Question for Ron Paul supporters

With all due respect to Ron Paul

HA! That is a good one! EVERYTHING about Ron Paul is ALWAYS wrong in your eyes. I guess you completely misread that portion in my last post where I it was my guess and none of what I wrote was attributed to Ron Paul.

I can't help you with your question about the IRS since Ron Paul has answered that about a trillion times (he even answered it once on Jay Leno's show).
The military doens't have the training, resources, or the leway to do what the CIA and the NSA do. Do you really want uniformed officers carrying out intelligence operations?
That's simply wrong. When you peel away the things the CIA does that are illegal, their budget becomes significantly smaller. NSA has had military operatives for the most part for years, it's the hierarchy that would be moved to the military.
Stage 2, it's Article I, Section 2.

He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments.

You should have done your homework.
LOL I have done my homework Pat. Article 2 section 1 says NOTHING about creating departments. First, if congress had the power to create executive departments it would be in article 1 not article 2. Thats your first mistake. Secondly, your costruction of article 2 is completely wrong.

The part you bolded deals with the appointment of officers, not the creation of departments.

If you look at the language used, the advise and consent of the senate modifies "shall appoint" and "shall nominate". You can't appoint or nominate a department.

So again I'll ask you, where does it say that congress has the power to create executive departments. And again I ask you this question considering that things like customs as well as the state department were around in one form or another when the frmaers were still around.
Trying to get back on topic, in 1860 (an approximation), a terrorist named John Brown siezed the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry. There was no CIA, FBI, or DEA, or BATFE. The President sent Col. Robert E. Lee with a detachment of Marines to take the Ferry back and enforce the law. In other cases in our history, we used private detective firms (The Pinkertons) to collect domestic intelligence, investigate crimes, etc...

Let's not forget that it wasn't the FBI, DEA, or BATFE that discovered the incindiaries at the Branch Davidian compound, but the Texas Rangers. There is nothing that says the federal government cannot use state police to investigate federal crimes. Just as the federal government often uses county jails to hold federal prisoners until they are sent to a federal facility (for a fee).

Besides, a successful RP presidency would likely involve the repeal of many federal laws/regulations. By their repeal, there would be less need for federal law enforcement. I believe the CIA could be folded into the DIA. The DOD has lots of civilians in the workforce. I met Dr. Gate's security detail one night and found that most had been offered warrants from the civilian sector to come protect the SecDef. IIRC, only one was taken out of the ranks.
I think he'll split the conservatives and hand the White House to Hillary like ross Perot did for her husband. I hate the "lesser of 2 evils" vote, but I have to vote for anyone who has a chance of beating Hillary. I'll vote for the Republican nominee unless it ends up being McCain or Guliani. Both of them are about as bad as Hillary.

But remember now matter how bad we think things are in the US, I still wouldn't live anywhere else.
I think he'll split the conservatives and hand the White House to Hillary like ross Perot did for her husband.

How does Ron Paul running in the Republican Primary split conservative votes in the general election and hand the White House to Hillary???
That's the difference between us. I THINK that he will not get the nomination and I HOPE he well run as an idependent. Although it would be much better if he were able to get the Republican nomination.

Just a point for those who begin a sentence with "I don't think". I tend to believe you and usually stop taking you seriously at that point.

How does Ron Paul running in the Republican Primary split conservative votes in the general election and hand the White House to Hillary???

Because the other Republican candidates are simply unpalatable to true conservatives. Ron Paul is the only conservative running. All the others are just RINOs. The reason why he gets such grassroots support is that he is what many people have been wanting and have not seen in a long time. A real conservative candidate.
I'll answer since everyone else is ignoring it.

If I'm not mistaken I believe RP's solution is that intelligence gathering is a function of the military and the Pentagon. His problem with the agencies as they stand is that they are all their own little bureacracies that don't work together, they have inflated budgets, and they don't seem to be accountable to anyone. Under the military there would be more accountability to Congress.

Because getting rid of police agencies, and concentrating power in the military, has never resulted in anything bad ever happening in a country or to its citizens and their freedom.
Because getting rid of police agencies, and concentrating power in the military, has never resulted in anything bad ever happening in a country or to its citizens and their freedom.

Not to mention the military is ill suited for intelligence gathering or accomplishing discreet objectives.