Question about Iran..

Yeah, yeah. So, there's a temple now on Mount Moriah? Animal sacrifices? Aaronic priesthood? Nope. Anybody want that? Ha! Good luck selling first century Judaism to anybody now. So, what's the importance of the location? Judaism long ago adapted to the Diaspora. So diaspora some place they don't want you dead.
Is Iran dangerous, I think the question is should America be the world's police force, can we sustain our current policy since we outsource almost all hard goods now we import large portions of the third world population more then any other country. Just in terms of cost alone I do not see how we can function say over the next 20 years or more to the truth I don't believe we can maintain our current quality of life with the path we appear to be on.

If attack we should hit hard otherwise let us mind our own busy if not we may at sometime stand alone against the world and from what I see we are not prepared.
Israel didn’t choose the borders of the Jewish state. It was set up by the League of Nations of which the US played a significant role. Before the establishment of the Jewish state or lands the Jewish people were simply a scattered people with nothing resembling a government or a voice on the world stage. They were powerless to establish anything. Except maybe the record for the longest surviving people without a homeland.
What about the super-secret jewish neocons? That's twice the conspiracy!!! Super secret! Some of 'em are Masons, too!!!

Thanks for revealing me how am I gonna get my ninjarabbis to pull the nocturnal bris moves on folks...

Well, I refuse to be left out of the conspiracy. So I'm in. Now, have I told you about the impending zombie uprising (I've been trying to tell you people about it for years now).....:D

Sorry for ducking out without a word. I've been out on an FTX (that's a field training exercise for those not familiar with military jargon). They brought me back in for the night but I have to go back out at 1500. My unit is coming back in on the 27th and then we have until the 11th of Oct to pack up our equipment for deployment to Iraq. Talk about a short timeline! Anyway..gotta run. I'll catch up with you all after the ftx.