Really to know ????


New member
I have a new (got it today ) Gary Reeder Custom Revolver in 44 Mag .
When I got it home I see the last six rounds fired had the brass still in the cylinder . I found it would not eject all the way maybe 3/8 inch and stick .
I had to remove the cylinder and beat them out with a Brass rod .
As for now I have shot four full cylinders and had to be removed with the cylinder out and brass rod with small hammer . The cylinder is clean but my spent Brass is smaller at the base up 1/4 inch (.451)and just at the mouth down I/4 inch it is .462 . So I think the front of the chamber is over size in all six .
I just Smile When ??
The Revolver is new to me I did not send anything In ?
Really need to read the post It NEVER did eject all removed with a brass rod .
Are you using factory ammunition? No my reloads 240gr. lead and soft load .
I shot my old Ruger 44 Mag no problem . It is going back Monday

Funny Was told the reason it had six stuck cases is they are test loads ???
Not to knock but the details were a bit fuzzy, so that leaves us trying read between the lines.

Does the supplier of said gun shoot test loads and then leave the brass in the gun? Sounds like it.

I don't know new guns are shot or not but never bought one (and some new) that had brass left in the chamber.

So a bit of a puzzler.

Brand New Gun I gather, not just new to you.

With better details on the gun we would not have to go research Garry Reeder 44 magnum which I have never heard of know nothing about.

We do like to answer questions but more complete information helps doing so a lot.
RC20 I bought a newly built Revolver from a custom builder I had never seen before .
I picked it up yesterday and it had six pieces of spent brass in the cylinder .
The spent brass in the cylinder had to be beat out with a dowel as it was stuck .
After shooting more all rounds shot would not HAND eject and needed to be beat out of the cylinder . any questions please ask
I did and you answer nicely. Thank you.

Pretty stunned by the Custom People involved. Firing rounds and not extracting brass to see how they did?

You clearly have a chamber issue that has to be addressed by the GRC.

What is their reputation?
My first call after receiving and finding the problem was answered by one of the Gunsmiths . After I told him the revolver came with six spent rounds in the chambers and that all spent rounds had to be beat out of the chamber with Brass Rod His response was yes they (the six spent cases) were test rounds but we shot this revolver 30 times and it is fine . Sent it back this morning when it comes back if it is still not RIGHT I WILL NAME THIS CUSTOM GUNSMITH .
Concur that is the right thing to do.

I think this is seriously shaky (shady) if not outright lies in their statements.

Proof testing is done with a single round. And even then, unless you do a magnflux of the metal (cylinder), you can induce a stress that will let loose latter.

Tha is what and why the Military has their M16/M4 variant bolts tested after the proof shot.

30 rounds or proof testing, 24 rounds of lower level testing then 6 of proof and then shipped the gun with 6 stuck?

Hopefully you will get a working gun. Be interesting of some of the metal experts would weigh in on how available magnaflux services are.

If it was 30 rounds of proof testing with those results I would want to have any cylinder I got form them checked by a third party.
KEYBEAR, I understand the temptation to shoot it, and see for yourself, but I think doing so was a mistake.

If even one of the fired cases that were in the gun when you got it didn't extract normally, the gun should have gone back, right then.

Ok, yes fine talk to the custom shop, and get the info from them, that's fine. But if they had told me that they shot the gun 30 times, and all was fine, I'd tell them, "its on its way back to you, YOU get the last six empties out! And then FIX IT!!!"

Doesn't matter if they're proof loads or not, if the cases don't extract normally the gun is not serviceable.

It never occurred to me that they would ship you the gun with fired cases in it. I don't know anybody who does or ever did that. Even when some states required a fired case for their database, I never, ever saw a gun at a dealer
s with the (required) fired case still in the gun. It was always with it, usually in a small envelope.

Every shop, even those with the best of reputations has the occasional screw up. The good ones do everything possible to avoid screw-ups, and fix those that do happen. One guy missing something can result in a serious hit to a shops reputation, and they tend to really care about things like that.

What matters most is how the shop treats you, and the gun, in this matter. the gun needs to be fixed correctly, and the shop needs to do it in a timely manner, on their dime, including all shipping fees.

A friend of mine bought a gun from one of the big name, nationally recognized shops, a specific gun with "period correct" markings. When the gun was delivered, it had the wrong markings. Called the shop, they said, no problem, send it back.

Gun came back in about a week, markings correct. No cost to the owner. Now, here's the thing, some time later, I suspected it had an incorrect part. Owner agreed with me, called the shop, and the shop said.."WHAT???... ok we'll send a tag, send it in..."

He did, it came back in about a week, with the right part installed. Further conversation with the shop went like this.."we're very sorry for what happened, we checked, and the gentleman who let that gun get out, twice, with the wrong part in it is no longer associated with our firm."

ok, not the exact words, but that was the gist of it.

I mention this to point out that not only do the "best" shops sometimes mess up, but it may just be one messed up guy at the shop, and not the whole shop, itself.

give them a chance, see if they do right by you. Either way, please let us know how it goes/
Certainly more in depth than I was going for but spot on.

Good thought on the finding of the fired cases and then not extracting (!@#$ moment) - we tend to want to work with things and sometimes that is simply the wrong course of action.

What makes me leery in this case is the narrative and what they did and one person on the phone who then spins the yarn.

I would want to have it in writing what their testing setup is, 30 over pressure rounds would be nuts.

In short, there is a serious smell involved and I am on the side of I wouldn't trust that outfit any further than I can throw the Empire State building.
I guess to make matters worse I did .
Yesterday afternoon I sent this Custom Gun Maker an e-mail . I thought it a good idea to tell him the gun was shipped back out today . Then my second mistake I told him that when I called the first time I was less then happy and I should of just sent it back with a note . Well I dislike bullies and that is how he came off and it really upset me .
So like an idiot I told him That we all make mistakes and I hope it all works out and the revolver is taken care off . Well I guess he does not make mistakes as he e-mail back this morning telling me to never e-mail or call him again .
My first call after receiving and finding the problem was answered by one of the Gunsmiths . After I told him the revolver came with six spent rounds in the chambers and that all spent rounds had to be beat out of the chamber with Brass Rod His response was yes they (the six spent cases) were test rounds but we shot this revolver 30 times and it is fine . Sent it back this morning when it comes back if it is still not RIGHT I WILL NAME THIS CUSTOM GUNSMITH .
Gary Reeder ....right ?
Chamber throats measuring .462", and at the other end, .451"?
Sounds like the cylinder was bored backwards!
The case is straight walled, supposed to be .457" at both ends, so how does a loaded round get past the .451" restriction?
RickB When I did get a case Beat out of the Cylinder it would not go in to any of the 44 mag cylinders I have .
RC20 That site was spot on .
Last month(26th.) Mr. Reeder and I spokeabout the Revolver I was thinking of buying . Itwas a nice conversation he answered my question and I was happy . Now I receive the Revolver and have a big problem so I called . Totally different person insulting and very much a bully . I never said anything to upset him but he was a total ass . Then and if I get this Revolver back and working it will be sold as fast as I can .