Red Dawn II

I think we can see you know your ComBloc TOE. :D

I'll support while you engage at maximum effective range with a PSS.

If we can jury-rig command-detonated napalm devices, I would hit lead enemy elements. I'm okay with burning wholesale plots and fighting over the ashes. :mad: I would like to have and keep the iniative, especially since I concur that our fighting force is not likely to hold under sustained fire. With that in mind, I am not overly concerned with ammo supply.

Jeff, some of us are just too dumb to run. :D
Enemy Order of Battle


You estimation of the enemy is pretty right on for an outfit organized and equipped under the old Soviet model. However, David only gave us so much information and it is his thread ;) Perhaps the Moronians (obviously backed by the CHICOMs) came into the country in containers on Cosco freighters.

It is a totally different scenario under your order of battle.

If Col. Edmund is in charge of the operation.......he should NOT be in front. He needs to be in a position where he and his advisors are able to keep abreast of an ever changing situation, with multiple sub-operations and fronts. The communications alone would restrict his mobility. Yes, good leaders are needed in the hot areas but not THE leader. Mayhap there are NO VETS with grunt leadership capability. Another alternative might be firefighter team leaders who are also hunters. Plant foremen, logging operation foremen. Leaders can be found.

Other leaders WILL be found, they will self-identify themselves. That's why I think this crew should self-organize itself into groups of 20 - 40. Being with their friends, neighbors, hunting-buddies, and the like, in short, with people they know and trust, is about the only team-building your going to be able to pull off in this scenario. The odds are good that this will produce a fair mix of all the aforementioned weapons, so every team will have a modest ability to pull off any mission, also building their confidence.

"Joe, take your team by your favorite tree stand along the old logging road. If the enemy shows up, have every man take deliberate but quick shots, and empty one magazine at the enemy. When they empty their weapon, have them immediately run to the rally point by the old town dump. Then use your cell phone to call me and render a report and receive further instructions. If you can't raise me, your on your own to use your best judgement on what you should do next. But take the advice of 'old sarge' here; he'll keep you 'real' and make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew. After the war is over, meet me at The Ole Brass Rail Saloon; the first round's on me."

Respectfully, if you think you can pull off anything more sophisticated than what I just described with this scenario, I submit this thread has gotten your imagination running wild.
Actually I think most of the plans presented are too complex

The "troops" you have to work with are not going to be any better quality and maybe even worse then the colonial militia during the American Revolution. Our population is composed of a lot of well meaning people who have never really faced any physical hardship in their lives. Outside of a few Special Operations types we've seen no real heavy Infantry combat since Vietnam. The last time we ever were in a position where we could lose on the battlefield on a large scale was Korea in the early '50s. Most Korean war vets are in their late 60s or older by now. The Vietnam generation is aging. Add in the incredible tooth to tail ratio of American forces and you'll be lucky to find 10% of your vets who served in ground combat arms (Infantry, Armor, Artillery, Engineers) . Most of the rest will have had exposure to military discipline, but will have almost none of the skills you need to fight with.

Among these you will have those who would try to prosper from the situation (it happens everywhere, it's just human nature), and many who will want to use the situation to further their own agenda. One thing you haven't taken into consideration is those fringe groups who will use the Moronian invasion to seize a little power for themselves. Colonel Edmund may very well have to fight Imperial Grand Dragon Donnie for control of the forces. Imperial Grand Dragon Donnie may have several followers who have stockpiles of military stores that may be usefull to the cause. Some of the sheeple will naturally side with Imperial grand Dragon Donnie because they will feel safer, because with his camo clad followers he may appear the more competent and prepared leader. Grand Dragon Donnie may even want to negotiate a seperate peace with the Moronians if he thinks it will benefit his cause. Others will be reluctant to leave their homes and families to the protection of others. Some will want to head out on their own to engage the enemy. About a third of the people will want to do nothing and stand by and watch as the Moronians march by.

You have less then 12 hours to build a fighting force out of this mix. Simple tactics where all your soldiers can see one another will be the order of the day. You will probably have some small hastily thrown together units that can scout and perform other functions, but you will still need to lead this group from the front. Sam, with all due respect, if you had six months to train, you might be able to pull off complicated operations that Colonel Edmund could direct from his TOC. In 12 hours, you will be lucky to organise much of a defense. The best you can hope for is to hold them long enough for the Army to get there. The only way is to use the natural obstacle you have, the river.

12 hours would barely be enough time for a trained brigade with a lot of engineer support to organize a defense in depth. Blow a span of the bridge, get your forces online on your side of the river and hold. You will have to commit a fairly large force to internal security in the town to keep order and prevent looting. You may have to disarm and lock Grand Dragon Donnie up or even kill him in order to stay in control.

Unfortunately this won't be the romantic story of people coming together to save their homeland. It's going to rip families apart, destroy lifelong friendships, and cause terrible loss of life if you decide to take the fight to the Moronians right away.

Lets look at the history here, in occupied Europe in WWII various resistance units not only fought the Germans, but they fought each other, when there were no Germans around to fight. What makes anyone think things would be any different here?

I live in L.A., I would just tell the local gangbangers "hey those guys said some nasty stuff about your mama!":D

AK's and RPG's huh? Get several of the local deer hunters to snipe the RPGers and send a wedge of the construction bulldozers to run them flat!

If you don't want to get that close, raid the hardware store for wood and supplies and build a couple of large trebuchets fill some 55 gallon drums with gas, slap a stick of dynamite on the end, light it and fling them! BOOM!!
Airburst would be best.:o
Trebuchets n David slings have a lot in common. Pretty simple but if operator doesn't know how to operate with some skill, operator first casulty. Kool idea tho.
