Question for Paul fans: is ALL support welcome?

I'm Jewish, too; and I know that if I found out that David Duke and Stormfront,, were endorsing my candidate, I'd sure as Hell be trying to figure out why.

Well it figures then why you and I are making this stink about Ron...

Hey Fremmer, how about question Ron Paul..are you one of"neo-cons")

WildnotawitzinyournameisthereAlaska TM
My guess as to the reason is that Ron Paul opposes foreign aid to Israel. The Jew-haters apparently don't realize he also opposes foreign aid to other nations as well.

I know a Jew in Israel who also opposes foreign aid to Israel, considering that the IDF wastes more money than they get from the US every year, among other reasons such as the way it distorts Israeli markets.

I'd be interested too, whether Dr. Paul actually "wrote for" the newsletters, or if one of his many articles over the course of decades was simply cut and pasted into one of the newsletters.
let's be accurate

To be fair, Ron Paul's writing has been PUBLISHED in some white-supremacist newsletters; to say that he writes "for" them is not quite fair.

My guess would be that the material was published with permission, but that somebody in Paul's office wasn't paying much attention to who was asking for it.

As I said in my OP, I'm not saying that Paul himself is a bigot; the question is, why are so many bigots flocking to his banner? What is there about Paul's writing that would make a neo-Nazi want to publish it?
Hey Fremmer, how about question Ron Paul..are you one of"neo-cons")

Sorry, the freemason code won't allow me to answer that question, and if I were to answer it, I'd mysteriously 'disappear'. :D
message received

"I think I'll have a supreme pizza tonight for dinner."

Got it.

"The purple bird sings at sunrise."
To be fair (or play devil's advocate), making an association between those of a Paulish creed and white-supremacist groups is somewhat like labelling Democrats as Communists. Despite the falsehood of that claim with regard to most Democrats, it happens quite a bit around here. It is nonsensical to try to demonstrate that Democrats by and large are not Communists on this board simply because such a sentiment is drowned out so quickly by vociferous and extremely hostile claims to the contrary.

However, when groups like those to which the OP refers make such statements of support, I would think that at a minimum, it only would benefit the Paul campaign and his more mainstream - or at least inclusive - supporters to disassociate publicly from those groups, unless by silence acceptance of that support is to be inferred.
Ron Paul can't control who writes or speaks in support of him any more than the next guy can. I think that a great point was raised (and ignored by most) earlier in the thread.

That being that there are undoubtedly many racists who support the NRA (yes, especially financially) does that make the NRA wrong or evil in your eyes?

The fact that such hate spewing individuals support Paul doesn't mean anything to me. Their support isn't changing his message. It's not a reflection of his campaign. They are just not important.
I think this is one of the most absurd threads I have ever read. I think some here are deliberately trying to bait Ron Paul supporters.

Paul has no control over who supports him. He also has no way to tell if an individual donating money to him is an anti-semite or racist.

I don't support Ron Paul on a variety of issues, but I think this thread, which is attempting to connect him to racist groups, is deliberately unfair to him and his supporters.
I don't support Ron Paul on a variety of issues, but I think this thread, which is attempting to connect him to racist groups, is deliberately unfair to him and his supporters.

Why.....the fringers seem to think he is the candidate of choice...why hasn't Ron said:

"There is no place in America for haters. Therefore, I dont want your endorsements, your money or your support"

Ron Paul can't control who writes or speaks in support of him any more than the next guy can

O yes he can. See above.

That being that there are undoubtedly many racists who support the NRA (yes, especially financially) does that make the NRA wrong or evil in your eyes?

The NRA isnt running for President. The NRA is an organization. The NRA doesnt welcome those folks (althoough GOA does)... There are rascists on this Board, I'm still gonna be here unless the management welcomes them. :)

WildyoudamenschAlaska ™
"There is no place in America for haters. Therefore, I dont want your endorsements, your money or your support"

Have Giuliani, Romney, McCain, Hillary, Obama, or anyone else made a statement like that? I have never heard a politician say anything like that.

I ain't voting for Ron Paul. But I havent seen any evidence that he's a racist, and don't see any reason to smear his name.
why hasn't Ron said:

"There is no place in America for haters. Therefore, I dont want your endorsements, your money or your support"

Why haven't you come on this board to proclaim that you don't support Ivory Power, whoever the heck that is? Because people would wonder what the heck you are talking about, and why you even know who that group is, maybe?

Maybe because calling attention to a few obscure nutjob supporters who can't otherwise get any attention at all cannot possibly be productive. There are better uses of his time than to chase down and denounce people no one even knows.
It is true that RP can't control who supports him,but the fact that they do still begs the question why.
Because the anti-semites, racists, 9/11 truthers, stoners, conspiracy theorists, and gun nuts want to be free just like the rest of us?
ZeroJunk said:
It is true that RP can't control who supports him,but the fact that they do still begs the question why.

There was a reason given:

So if you... wish to save this country from the evil machinations of Jew bankers, please consider voting for Ron Paul in 2008!"

Tell me again why I should waste a moment questioning why that person thinks that way?
Well, after his non performance on the economic issue oriented debate tonight it doesn't matter much who supports Paul. If you can't convince Kudlow and his ilk that you are the best choice for free markets and growth and such then how are you going to convince anyone? Paul really looked lame and the economy and trade really should be his strongest arena.
Have Giuliani, Romney, McCain, Hillary, Obama, or anyone else made a statement like that? I have never heard a politician say anything like that.

Are they getting the endorsement of david Duke? or Larry pratt? Or Stormfront?

I can see MCain finding out he is being endorsed by the Aryan nations, yikes ;)

Maybe because calling attention to a few obscure nutjob supporters who can't otherwise get any attention at all cannot possibly be productive. There are better uses of his time than to chase down and denounce people no one even knows.
Today 08:24 PM

They are his supporters LOL...and if he doesnt know such nutjobs are out there, then he really lives in La La Land...

Or maybe he does know:cool:

WildancindaysarehereagainAlaska TM