Reliability Spells Revolver!

I have very very limited experiences with revolvers. I had a bad experience and we all discussed this over on my thread in the revolver section. In the exploded parts diagram of a ruger gp100 I see 71 total parts. Compared to about 49 for both of my auto pistols. Reliability will depend on quality of materials and execution of manufacturing, and also how the machine is maintained and the amount of rds fired through it, and how hot those rounds are. Leading cause of failures in autos would be magazine and ammo problems. Which revolvers do not have magazines nor do they "feed" ammo
Reliability Spells Revolver!

Except when it doesn't!
Like when there is a primer that protrudes from thecase.
Some sort of debris gets in the cylinder gap.
An ejector rod gets bent.
Or the shooter "short strokes" the trigger not letting it fully reset.

This is an endless argument.

Reliability Spells Automatic!

Except when it doesn't!

Like when there is a primer that protrudes from the case and prevents the round from feeding into the chamber.

Some sort of debris gets fouled in the action and prevents the slide from cycling.

A recoils spring guide gets bent or broken.

Or your disconnector malfunctions and doesn't allow the trigger to reset.

Get the point?:D:D:D
I can vouch for both being reliable. Although I do tend to lean toward a revolver if generalizing. I think the more straightforward mechanism of the revolver allows for this genralization. My personal experience with revolver is my 66-2 .357. Its only been fed full house 158 grain magnum loads, roughly 15-20k rounds. The only failure that it had was that the hammer nose broke. This could be attributed to my misdoing as I'd been dry firing it without snapcaps for a while. My most reliable semi is a Taurus pt99. It has around 12k rounds through it and I had issues with stove pipes and ftf. This was quickly remedied by replacing the springs on the magazine. So to recap, both have been very reliable and even though I tend to lean toward the revolver platform in terms of reliablity, in my specific case the failure on the revolver put her out of commission. Whereas the Taurus could still function if needed. Also worth noting, is that the 66 is not babied. She goes a very very long time between cleaning. I can shoot whatever junk I find and she goes bang every time. The Taurus I am more wary of ammo and it's stripped and cleaned every 100 rounds.