Ralph Severe and Ninjitsu in Dallas - Please Help

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Welcome Sharp Phil

Welcome to TFL Phil:
I would have responded to your earlier post sooner but, I have just now recovered from rolling around on the floor laughing after reading the ACAMAC posts.:D I really enjoyed your threads on internet profiles, Trolls, VTGs, and Virtual Sensei's. Again welcome to the BB.

Thanks, Mike.

I think I came close to having a seizure while trying to read the actual ACAMAC web site.

To this day I'm still not entirely sure what any of those messages to me is trying to say (though one of them is definitely a demand that I stop posting the mail to my web site's "Hate Mail" section).

At least ACAMAC is funny. Ralph is just wretched.

I'll shut the f**k up this time...why is it that there can't be a forum without arguing about Mr. Severe..he is even more famous than Hatsumi Sôke!

PS. I'm sick of seeing childish "threats" next to the Bujinkan logo.

No Peace nor Happiness :mad:,
Hey man that's some pretty good stuff.

While I do have respect for the Bujinkan, that Savage stuff is a big detraction from the movement.
He seems easily off-centered. A trait that none of those who truly understand the arts portray - at least that I've known anyhow.
Wow, I had no idea that Ralph's fame had spread so far and wide. The guys at the Otherground forum on the mixed martial arts Web site www.mma.tv have a whole library worth of Ralph Severe humor, after someone posted his Web site last year. One guy did a hliarious Macromedia Flash montage of Ralph's pics, set to the theme to "Conan the Barbarian." I'll try to get the link to it.

In Ralph's defense, though, I have to say if he did these AC/DC painting he can't be all bad, I'd like to have em!



In answer to the post that started this whole thread, if you want some no-BS hardcore training in Dallas, go to Machado Jiu-Jitsu, I think it's on Midway north of 635 somewhere. If you want to talk to students from every good martial arts school in Dallas, go to www.mma.tv and post on the Underground or Otherground forums.
One guy did a hliarious Macromedia Flash montage of Ralph's pics, set to the theme to "Conan the Barbarian." I'll try to get the link to it.

It would amuse me greatly to see that, if you can find it.
I would love to see this Phil. I wonder if it will feature Master Kamiyama with his bullwhip and machete technique?
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Still waiting to get a reply to my requests for the link to the Ralph "Conan" montage, I'll post it as soon as I get it.
Here it is! I don't know how to link it so it shows up automatically, please help!


and a shorter one:


SatanJr has some other funny flash movies, such as the Elivis one, but it's kind of an inside joke for the Otherground Forum on www.mma.tv. Ralph has been Photoshopped by several people there. If I can find those pics I'll post them. The Otherground is great for martial arts humor by computer experts with way too much time on their hands.
Leave no duck unplucked.

The loud ones are easy to avoid.
Be wary of the quiet one in the corner. May be comatose, or may be deadly.

This has been a very interesting thread.

Ralph said some things a while back on e-budo that got some of us a mite perturbed. They were needlessly argumentative, baiting, ill-considered, insulting, obtuse, and in short, all things evil. ;) They are now gone from the "no holds barred" section, but I do seem to recall two of the better-known members here (who may or may not be currently masquerading as TFL Staff) were among the many who pointed out the inconsistencies in what he had to say. IIRC, this thread was just about the longest thread in the history of the world, and the only people who had anything positive to say about Ralphie were his personal students. (To give the briefest hint, Mr. Severe basically urged all citizens of countries with controlled access to weapons to rise up and kill their governing officials, then toward the end of the long thread, bragged about his association with various law enforcement groups in the US and UK. :confused: )

I, um, also seem to recall begging Mr. Severe to come see me, the next time he passed through Atlanta, with a waiver in his hand. :o

There are some good "x-kanners", but if you hear the word "ninjutsu" bandied about, beware. As an aside, Bud Malstrom is terrific. Train with him if you can.
more people are into this than I thought.

a bird said it was studied by some operators (not the wannabe ones, but the ones currently working as such)?

Considering the Japanese at Pride events laughed at the term "ninja" I'm wondering what is going on.

Aren't the practitioners (even Hatsumi?) billing it as bujutsu and ninpo now? Sounds like they are trying to get away from the whole association with the term "ninja" and who can blame them?

Makes me wonder what the new buzzword will be to replace "tactical."
Okay, maybe we should back up. The Bujinkan and Jinenkan both teach multiple systems (ryu, traditional lineages). In the case of the Bujinkan, there are 9 schools, and in the case of the Jinenkan, there are 7. Of these, only two are "ninjutsu" schools. Steven Hayes used the word "ninja" and "ninjutsu" a lot because the idea of this mystical Jedi Knight/Rambo mix got Americans' attention. It would be impossible for a modern day American to be a "ninja", just as it would be impossible for that same person to be a samurai. (Or a knight, in anything but title.)

Anyway, these systems do correctly fit into kobudo bujutsu, which is a way of saying traditional Japanese battle arts. Those interested are encouraged to go to the Jinenkan website or one of the many Bujinkan sites for more info.

krept, I would say serious practitioners of these arts like using the correct terms for what they're practicing, and also want to distance themselves from pretenders like Dux, "Ashida Kim", and the like.
Hello Everyone,

Just thought I'd give all of you an update.

Went to observe a Shotokan Karate class at a local activity center, but was turned off by all the kids in the class. When I was about to leave I saw someone in a different style of uniform. So I asked what their class was. It turns out it is a Modern Arnis class taught by a local guy who does it part time for enjoyment. He really loves the art and does not teach children. He only charges $20 a month so I figured I couldn't miss by at least observing a class. Wow! I was overwhelmed!

Wonderful art! Extremely combat oriented!

Well I've taken three sessions now and I'm hooked!

Any thoughts on Modern Arnis?

- Anthony
I personally think Arnis is awesome and would love to take classes if there were a school near me. Sounds like you were meant to find this guy. I'd like to hear updates as your training progresses, stuff you learn, etc.
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