Registering one's lethal mits?

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- It is considered an offense to hunt whales.

I'm sure the whales think so! :D

But where would you find them? In the Great Salt Lake? With an average depth of 20 feet? A MAXIMUM depth of 30 feet?

Small whales, I guess.

I love weird laws! :D
Prepare to eat crow, ye of little faith! I have found a shidoshi in one of the ninjutsu styles who actually has registered his hands and feet as deadly weapons. In fact, because of this registration, it is illegal for him to fight even in an exhibition match or a martial arts competition!

Some of you may even have heard of him. . . . he goes by "Ashida Kim."

(I didn't make that up. He did, but I didn't. ;) It's under "10,000 challenge" on his website.)
Geez...I know legitimate ninpo stylists who have offered to fight him. It'll never happen. Good example of the type of person who'll spout this sort of nonsense, though...
Ah, yuh. So let's see the paperwork. I mean, registration implies paperwork, doesn't it?

Why do I have the feeling the paperwork will show up about the same day that this guy fights a legitimate artist? Like, say, the 12th of Never?

It would be fun to ask him that question. I'll bet he does a real mean tap dance!

One word.....publicity.........Find me the law that states it is a requirement for martial arts experts to be registered....(I mean if we weren't being tongue-in-cheek about it)....*g*
Unconfirmed Urban Legend

Years ago in Gotham City, I knew a guy who was a professional boxer and he used to say that if he ever hit anybody outside the ring, he would be charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon which was a lot worse than what mere mortals were charged with in similar circumstances.
Ed........"he said" are the key words there......Since I am a 4th degree blackbelt under the WTF World headquarters I could say that I am "registered" worldwide. If Tyson were attacked (I know, it would be the other way around) on the street, he could legally use his mitts to defend himself though he would be held to the same level of responsibility as anyone else would.

The only registration I can think of would be with the national governing body of whatever discipline the "Lethal Weapon" happens to practice. In order to compete, many martial artists must be members of such an organization to participate in state, regional, national and international competition. Even non-competitive MAs have associations. That's the only type of registration I can think of.

Semper Fidelis,

Eric, Eric, Eric, you're WRONG about sex in Utah for those under 18.

Whatcha got is "consent" being okay for minors 16-17 to do each other (can't remember if that goes down to age 14...). "Consent" is okay for a 16-17 year old to do it with a partner who is LESS than 10 years older.

BTTT: I can only imagine some idiotic local city ordinance requiring such "registration" nonsense. Even if there were such local laws (which I doubt), they would be very high on the "this is so stupid no one will ever obey it and no one would ever prosecute it" list.

In Utah, they DO prosecute on that 10-year age difference minor sex partner jailbait law.

Personal advise: Don't have sex unless you're ready to share a lifetime of parenting with your partner. Read the fine print. Even "the Pill" has a well-documented FAILURE RATE!
That line can be traced to a Dick Van Dyke show in the 1960's. Its generally bunk.

Only the State of Arkansas requires that Black Belts be registered, albeit to teach martial arts.

New Jersey is another state that is studying the possibility of BB registration. The Korean Take-My-Dough stylists are usually the ones behind it, trying to corner the market. However, the state has realized that this could be a revenue generator, especially if they charge $300 a year or so for the license to teach martial arts.

I know that some of the Chinese stylists have been resisting any registration as a 1st Amendment matter, practice of freedom of religion. Some of my Buddist friends practice MA and don't want government interference. me evidence that shows that korean arts are generally "the ones behind it". Sounds like biastness. There are plenty of 'take your dough" schools that abound in all styles of martial arts. By and large the American consumer is blind to what good martial arts instruction is, as long as that is true (and it will be for a long time) it will continue.
My salsa has to be registered. When combined with a posterior activated launcher, a am guilty of "Manufacturing a Destructive Device. (A Title II Weapon)

As with all claims of this sort, believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.

Best of luck.
There Was A Time

Actually, my stepfather had to register his hands when he obtained his brown belt. There may not be any place that does it now but don't be too quick to dismiss that somewhere actually tried it for awhile. several other guys around here are, I grew up around martial arts. My daily routine during the school year was basically: Morning football or wrestling practice, school, afternoon practice, then to the dojo.

Never heard of ANYONE having to "register their hands...". I flat out asked one of my instructors when I was a teenager and this rumour was going around and his response was "No....that is a myth".

When I became a police officer I looked through the PC to find anything that might allude to this being a truth and found that it is a bunch of BS.

So, I say "Show me a guy that registered his hands as lethal weaopns, and I will show you someone with dementia".

I guess they could be "registered" as 5150.
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no such thing

In 20 years of martial arts training I have never heard of anyone that has actually been ' registered ' with the police. I know HUNDREDS of black belts in several states though my organizational affiliation and none of them are registered.

In a civil lawsuit it could be argued that since I have training I ' could ' have shown more restraint and control vs an untrained victim could have. In other words, I ' could ' be held to a higher standard in a self defense situation in which I employed martial arts training.

Thank god for colt, it kept everyone equal, so martial arts training shouldn't be an issue in self defense situations.
WELL if you have a CCW then I guess technically your hands are registered. I mean your finger prints are on file and you are packing a tool that could be deadly when put in your hands.
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