Question? Getting FFL.

This is indeed a great thread. Anyway, I am getting the ducks in a row to start a firearms side business and requested all the paperwork from the BATFE. I do have some questions that maybe someone can answer.

I see the option for dealer (01/02), but I am not seeing a check for SOT. Is this a separate form? I would like to be able to offer NFA items.

The option for 07 manufacturer is only an additional $150. I think this might be valuable to have, but does this add any additional regulatory burden? Am I reading this right in that it would also qualify for manufacturing NFA items (sans DD)?

There is a question asking "do you intend to engage in business as a pawnbroker?" I don't plan to do so, so will answer no. However, if I ever did so, would I have to amend the license?

There are two additional forms they included—Supplemental Information on Water Quality Considerations and Environmental Information. Anyone know what this is about?

I'm sure I'll have some more questions, but those are the ones that come to mind now. Thanks all for the assistance.
SOT is a whole separate item you get after you have your FFL, its a tax paid to allow Title II dealings. It runs July 1st to June 31st. Get the FFL first, this comes second.
Just doing a little homework on the FFL. I realize this is a very old post, but, does anyone know how an FFL holder needs to log a personal firearm purchase, does this go in the bound book? How does the ATF distinguish personal firearms and firearms that are purchased for resale? Does the ATF take an inventory of my personal collection? Just wondering, I know our 2nd amendments rights are under constant attack. I am fearful that there will be a "tax" to own firearms just like there is a tax on people who do not have health insurance. We all know that a tax can be placed on something to make it out of reach for most people.
Personal firearms you have before the FFL get tagged personal firearm not for sale, best if kept in separate storage. They will not be inventoried.

After the FFL all guns in/out personal/for sale come through the FFL books and any you want for yourself, you log out to yourself.