Reason for Obama success and gun control.

No winning to it. Dont' want to win. Just want to state the obvious.
Blacks stick together. They did in my high school, they do it in the
workplace like crazy, they do it on juries, they do it on voting especially.

You have an educated black man running against a white man.. well this ain't rocket science to figure out who will get the black vote.
No winning to it. Dont' want to win. Just want to state the obvious.
Blacks stick together. They did in my high school, they do it in the
workplace like crazy, they do it on juries, they do it on voting especially.

You have an educated black man running against a white man.. well this ain't rocket science to figure out who will get the black vote.

Uh huh, and if you have an educated pro-gun candidate running against an anti it ain't rocket science to figure out who will get the votes from the members here. I guess I don't get your point. You seem to want to characterize African-America... whoops, I mean blacks as a solid block of people. But you also want to criticize them for voting as a block.

Can you imagine living in a country where McCain was the first viable white candidate for President?
I don't get your point. Are you saying that blacks historically don't block vote?
Especially with black candidates. Look at congress. you have a black district, you will have a black congressman.

So your point is what? That blacks don't block vote? That is absurd.
I said blacks will vote for ANY reasonable black candidate over a white candidate.It's been proven time and time again in district after district.

Cant change the truth to fit your needs. Blacks will vote 90% or better for obama. it doesn't matter his record or lack thereof. It doesn't matter the reasoning behind the racial vote. It will be a racial vote. It's always a racial vote where blacks are concerned, district by district, mayor by major, blacks vote black. Not sure why you are disputing the obvious.
^ And any of them doing so say by doing so "I'm stupid. I'll vote for anything or anyone so long as they look a certain way. I lack or disregard any capacity to think about issues and consequences." They should find anyone who runs on racial lines insulting to their intelligence, but they refuse to exhibit evidence to the contrary.
No, Gatorhugger, it's your childish insult/reference to his name that shows your lack of maturity.

Didn't name calling stop being vogue in the third grade?
You are overanalyzing it.
I agree entirely.

The average Obama voter is voting for him because they like him. He's the sort of guy that loser men imagine they could sit around and get high with, loser women imagine he'd be fun in the sack, average folks just see him being a likable friendly sort of a guy, even his enemies like him. Hell, I like the SOB and I'll never vote for him even if the election starts looking like Robert Mugabe's magical re-election.

I tell you he's the real incarnation of Asimov's fictional Mule. He has nothing going for him except that people like him. :barf:
Bob lee, so my point is valid, blacks will vote for him because he is black, you just have a problem with my "childishness" for referring to him as Oboma? A change in one letter, implying he will explode in flames, that is one of the mildest put downs I have read on the guy? Nothing Racial, or Muslim, or anything really serious or personal, just a one letter change got you in a flutter?

Grow up and get a set. It's politics, jokes are part of the fun. I guess you better not watch any news, satire, or anything Comedic or your widdle feelings will be hurt that Obombs name got mispelled.

You are really up this guy's butt! You got the fever... for A man who has done absolutely nothing, but manages to lock up the entire black vote because of his skin color. He might be a pretty nice guy, but he doesn't deserve to be president, he has done nothing to earn it but run on color in a time of not much opposition.

The choices here are not good either way. But the black block vote shows that AS A GROUP, the blacks act like sheep in politics. Not individually of course, there is the percentage that actually vote the man and his/her policies and record. A very small percentage actually think. The rest go black and never go back.