Question for Paul fans: is ALL support welcome?


New member
There is an issue which I think might be of concern to supporters of Ron Paul, and that is the widespread and outspoken support of Dr.
Paul by racists, white supremacists, and anti-Semites.

I certainly do not believe that most, or even many, of Dr. Paul's fans are bigots; on the contrary, by and large they seem to be normal, patriotic Americans who are drawn to him by his devotion to the Constitution and his emphatically pro-American and libertarian views.

This is NOT an attempt to smear Ron Paul or his supporters.

That said, I do think it ought to concern those supporters that bigots and neo-Nazis seem to be coming out in force to support Dr. Paul.

Why is that evidently not a matter that concerns them? Why are there so few denunciations of those repugnant views? The prevailing attitude seems to be "We're not responsible for those nuts," and while that is no doubt true, isn't it a phenomenon that requires some analysis? Why is this happening? Doesn't anyone wonder?

Here are some examples:

Best Candidate for U.S. President in 2008: Ron Paul By Wendy Campbell, MarWen Media July, 2007

"...Democrats and Republicans are like Tweedledee and Tweedledumb, both are controlled by the evil, subhuman Jews, and both are jockeying for their own personal elitist power to control the continuation of The Evil Empire, of which George W. Bush is the current, totally obedient puppet "leader" selected by the elite globalists: the master globalist Jew bankers, industrial military industry and corporate leaders, and self-“Chosen” media spokespeople and opinion-makers. All of them promote the emerging “Jew World Order.” Like them, most Democrats & Republican are Israel-firsters. They don't seem to have much of a choice due to the kike control of the media, the Israeli Lobby and the contributions of the organized Israel-firster groups, which are kike Zionists and now increasingly Christian Zionists, who disagree on many things, but are both Israel-firsters over and above what's best for the United States.... Most people do not realize that the Federal Reserve is NOT a governmental organization.... It is a PRIVATE company, owned by about 300 or so PRIVATE international globalist families, all of them –you guessed it!- JEWS! THESE kike vermin control the BANK of the USA and their books are CLOSED to all except some of their members.... My second choice would be Democrat Dennis Kucinich out of Ohio, but he is a distant second choice, still too beholden to the Jews, among other degenerate racial minority groups. At any rate, watch the Judaized US media try to silence Ron Paul and put him down the "memory hole". However, they will give lots of FREE and complimentary news coverage, FREE publicity, to the candidates THEY prefer, and yes, they are all Zionist Israel-firsters, including Clinton and Barack. Forget about neocon “JEW-LI-ANI” from Jew York City-- he was alledgedly [sic] in on the inside job of 911 - his run for the US presidency is alledgedly [sic] part of his reward from the 911 mastermind Neocon traitors, a group that really SHOULD be “gassed to death in ovens”!.... So if you... wish to save this country from the evil machinations of Jew bankers, please consider voting for Ron Paul in 2008!"

Ron Paul has been endorsed by White Civil Rights, David Duke's white-supremacist site:

Ron Paul is also touted on Ivory Power, another white-supremacist website:

He has been endorsed by Stormfront, a notorious Neo-Nazi website:

Also by the Vanguard News Network, another white-supremacist anti-Semitic website:

There are plenty more such examples, and they're easy to find; but the above will suffice to prove my point.

Personally, if Nazis and Klansmen were coming out to support my candidate, I would be spitting mad and blowing a vocal cord screaming at them to get lost and that we don't need their kind on our side; but what I am seeing from the Paul camp is mostly shrugging and silence.

If you want to dispel the widespread perception that Dr. Paul is an extremist nutcase, wouldn't it be a good idea to have a bit more to say about this phenomenon?

Before you flame me--wouldn't it have been a good idea to have already flamed the bigots a bit before I ever brought up this quite legitimate concern?
Let me put on my tin foil hat for a moment...okay, thanks, here we go...

It is a smear campaign! We all know the CIA infiltrates fronts like these.
Such resounding...silence...:)

Cnorman, do a search of the the threads about Paul from before you joined. Wendy Campell has the guts at least to say it specifically.

Wildyepapaulpresidencyputsthismouthyjewinafixja?Alaska ™
WOW,the CIA trying to sabotage RP's campaign by planting endorsements on racist websites.I am going to have to develop a better imagination.
Let me put on my tin foil hat for a moment...okay, thanks, here we go...

It is a smear campaign! We all know the CIA infiltrates fronts like these.

You're kidding right? Please tell me you don't actually believe that.
To be fair to Paul, though, he can't control who endorses his campaign. I doubt that you'll hear him bragging about the scumbag anti-semite-group endorsements, and/or that he'll accept campaign contributions from those idiots.

Anyone know about Paul's stated opinion regarding Israel or the Jewish community in America? Perhaps a Paul supporter will fill us in. Paul's opinions may or may not be the cause of the scumbag endorsements -- I don't know.
I doubt that you'll hear him bragging about the scumbag anti-semite-group endorsements, and/or that he'll accept campaign contributions from those idiots.

bet ya he takes their money...all of those individual contributions they always brag about.

Frem, does't it concern you that not one paul supporter has stepped forward? Bet if there was a thread..Ron pauls support jumps to 2% in the national polls... they would al be shouting Hosanna within 30 seconds of the op. :)

WildthesoundsofsilenceAlaska ™
You first commented on the "silence" less than an hour after the thread was posted, and "isn't it interesting not one" less than four hours after the thread was posted. That's kind of lame. Some of us have day jobs that mean we don't hover over our keyboard waiting for the next post on TFL.

And how are we supposed to slam the bigots if we never go anywhere near their websites? I'm Jewish, so you'd never catch me dead surfing StormFront. I have enough blood-pressure escalation from the anti-gunners, I don't need it from people who consider me to be subhuman.

I'm sure that some white supremacists are members of the NRA too, does that reflect on the NRA?

He raised $5.1 million so now it's time for the smear campaign, is that it?
Wild, I just can't fathom that Paul would be stupid enough to accept campaign contributions from those scumbag-groups. If so, I'd expect the republican party to kick him the heck out of the party, and out of the congress.

Like I said, I'm waiting for a Paul supporter to chime in about Paul's stated positions about Israel and the Jewish community in America. We'll see how long we have to wait.
Frem, you know he has already written for white supremecist newsletters (or so I understand, still checking)....

Some of us have day jobs that mean we don't hover over our keyboard waiting for the next post on TFL.

And some of you dont. :)

I'm Jewish, so you'd never catch me dead surfing StormFront. I have enough blood-pressure escalation from the anti-gunners, I don't need it from people who consider me to be subhuman.

Like Larry Pratt of GOA? :)

WildbutheyhesanotherstoryAlaska ™

Apparently the only problem with having grossly bigoted supporters is dealing with the "smear" of anyone bringing up their existence.

I'm Jewish, too; and I know that if I found out that David Duke and Stormfront,, were endorsing my candidate, I'd sure as Hell be trying to figure out why.