i personally believe that it should be no harder to buy a weapon, any weapon, than it is to vote. you should be able to walk into any gun store, show your voter registration card and walk out with a handgun, concealed at that.
the requirements to be able to vote are 1) US citizenship, 2) over the age of 18, 3)never have been convicted of a felony. (this can be petitioned to have the right to vote resored in most places)
for some reason the same things that are considered "minor inconviences" when buying a gun would have people up in arms if applied to voting.
waiting periods for voting??? the aclu starts threatening lawsuits if people have to wait more than 5 min. in line to vote.
background checks??? i can't even fathom the (explitive) storm that would occur.
Hawken has some good ideas here. To those, I would add:
1: A person should be able to buy any gun at the same age they are eligible to be issued one of "Uncle Sugar's" guns and go to war - 18 years old. Any person who is man or woman enough to go to war, fight, kill and possibly die is man or woman enough to buy, own and carry any gun of their choice.
2: No waiting period to buy.
3: No permit/license required to carry, buy or own any gun.
5: No restrictions on "assault weapons" or .50 caliber weapons.
6: No restrictions on select fire, full auto or short barreled rifles/shotguns.
7: No restrictions on the import of foreign made guns, with the exception of those made in Communist China.
8: No restrictions on the off base carry of personally owned firearms within the United States by military personnel (Go screw yourself, MG Jacoby, U.S. Army Alaska!)
9: No limits on the number of guns or the amount of ammunition you can own.
10: No limit on the number of rounds your magazines can hold.
11: No restrictions on the ownership of silencers/suppressors. This is an important issue, with housing developments moving closer to shooting ranges.
Bottom line:
What we need is POLITICIAN AND BUREAUCRAT CONTROL, not more gun control.