Re-evaluate CC


New member
For the most part, many carry small guns. I prefer to carry a 38 in +p as a minimum since the 380 typically won't break a pelvic bone (if you agree with Masaad Ayoob). I personally have no clue but will go with his recommendation. I make that decision with the understanding that anything over 15-20 feet is problematic for me. Most of the needs for a small gun are usually around arms length or may be a tad bit further, but not much. But with all the gun free zone shootings as of late, and it's summer where frayed minds go even frayererererer, a person needs something that allows them to reach out an touch someone, hit the target hard. Hit the target with some serious giddy-up that allows that favorite HP to do it's job. Carrying around a concealed Mosin Nagant 91/30 that shoots flames with an intimidating sound is a tad difficult to hide (sorry for a short MN fantasy lapse there but I was out shooting it this weekend). But for many of us, we need at least something that has a 4 inch barrel and a caliber that can work in the parking lots, malls, etc. It's a pain carrying around a heavy large gun, but with the right clothing it can be done and even in hot areas. I sometimes carry my Beretta 40 cal PX4 and that sucker is heavy. But with the correct belt, holster and long flimsy open button shirt, it is not seen nor does it print and is ok to carry. The problem of carrying it, is the location I like doesn't like the vehicle seats I have. So bypassing the belt loop allows it to move from 4 o'clock to 3 o'clock. A bit better. Yep, going to have to relegate my 38 to a bug and just commit to the longer barrel and larger caliber.
Although my "always" gun is a Ruger LCP, I'm finding it very convenient to "almost always" carry my Springfield XDs in .45 ACP. No compromise with stopping power there -- 230-gr HSTs! :cool:
I get a warm fuzzy feeling carrying my XDm .45 3.8 Compact. I like the Shield 9mm too, but I feel just a tad under gunned compared to the .45, but by no means defenseless.
My little Glock 26 in 9mm can reach out and touch at 50 yards. It's a big handgun hiding in a little handgun's body, far more accurate than one would expect of the package.

More important than the platform, is the training. Small guns are harder to shoot well than large ones, but a large gun will not magically turn a poor shooter into a skilled one.

My feeling mirror the OPs. Carry a big enough gun to handle the problems we face in todays world. As early reports from the vegas shooting come out, it is believed that a CCW holder engaged the shooters in a parking lot

It doesnt always happen at arms length... Sometimes there is more then one badguy

If i have to defend my family across a movie theatre from some crazed gunman, i feel better with my Glock 23 and a spare mag doing it
OP - What type of holster are using?

I too agree with most of your comments, and as such I carry a gun similar in size to you. It holds 13+1 rounds of 40 S&W with a 4" barrel. I had the same problem with it being to carry while driving, and I am in sales for a living and spend about 20 hours a week behind the wheel of my truck.

For me, finding the right holster made carrying while driving a whole more comfortable.
More important than the platform, is the training.

The Illinois Peoples' State is just now getting to where the rest of the country has been. I've been working through what works for me, vis a vis defensive carry.

It's evident to me, trying this and that, that the whole thing is a system. Belt, holster, the tool that rides in the holster, and the user of that tool, all have to work together. The gun is just one part of that.

As gunnies we tend to focus perhaps overmuch on the firearm. It does annoy me, somewhat, when I see "what gun for $X?" threads. Usually, the person asking isn't even thinking of budgeting for the rest of what he'll need. Which, of course, includes training.

My little Glock 26 in 9mm can reach out and touch at 50 yards. It's a big handgun hiding in a little handgun's body

My latest acquisition is an XD40 subcompact, a rough equivalent to that, that I was fortunate enough to get a decent usable holster with. It'll do.
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I just got licensed in IL, so my actual experience is limited so far.

I really like the XDS 9mm with a 4" barrel I bought recently. I will probably carry that one. I shoot it well, the recoil isn't excessive so follow up shots are doable if needed.

I'm not sold on the holster that comes with the gun, so I'm still looking for the elusive perfect holster.
My minimum barrel length for any handgun is 4". I don't even consider anything smaller. Weight has some bearing but even that I find to be much less critical than what I read from others. Width seems to matter about as much as weight. A good holster minus the good belt (I have them, don't like them, never understood the recommendation when IWB is the choice) has always allowed me to comfortable carry a full size pistol.
I have a Boberg XR9-S. It's tiny (smaller than the Kahr PM-9) and lightweight yet holds 8 rounds of 9mm+p with a 3.35" barrel.
The slide is so easy to rack that dear old Grandma can do it, yet the recoil is noticably milder than the Kahr PM-9.
It's built like a Swiss watch.
Maximum firepower in an easy to use minimum package.
I have long pondered the dilemma of clout .vs. control .vs. concealment.

I have a wide selection of fully CCW capable guns. From P32 to J frame 640 to Kahr K9 to Ruger Speed Six to Glock 26 to Colt Commander .45. All with ccw holsters and mag/speed strip pouches. And all of 'em have a supply of tested ammo for 'em.

My picks? S&W 640 in .38 for quick trips to the store and Glock 26 for everything else. And I use them daily.

I have seen threads like this on other forums, and have often wondered why the emphasis on the size and weight of a concealed carry pistol -- I don't understand the school of thought that says the smaller and lighter the better. I am not a large person, but I can carry a full size 1911 with no problem, and often forget it's there.

Although I am fortunate enough that I could carry pretty much any handgun I wanted to, the gun I most frequently carry is . . . a .40 Firestar. I bought is almost by accident, wanting something similar in shape and size to the Colt ACP Officer's Model that was my regular carry at the time, and was very pleasantly surprised by it's performance. The Firestar was one of the first .40 compacts, and, by today's standards, is a heavier than average gun for its size. Depending on how I'm dressed I carry it either in an IWB holster or in a "belly band" under my arm, and, as stated above, I sometimes forget I'm carrying.

I think that the advantages of carrying a decent size pistol outweigh any so called convenience of a lightweight, sub-compact handgun.
The popularity and proliferation of sub-compact CCW handguns would appear to place you in the minority.

It wouldn't be the first time I was in the minority. Doesn't necessarily mean I'm wrong, though.
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No, it does not. Being in the minority does not make you wrong.

My experience mirrors yours. I carry a CZ75B IWB in a hybrid Kydex/leather holster, with a good belt from - and it disappears under a light overshirt, does not drag my pants down, and although I never actually forget it is there in the sense of being unaware of my responsibilities, I do not feel it; it is just there, like the hat on my head or the shoes on my feet.

I think people like small, concealable guns because they don't want to risk "printing" or have to be concerned with a cover garment. A loose T shirt would cover my CZ but I don't dress that way.
"It wouldn't be the first time I was in the minority. Doesn't necessarily mean I'm wrong, though."

Yep, has nothing to do with right or wrong, just what works for that particular individual and a very large number of individuals prefer small but potent CCWs.
I guess I fall into the smaller lighter catagory & of course I'll tell you why...

a couple points I'd like to make... & let's pull some of the bravado back a little...

there is much too high a risk of hitting a bystander shooting across a theater, people running around franticly & someone runs into your line of sight... bang... now you are one of the bad guys... now as far as anyone in the theater is concerned, you are one of the murderers... as well, you have now become... you may consider yourself lucky, if law enforcement doesn't shoot you... add to this, the problem of over penetration in this type of crowded area... IMO, if the shooter is close to you, & you "honestly" expect the next bullet is coming your way, you bet... I shoot, but if there is a chance to duck & get to a safe place, or if it's possible to "tackle" them, if you want to be a hero, IMO, that's a better option, than murdering another innocent bystander, because you could not account for all the possible accidental targets...

if you are shooting across a parking lot, or large expanse of a public place, like mall, you are likely to find yourself facing charges... better to scoot your family away from the shooter, then it is to try to engage someone from a long distance...

now that I've said that, I carry always... period... I'm often doing very physical work, one where both the size, & the weight of the gun could easily be a detriment, either damaging the gun, tiring myself, or even injuring me...

I have a lot of "bigger / nicer / higher capacity / more powerful guns I could carry, & do on certain occasions... but my EDC is normally a little TCP in .380

OK... got my flame suit on... fire away...
I have carried full size guns and compact guns while cc'ing, and at this moment I really love my Glock 26 with good hollow points. I do not feel under gunned with 20 rounds of 9MM. Plus I can carry the thing all day at 3 0clock position and its comfortable.
By this post, I'm not arguing with anybody, just stating my way of thinking with regard to carrying a handgun.

Hopefully, I will never have to use my weapon. However, if I do, it could occur in any number of situations. While I realize that most self defense conflicts occur at close range -- under 10 feet, usually closer -- I don't discount the possibility that I would need a weapon that would be accurate at longer distances. In addition to the fact that most full size guns are more accurate than compact or sub-compacts, the additional size and weight make it faster to recover and re-acquire a target for multiple shots. To me, a full size weapon is more versatile for a larger range of shooting conditions.

I am speaking generally here. I realize that there are some circumstances where it is just not feasible to carry something like a full size 1911; however, as stated in my previous post, I usually don't find a 1911 difficult to carry and conceal.