Reason for Obama success and gun control.

You quote about 18 people in Gilbert AZ??? I have been there, I used to live in Tucson..18 people get to lay out my life, I think not.
Life in this Country has always been about the "haves and have nots" You want to be a Have, get an education, work hard and strive for ecellence and hope for the best. No guarantees in life, not on how much you will make or how long you will live. Life doesn't come with guarantees other than you will pay taxes and you will die, we all should know that.
You truly sound like one that wants to "RE DISTRIBUTE" the wealth for no other reason than you feel you simply deserve it. Tell you what, I know NOTHING about you, but, lets combine our incomes, whatever it may come too and split it, we each get half of each others money. I once read, that if you took ALL the money in the USA and divided it up between all the residents, we would ALL be in poverty.
You should look for the real EVIL, it is not in business, it is in our Government and their policies and empty promises. They KNOW, whatever they promise is a lie.
If you think paying one CEO and upper management hundreds of MILLIONS per year, plus MILLIONS in bonuses, private jets, limo's, free health care, etc. while the rest of the 99% of their employees get peanuts or laid off is justifiable, then you are morally bankrupt.

Instead, it would wise for the corp. board members to stop laying off employees and instead cut their CEO and management pay and hire more employees at higher salaries and benefits. This would be healthier for America and better for the corporation in the long run. The federal and state governments cannot afford to hire any more employees. The corporations need to reform their compensation policies and step up.

First of all if you want that CEO job you can get it right? No?? Why not? Could it be your not qualified? How about if you were offered 10 million a month to do the job you have now? You would turn it down because your morally opposed to it? I don't think so. If your skill set and talent were worth more you could get more. Fact is those skill sets and talents are only worth what the market will bear. Those you claim are only getting peanuts have peanuts for skill sets and/or talents.

Second you CAN get a CEO job. It's easy really. For $100 you can fill out the forms yourself and form a Corporation yourself and name yourself CEO. Ford, Microsoft, Apple, etc. were formed this way. Now you'll soon find that being a CEO of a Corporation gets you nothing but tax forms and regulatory compliance requirements on it's own. The money won't just appear. You will have to invest your own money, skills, and talents to it to see a penny. Soon after becoming this CEO you will begin to see that the job is anything but easy or luxurious. In fact you'll be dealing with the realization that you are directly accountable both financially and legally for the actions of the Corporation including potential imprisonment should you make a mistake or failed to adequately supervise OTHERS and preventing THEM from doing something that lands YOU in court.

The education could continue but would result in more of a book then a post so I'll let others elaborate further. The bottom line is that if you believe that the differential in compensation is moral bankruptcy then you are intellectually bankrupt on the subject and should you decide to take on that new Corporation with the idea that your going to pay for cheap management so you can pay workers generously you will find yourself financially bankrupt also in short order.

Obama is popular for emotive reasons. The human nature appeal for new things along with his inspirational sermons tapping class envy. Yes, it is envy your indulging in, the 'they think they're special' line gave it away.
I don't know if Obama will win or not right now, but damn, look at the compitition, is this the BEST the Elephants could come up with???
I am as they say, getting "long in the tooth" so I probably won't live long enough to see this Country go to sh-t any more than it has already. I feel sorry for our future,, on second thought, I don't feel sorry, we DESERVE it. I guess I am just glad I probably won't live to see it get TOO much worse.
What in GODS name has this wonderful Country turned into???
Government needs to keep its nose OUT of free enterprise or soon it will be as screwed up as everything else that government has a hand in.

Obama will not be elected unless a significant number of gun owners vote for him. Personally I could never do that with a clear conscience, but after seeing Clinton get a second term, I am aware that anything is possible.

Obviously, not everyone who owns a gun shares my opinion of this man.

"Yes, it is envy your indulging in, the 'they think they're special' line gave it away."

I admit it, I do envy rich people. Sure I would love to be rich. My wife and I make a combined income, well into the "Rich" category according to Obama. But in order to make this amount, we chose to live in the NYC area. But being "Rich" in the NYC area is not actually "Rich", it is mere survival. But this is our choice.

I am familiar with the corporate world and pay of these LARGE multinational corporations, from the CEO to the receptionist. Forget the CEO's, just the amount they pay their upper management would make most people cry. Then when compared to the salaries they pay the many hard working, educated lower ranking employees, it is almost criminal. Many of these CEO's and upper management are not worth their pay, many of them are morons, who got lucky and are there due to who they knew and stay by shutting up and riding the boat.

All I am saying is that these mega corporations (and there are many) could hire many more employees and pay much higher salaries to all of their employees, with small percentage cut in their CEO, President, and Directors compensation packages and expenses.

For those of you who think corporations are not greedy and the market pays what the market bears, than you have obviously never been privy to what these corporations actually bring in and who gets what.
Socialism is about unqualified, unproductive people wanting to be in charge of productive people. Its essence is to penalize the productive, successful people and reward the unproductive ("transferring" (stealing) the wealth). It it is that essence which explains why socialism doesn’t work as well as capitalism.

Consider the case of Korea. The same country, the same people, the same work ethic, divided up into two countries, starting out exactly equal, one capitalist and the other communist. Obama and his ilk would gladly turn our country into another North Korea if it meant they could be in charge of the productive, working people. The only way they can do that is by disarming the people they intend to enslave. They are a much bigger threat to RKBA than executive bonuses.
You have more confidence in Big Business?

From media reports of the more recent, big scandals, have you ever heard of:

Adelphia Communications
AOL Time Warner
Arthur Andersen
Bristol-Myers Squibb
CMS Energy
Duke Energy
Global Crossing
Nicor Energy, LLC
Peregrine Systems
Qwest Communications International

and last but not least.......Tyco and Ex-CEO L. Dennis Kozlowski?
It wouldn't take much research to compile just as long a list of politicians charged/convicted of corruption, having improper communications with pages, or soliciting sex in airport men's rooms.

All either list would prove is that humans have human weaknesses. The humans, or alleged humans in government are no better than those running the corporations. 'Profit' is not a dirty word and if you need a look at 'wealth re-distribution' run amok, just google 'Zimbabwe'.
For the record.

I too am against big government and against socialism. The point I am trying to make is that a lot of this recent socialist movement, this swing to the left in America and the broad support of Obama and his ilk, is mainly due to loss of jobs, low wages, lack of high paying jobs, lack of affordable health care, 4.50 per gallon gasoline, etc. American corporations are extremely successful, but they put too much effort in hiding their assets and penny pinching the majority of their employees. Many of these corporations could easily hire thousands more at decent salaries and benefits, with slight cuts in their CEO, President and Director compensation packages. The federal and state governments are tapped out. It is up to the corporations to step up, if they don't, the alternative is clear: President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid AKA: socialism.
Many of these corporations could easily hire thousands more at decent salaries and benefits, with slight cuts in their CEO, President and Director compensation packages.
Why would a company pay more for employees' salary and benefits as a result of cutting executive compensation packages?

Chairman: "Due to the recent changes resulting in the departure of our past senior executives (presumably for lucrative consulting engagements) and hiring of less-experienced replacements, I suggest the company take steps to cut costs across the board to compensate for increased risk of lower profits, possibly even losses, that may result from this change in executive compensation."

I agree health insurance is a problem, but is it solvable? A quick search suggests that health insurance companies (Greed, Inc., et. al.) take 15-20% of collected premiums as profit. Even if you eliminate all that "waste", how many people are not insured that could and would afford to self-insure if only premiums were 80-85% what they are today? Not many, I suspect.

Also, while large companies may self-insure against employee medical costs, how could smaller companies afford to? The variance is too high. What choice do they have other than to contract with... yep... the "evil" health insurance providers, whose corporate coverage isn't going to be much more affordable that the individual coverage that employees can't or won't pay for?
A quick search suggests that health insurance companies (Greed, Inc., et. al.) take 15-20% of collected premiums as profit.

What is your source for that information?

For 2007, here are profit margins (profits as % of revenues) for the three largest Health Insurance providers:

-- UnitedHealth Group 5.8%
-- Wellpoint 5.4%
-- Aetna 6.7%

These numbers are a LONG WAY from 15-20%, and way down the list on the S&P 500 as far as profit margins go for US companies. These are hardly what one could call "extreme" or "obscene" profit margins.
Human nature....

Sure, corporations could cut the money paid to the top bosses, but why should they? To make a better life for the little people? You are overlooking a basic fact of life. Human nature. In the absence of a compelling reason to do otherwise, humans will virtually always act in what they perceive to be their own best interests. We are by nature, greedy. It is an ancient survival trait. All life competes for the resources needed for survival, against other species, and against other individuals of their own species.

And yet, at the same time, Americans are the most giving people on Earth. We give more to those we consider underprivileged and needy than anyone else.

One should not blame corporate greed alone for our situation, government bears its own share of the blame, as do we, the public.

Want to know how we got here? One big reason is the baby boomers grew up, got old, looked around and decided that while peace, love, and brotherhood are fine ideals, there is actually a real world that doesn't care much about ideals. They discovered that they are mortal after all, and many became determined to get as much for themselves as they can before they check out.

And they raised their children with a mixture of ideals. Raised in plenty, accustomed to having all their wants fulfilled, and yet with the drive for more, always more. And those children have now raised children of their own, too many of whom have been taught the world owes them not just a living, but a living in the style to which they would like to become accustomed.

The other side of that coin is the rest of us. "The great unwashed" who are doomed to live their lives existing by the sweat of their brows, with only a few of the ones with them most drive able to rise above the normal condition.

Obama's message (what there actually is of it) is a new retelling of an old lie. "We will give you all you desire, and the rich shall pay for it!" is a popular refrain, seen in the rhetoric of many revolutionary movements. All of them failed. Obama isn't calling for "Workers of the World Unite!", yet. But he is walking that path, he just isn't (publically) that far down that road, yet.

Just give him the power, and see how fast he reaches the point of "You can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs". And ladies and gentlemen, WE ARE THE EGGS!

We are being soft boiled as we speak. We may even survive being hard boiled, but we will not survive being broken and scrambled to be made into an omlet for someone else to EAT!
Businesses have to compete. If a particular business is paying its executives too much at the expense of product development or retention of quality workers, that company will start to slip relative to its competitors. If this goes on too long, it will go out of business.

It is up to the shareholders, not the government, to make corrections. If the shareholders don’t step up, the free market will slap down the company. That’s part of what makes capitalism work so well: ingenuity and effort and efficiency are rewarded. Companies have to compete. With the government calling the shots, unqualified liberal arts majors are making decisions about how many shoes to make and who does what job. Don’t like the job you have been “assigned” ? Too bad; the government has all the guns: obey or go to jail. With government controlled companies, the efficiency would be equal to that of another government run operation, the Post Office, and since the workers jobs are secure they would have the same attitude as the Post Office employees.

The last thing we want is government making decisions regarding things they know nothing about.

What has happened to most of the companies on your list ? The ones who broke the law got in trouble with the government; that’s partly what a government is for. Executive salaries ? None of the government’s business.
by Gatorhugger

90% of the people that say they are voting for Osama know what a capital gain tax is? NO.
You are overanalyzing it.
It's cool to be black. The uppity whites feel guilt, their kids feel power by wigging and rapping, the blacks feel like it's their time.

Wow...I thought this was a board of mature posters :eek:.
I am as mature as anybody else here sporto.. I just don't waste time figuring out why blacks will vote for Obama. Kinda obvious dont you think?
Or you think the OJ jury really went deep into DNA analysis for the 2 hours they debated?
I think it was Christopher Darden that said the case was lost at jury selection. Why is that smart guy?

Grow up and stop your political correctness and trying to decide how Obama will appeal to this person or that based on economic theory. Once again Race matters, the same as it has always matters. You will once again see a vote squarely along racial lines, especially on the black side where the man will get 90% of the black vote. Why is that? Unions? Leftiist socialist doctrine?
Omg, get real. Race will again be THE only factor of importance with the entire black community. Sorry reality is hard to swallow.
If you equate the terms "CEO" and "corporate" with evil or wrongdoing then I'm sorry- but you're engaged in liberal thought. I'm not one to reject opinions because they're liberal, but I know liberal thinking when I see it.
I am as mature as anybody else here sporto.. I just don't waste time figuring out why blacks will vote for Obama. Kinda obvious dont you think?
Or you think the OJ jury really went deep into DNA analysis for the 2 hours they debated?
I think it was Christopher Darden that said the case was lost at jury selection. Why is that smart guy?

Grow up and stop your political correctness and trying to decide how Obama will appeal to this person or that based on economic theory. Once again Race matters, the same as it has always matters. You will once again see a vote squarely along racial lines, especially on the black side where the man will get 90% of the black vote. Why is that? Unions? Leftiist socialist doctrine?
Omg, get real. Race will again be THE only factor of importance with the entire black community. Sorry reality is hard to swallow.

So then you think there would be a big statistical difference in black voting if Hillary won? African-Americans tend to vote as a block, and there's something to be said for that strategy.
African Americans??? Ok you are Mr. Political Correctness.

I think the BLACKS vote for democrats historically because dems promise money to that race in promoting affirmative action, minority contracts, and 1000 other inequalities and reverse discrimination and giveaways the black race loves.
When it comes to a BLACK man running, Blacks will put that above all else. It didn't matter that hillary would probably give them more than they ever had before.
Obomb says he is black. They will vote for him. You could take any articulate black man and he would get 90% of the black vote. Obviously. Obomb has no track record of doing anything does he???
So exactly why are the blacks voting for him? Hmmmmm, let me guess.
Not very difficult to forecast this one.
African Americans??? Ok you are Mr. Political Correctness.

I think the BLACKS vote for democrats historically because dems promise money to that race in promoting affirmative action, minority contracts, and 1000 other inequalities and reverse discrimination and giveaways the black race loves.
When it comes to a BLACK man running, Blacks will put that above all else. It didn't matter that hillary would probably give them more than they ever had before.
Obomb says he is black. They will vote for him. You could take any articulate black man and he would get 90% of the black vote. Obviously. Obomb has no track record of doing anything does he???
So exactly why are the blacks voting for him? Hmmmmm, let me guess.
Not very difficult to forecast this one.

Wow, you must be WHITE. You're clearly way more in touch with racial politics than I am, so I guess you win.