Ralph Severe and Ninjitsu in Dallas - Please Help

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For those wondering why I seem to be hounding Skorzeny, here is a link to a thread in which we discussed some issues and he then offered to meet me in the ring. ( http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=105779 )

I'm not one to pick fights, but if someone is going to resort to argumentum ad baculum they must be answered. A challenge is a serious thing that should be acknowledged and resolved honorably.

The offer for a K-1 match is appreciated, but I am not looking for any old fight. I am simply holding a man to his challenge.

Skorzeny has been given all of my contact information while sharing none of his own, making it difficult for me to aid him in the resolution of his offer. I'm beginning to question the sincerity of his challenge.

I live all the way out in the wilds of east Phoenix. If you like, I'll email you my contact info and we could partake in some fermented grain beverages.

Argumentum ad baculum (resorting to force or the threat of force in order to try and push the acceptance of a conclusion) is not acceptable at The Firing Line.

Neither is tu quoque reasoning.

I neither know, nor care, where, when or how this vendetta between two Members of TFL started, but the public manifestations of it end now.

That's interesting. The Ninpo Master apparently does not realize that it is "Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu" meaning Greater East Style Harmonious Techniques of Softness. BTW, the "Greater East" part does come from "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" as the founder of that style was highly influenced by the Japanese philosophy then current about "uniting" the people of East Asia against the Western "barbarian" colonialists.

I've got some good challenge matches on tape, like guys vs. Joe Pardo at the Gracie school and garage fights with Alan Goes... you know, stuff like that.
So do I! But, then again, don't half the people who train in BJJ do? BTW, isn't Alan huge now? In that footage, he is "normal" sized.
Just remember... hell hath no fury like that of Grandmaster Robert Ferguson...
Is the "Prince of Leglocks" still around? Doesn't he realize that *I* am the real "Prince of Leglocks"? :) I trained in Shooto for a bit under a student of Erik Paulson - and I became fanatical about leglocks, particularly heel hooks and ankle twists off being in the Guard (especially the one in which you grab the opposite ankle, twist your body 90 degrees and roll over into a lock, with a nice switch/transition to a kneebar). So much so that my BJJ instructor forbade me from using leglocks for a year, because he thought that my guard passing skills were suffering - he said that I was addicted to leglocks. He was right, of course. My guard skills had stalled a bit while I was gingerly pulling out leglocks everytime I was in the guard.
It's the people that get their ego cut down and take things way too personal and then come back armed or with buddies that ruin the sport for everyone.
That's why I get scared - yes, scared - when people refuse public engagements and offer their apartments.

In any case, per request from management, I will not respond to DaveK's posts.

[edited: because pic was too evil to post, Master Ralph has had enough] Probably my funniest photo edit yet though !
Man, those threads about Israel really make my head hurt. Good stuff, thanks for the link.

As far as the situation between Skorzeny and DaveK, I don't think it's as much a matter of Argumentum ad baculum as it is about whose Kung-Fu is better. MMA guys (and gals) are like that. Even if one taps the other, I doubt they would say "see, I told you I was right about Israel!" But yeah, LawDog is right I guess it's better stuff like this is left in PMs.

Is the "Prince of Leglocks" still around?

Yep, the scary thing is, I think he's even competing in MMA matches. I've always wanted to see the Ferg Follies tape where Oxnard Doc (a 50+ year old BJJ student) comes in and offers to give him $1000 in cash he brought with him if Ferg could make Doc tap... man, the video clip from that is so funny.

BTW, isn't Alan huge now? In that footage, he is "normal" sized.

Alan had to have been in his teens in those vids. He is a big fella now... hmm... must be all the vitamins. Man, I have a lot of fights on tape, but really nothing is better than challenge matches, IMO. Talk about tension...

By the way... I want to see more ninja pics! Is that out of line?

BTW, DaveK, I e-mailed your hotmail account...
I trained with Luke Molitor at Bud Malmstrom's dojo in Atlanta before Luke moved to Japan to train with Hatsumi sensei. He's pretty good. Ralph, on the other hand, is kinda weird.
"By the way... I want to see more ninja pics! Is that out of line?"

Alright allright !...quit twisiting my arm Edit: I emailed it to you instead.
Yep, the scary thing is, I think he's even competing in MMA matches. I've always wanted to see the Ferg Follies tape where Oxnard Doc (a 50+ year old BJJ student) comes in and offers to give him $1000 in cash he brought with him if Ferg could make Doc tap... man, the video clip from that is so funny.
I'd like to see that. How's the "Prince" been doing at these MMA matches? Oh, wait, I've seen at least one match in which he ran the whole time and got a draw of sorts.
Alan had to have been in his teens in those vids. He is a big fella now... hmm... must be all the vitamins
Uh, these "vitamins" wouldn't cause liver damage, would they?

As for this so-called personal vendetta business, anyone who cares to know what I think can PM me. I will not respond to, or discuss, this issue on public forums per moderator's request.

Hello, all. A helpful Web denizen sent me a link to this thread (in which I notice my web page is referenced -- thanks much for the ego boost ;) ).

It so happens I had a little Internet run-in with Mr. Severe myself:

Private Messages From Ralph Severe

I provoked him, to be perfectly honest, but he doesn't strike me as very nice -- nor very professional.
LawDog, if it's not too much trouble, do you think you could delete all my posts on this thread ?




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Have I not always wondered out loud why there are so many frauds in the martial art and gun industries?

Is it something hormonal? Or is it that there are a lot of guys who draw their "manliness" from appearing to be super secret Ninja for the government?

I love what that SCARS website had to say about Spetsnaz Sambo:
Soviet Spetnaz[sic]:

Recently the "fighter of the month club" has tried to push Soviet Spetnaz Fighting. This consists of some martial arts moves put together in a haphazard manner. Some of it is good and some bad. Bottom-line, the Soviets sent a KGB agent to attempt to research SCARS in the late '80s. NIS investigated and handled the incident. Since the fall of the Soviet empire much has come out about the poor state of readiness the Soviets were in and the inadequate training techniques they had. In hand to hand and hand to weapon fighting they fell far short. It is interesting that Moscow looks to western military professionals to head up training of security and military and law enforcement units . That should speak volumes about the effectiveness of Soviet training techniques. SCARS training will get you there faster and far more effectively than any other system out there.

I urge Jerry Petersen or whoever wrote this to visit Dynamo or other former Soviet Sambo and martial arts training clubs and issue such statements. These guys are monsters and have very little concepts of what pain means. I'd hate to run into one of these guys with a spade in an alley even if I had a gun.


Why? I liked your posts - they were some of the most hilarious things here. Or do you now believe you must challenge and beat the Ninpo Master before you can enjoy a little humor at his expense?

Skorzeny, master Kamiyama is too easy a target. He should be exposed, especially if he abuses his students, but I don't need to rub it in.

When I see his unibrow and pudgy face I'm reminded of that fat kid in grade school, you know...the one everyone bullied until finally he got red in the face and beat up the cool kid while crying like a girl ? That's master Kamiyama. Except now, he doesn't beat up the cool kid, he lights up a Luby's. Or tortures a student or two.

Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to stumble on a thread like this where you are being excoriated publicly ? I'm sure he's used to it by now but damn...it's too much.
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