom build.
Don't expect a drop-in fit with the McMillan if you go that route.
Some actions will, some won't.

Mine was close, but even though the stock IS pillar-bedded, I wanted an absolute tight match-up between stock & action.

The Hogue stock that comes on it is widely reported to be too flimsy up front, if you want to use a bipod or front bag rest it can flex into the otherwise free-floated barrel.
When I took the gun out of the box that's the first thing I looked at.
It's OK for entry level, but the McMillan's in a different universe.

And the Timney's a gotta-have.

I think the gun's worth putting money into.
Definitely in a different class now than when it left the factory. :)

I'll try for a photo, but it'll have to be emailed somewhere.
Thanks Denis.

The stock is going to be the first thing to go for me as well - for two reasons. The first, as you described, it’s flimsy. But second, because it’ll shave off a pound. That’s important to me.

I have to admit that I’m surprised you’re barrel likes the lighter rounds and that you’re getting 1.5 moa. It’ll be interesting to see how that changes - if it changes.
I started out heavy & worked down to 130, and I'd expected the heavier stuff to do better in that twist.

May have been partly break-in & partly just those two particular heavier loads.

Weight reduction in the gun's nice, it's not light at 8.5 pounds in the end-configuration mine now has.

Still undecided on a sling.
Prefer simple, like leather.
PM & gimme an email address for the photo, I've got an outtake that isn't the best, but shows the build.
I'll never understand how to post a picture here.
While I have not shot that specific rifle, I do have a 10" and a 16" .308 for my Encore and my .308 pattern AR is a 16". 140s at 2800 fps is my standard load. No worries out to about 750 with that. Using TAC powder, muzzle blast and flash are not a big deal and accuracy is pretty darn good.
You're welcome to post that image here, if anybody else'd be interested in seeing the rifle.