Registering one's lethal mits?

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New member
All right, it occured to me that someone here could answer this for me.

Let it be known that my martial arts experience is limited to half a year of Arnis in High School.

I've heard the "I'm a black belt, I had to register my hands as lethal weapons with the police" line multiple times. My BS meter has always rung loudly upon hearing this, emitting a slight stench of "mystical ninja death power mystique". Are there municipalities that require such nonsense? Can anyone shed light on this?

Never heard of it. :rolleyes:

If someone came into the office wanting to 'register' his mits we'd probably start a file on him alright - the unoffical type that is passed form officer to officer identifying the potential trouble makers and/or mental cases. We do keep track of those...
I think Ralph Malph was the only person I know of who had to do that.

If you have to register yourself as a lethal weapon, does that still mean registration leads to confiscation? ;)
That was a rumor started in the 70's, and propagated through time by wanna be's,Arm Chair Martial Artists, and other assorted Mental Cases.

I've talked with a couple of police officers, and my DOJO owner. All agreed there is no such law as having to register yourself.

The basis of this rumor may have come about from the fact that Boxers have to register themselves for a License in order to fight sanctioned matches in certain areas.
The question is, if you registered your hands as lethal weapons and a cop saw you walking around with your hands in your pockets, could he bust you for carrying a concealed weapon? :)
My hands are registered as lethal weapons. I once was arrested because I put them in my pockets (not allowed to carry concealed).

"My BS meter has always rung loudly upon hearing this, emitting a slight stench of "mystical ninja death power mystique".

Your meter emits a stench ? I think it's time to have it replaced.
I think most people who say this are simply talking smack in an exaggerated way with no expectation that anyone would believe such a thing. Maybe not back in 1970's, but it's been 30 years.

Let's hope so, anyway.
I know of no requirement, anywhere, for a trained fighter to register their hands.

However, I have heard of professional fighters registering their hands, because once registered, their hands could be insured against career-ending injury with Lloyd's of London or somesuch. If it's a "deadly weapon", it has a purpose, and a value/potential worth that is insurable...
In my high school days I had a Mr. Hot n' Sexy wannabe try to impress me by telling me he was classified as a "deadly weapon" (had a year or two in a McDojo). Said he was going to come over and visit me. So I told him I'd be waiting on my front porch with a shotgun.

He showed up. I had the shotgun. He tried to coo some more weakling soap opera one-liners and left. :D
Talk about hard to get! There's a country song in thar somewhere. "She played hard to get an I got no hard cover"

So the question of the day is does Runt have a sister likewise raised? Good, mean women are hard to find.

Funny how when someone spouts such nonsense and you laugh in their face you never get beat down. After all, they're a deadly weapon right? Should be easy to put the ninja death touch on someone calling you a liar... er...calling your bluff.
No sister. Brother married. :D

The guy was just plain odd. He was a bling bling boy driving a white lowrider pickup that would get stuck on speedbumps. Claimed he ended up with amnesia after a mild auto accident, and was an expert guitar player, kung-fu master, etc. Had tattoos, long hair, piercing in strange places. Offered to have my name tattooed in a place I won't name. I'm sure mother would have just loved him.

("Here, let me pierce that nose for you....")

He once tried to pick me up and sling me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. When he scooped me up by the waist, I grabbed hold of his neck with both hands and squeezeed, locking my back straight. He couldn't sling me, and I was stuck in his grip.

"Let go of my throat."
"Put me down."

Reminded me of an illustration of a heron trying to swallow a frog headfirst, but the frog's got the heron by the throat. Heron can't swallow, and frog can't get out the bird's beak. The caption said, "Don't ever give up."
Ive heard this is true, so if you kill a BG they can keep track of you and your, weapons. Its probably a load of crap or maybe not. Just depends on where you live and the strange laws
they have there.........
In UT, its illegal to have sex if your single! PERIOD! If your under 18, PERIOD! Anything other than the missionary position may be illegal as far as I know! Possible! Anything other than having sex for the sole purpose of procreating, has to be a FELONY!
You never know.......Shoot well
Utah has even more interesting laws....

Law: It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.
Country: USA
State: Utah

Citation: 76-6-105. Causing a catastrophe.

(1) Any person who by explosion, fire, flood, avalanche, collapse of a building, release of poison gas, radioactive material, or other harmful or destructive force or substance, or by any other means, causes a widespread injury or damage to persons or property is guilty of causing a catastrophe.

(2) Causing a catastrophe is a felony of the second degree if the person causes it knowingly and a class A misdemeanor if caused recklessly.

And of course::)

- It is against the law to fish from horseback

- It is illegal not to drink milk

-It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon. You can have them, but you just can't detonate them.

- Birds have the right of way on all highways.

- A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence

- It is considered an offense to hunt whales.

- No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.
"Registering hands as deadly weapons"=Another factor to weigh in the Gun Shoppe Commando totality of the circumstances test.

There are irrebuttable presumptions=service with the Selous Scouts (he's 22), magic swords, avoidance of schooling, and wearing a flowered shirt.

During undergrad I worked at the gun counter of a large sporting good store/chain. The GSCs would come in and say this to my face ("I don't need a gun, I'm a registered weapon" [usually to a GF]), I would run over to the store phone on the wall and pick up the receiver, "I'll check it out and call the State Police. What's your name?" Never, not a single time, did they tell me.:D
total BS, although it does have some basis in fact. back in the 70's in okinawa our military boys that were studying karate were required to register with the post commander. the reason? so they would know how many MPs to send when they catch them drunk and belligerent.
*LOL*.....That one has been bandied about since i was a teenager.

As a couple have pointed out there are a few nonsense comparison's made to registering a boxer's hands (for insurance) the liscence required to box professionally, and troups who's commander's wanted to know what they might be up to.

To top that, as karate eclipsed judo in the USA in popularity there were some egotistical blackbelts (?) who would "register" their hands. As someone else said, anytime a person goes to the police and wants to let them know why and how they are dangerous the police may very well "register" (start a dosier) you.

But there has never been a law that any martial artists register themselves in anyway as a "lethal" weapon. A baseball bat is a lethal weapon, should Sammy register his Louisville sluggers?

There was also a stupid rumor of a law going around that blackbelts must warn an attacker that he was about to tangle with an "expert'. More bull hockey. I tell my students not to say a word about what they may or may not know to any assailant's they may have to face. First of course, is why give them any assailant a "heads up" so he can be better prepared. Secondly, blackbelts have no more liability than any other citizen when it comes to excessive force. Lastly, If I found that I had to injure someone to protect myself I would not want that person to know anything about me he couldn't figure out for himself.
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