Question about Iran..

In reality, Iran's president is expressing the desires of all Fundamentalist Islamists. The real fight began years ago, and the Islamic facists told us their goals...we have just refused to believe them because we think that ALL people just want to live in peace and prosperity. We need to see them for what they are, and believe them when they say they want to destroy us. If Iran, or Syria gets the bomb, it's only a matter of time before it will be used against us or our allies. MAD only works if both sides want to survive as they are, if one thinks the next life will be better, why would they wait? They have been blatant about their plans and desires, that we just can't seem to believe them even after 9/11/01 is something I'll never understand. :mad:
OK, I'll try to answer a few points in one post:
No… I would not go through the trouble of reading the West-hating trash published in the Imperial Hubris.
First, "Imperial Hubris" is hardly an anti-western book! Where did you get that idea? I suggest you try actually reading a book before making judgments about it, unless you don't want to be bothered with facts and prefer comforting fantasies.

As to the silly statement that worldwide Islamic fundamentalism is coming from mostly Iran, here's a news flash: Radical Sunni imans are the ones preaching anti-Western hate. It's a fact that funding for the notorious madrassas in Pakistan and Afghanistan that are teaching extreme Islamic radicalism is coming from Saudi Arabia, not Iran. The Saudi type of Sunni Islam is what inspired the Taliban and Bin Laden. Iran is a Shia country, and has nothing to do with Sunni Wahabism. This stuff is hardly secret, although you may not hear it on Fox.

About my Dodge Colt (now sadly departed, courtesy of a Ford F250 crew cab, driven by 2 teenagers): my point was that the small cars of the '80s got better gas mileage than most of today's cars. I replaced my deceased Colt with a Chevy Cavalier, which gets about 24 mpg around town. Who cares how many people rode in my Colt? I'm not the neighborhood bus. Actually, a plug-in electric car would suit me fine, except for very rare long trips.
Who cares how many people rode in my Colt? I'm not the neighborhood bus.

OK, thats fair enough, but I will take it to mean you were the only person riding in it most of the time. Yet you throw off on people driving SUVs? Not sure I understand why. If a family of 4 is in their SUV, you do realize they are getting better gas mileage per person than you did in your Dodge, right? Even the 2 teenages in the F250 that hit you were getting almost as good mileage per person as you were getting.

If a plug in car would suit you fine, why don't you have one?
If a plug in car would suit you fine, why don't you have one?
If you have a short list of non-hybrid plug in electric cars, I would be interested. A friend of mine electrified an old Ford ranger, and it's good for about 50 miles or so. He calls it "sparky".
Unfortunately, hybrids can't be plugged in overnight. Darn shame too, because that would make them attractive. Most people I know that own them find that it's necessary for the vehicles to run the engine for A/C or for highway driving, making the hybrid advantages marginal. Oh, except for when they break, then find someone who knows how to fix it.
Ah, my fantasy: Effecient electric cars that can be charged overnight or while at work, with electricity supplied by nuclear powerplants with breeder reactors that convert uranium to plutonium, to fuel plutonium reactors.
It'll never happen until there's no profit left in oil.
I will take it to mean you were the only person riding in it most of the time. Yet you throw off on people driving SUVs? Not sure I understand why. If a family of 4 is in their SUV, you do realize they are getting better gas mileage per person than you did in your Dodge, right? Even the 2 teenages in the F250 that hit you were getting almost as good mileage per person as you were getting.
If a plug in car would suit you fine, why don't you have one?

Most of the people I see in SUVs are lone drivers, yakking on cell phones! My Dodge Colt had less than 100,000 miles on it when it got creamed last fall, so obviously it didn't use all that much gas in its 19 years of life. As to why I don't have in a plug-in only car--where can I buy one? I'm not willing to pay over $12,000 for a car, by the way. I don't buy new anymore.
As to the silly statement that worldwide Islamic fundamentalism is coming from mostly Iran

If this is directed at me, reread my post...I never said it was coming mostly from Iran. Even with your views, you should at least try to be accurate.
By the way...anyone who rolls up in speedboats and points a machine gun at sailors like the Iranians did to the Brits...AND the Aussies (who, by the way, pointed their own guns back at them and told them to piss off) crazy and conniving.

Until they go nuclear, they lack the political clout to do anything. Kidnapping for ransom is their next best idea for now.
I'm not willing to pay over $12,000 for a car, by the way. I don't buy new anymore.

Awww... come on... Who can put a price on the environment? Go ahead, spend the money, and go green! Show us you really care, and aren't just whining about SUV's.
Iran is a Shia country, and has nothing to do with Sunni Wahabism

The Saudis are also a problem, because they have more money than brains* and they're buying their continued rule a day at a time from the extremists.

But Iran is a major source of all our problems at the moment. We can't do anything about some of the history that created bin Laden and his bunch. They're an unintended consequence of some Cold War dirty tricks. And, yes, every Islamic country is filled with bomb-hungry losers. But Iran's the linchpin and has been for a while.

*although they're brilliant compared to the US State Department et al.
Iran's current government is a threat to the US. It is a danger to surrounding countries. That said, I don't think it is up to the US to make all problems go away. Israel has the most to gain followed closely by Europe in settling the problem with Iran in a way they see fit. We do not need to pick a fight with Iran until other countries which have much more to gain and lose exhaust their options.
xnavy said:
This isn't the first time Danzig has gone off on something like this. First off let me say that the American People were not mislead, the whole world thought that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction including most of the Democrats who are running for President.
Danzig is right. You should listen to him. And most of the American people certainly were played for fools by their own government, which knows that most people are too "reasonable" not to believe the "official story." That's why "our" government has never had any problem plotting to deceive the American people like this:

Those of us who spoke out against the war from the beginning because we saw through the BS were labeled "traitors" and "anti-American" in order to silence us. Yet we were right, and all the "true patriots" were wrong.

However, "the whole world" did NOT think that Saddam had WMDs. I never believed he had them (except for the ones he had previously, with the blessings of the US government), and neither did many others. Why not? Among other reasons:

(1) There were too many inspections;

(2) When evidence presented was found to be falsified (e.g., Nigerian uranium documents), the administration merely forged onward, never admitting its mistake or showing hesitation. That was the sign of a clear determination to go to war regardless of the evidence.

(3) The evidence presented by Powell at the UN was patently flimsy. That's why most other nations didn't support the coalition. The French weren't "cowardly" -- they were just smart.

(4) Some intelligence analysts even resigned prior to the invasion because they said intelligence was being "cooked." I believed them then, and I believe them now.

I suspected from the beginning that the neocons were looking for an excuse to invade Iraq for the benefit of ISRAEL, just as they're now doing with Iran. The neocons who have hijacked the Republican party have been leading the charge, but the Democrats are false opposition.

The sole reason for US saber-rattling against Iran is because most politicians on both sides of the aisle are controlled by the Israeli lobby. This lobby and its allies in think tanks and the media (American Enterprise Insitute, Jewish Insitute for National Security Affairs, Saban Center, Charles Krauthammer, Rush Limbaugh, David Horowitz, etc.) have the sole purpose of making US politicians and the public view Israel's enemies as America's enemies. They've done an excellent job. Show me someone who is aggressively advocating for war with Iran, and I'll show you someone who is devoted to Israel for one reason or another.

I say: Screw Israel! They have WMDs of their own -- let them deal with the problems their expansionist, racist aggression has created.

I'm tired of my country shedding gallons of blood and billions of dollars so that Israel can dominate the Middle East with impunity. But if this is going to change, then those who are loyal to AMERICA -- both Jews (like myself) and non-Jews alike -- need to ignore the shrieks of "anti-Semite" and "self-hating Jew" and speak the truth.

There's no need for the US to be enemies with Iran. All we need to do is learn to mind our own business in the world and stop supporting the warmongering Zionist/neocon agenda with blood, money, and UN vetoes. Sadly, I doubt this is going to happen, as too many Americans have this "macho" need to see their country "kick some ass" against smaller countries. The plutocrats who rule American take advantage of this but never go in harm's way themselves.

By the way, you know the claim that the "high-tech IEDs" that are killing Americans in Iraq are so sophisticated that they must be coming from Iran? That's almost certainly more BS. EFPs technology is over 100 years old, and even hobbyists can make them. Here's a guy in another country who posts on

and makes them all the time. Here's a video of a small one, using homemade explosives, that could easily be scaled up:

A 20-pound version of the above, using a copper liner rather than glass, could punch through a tank's armor with ease.

I haven't kept up on all the other claims "our" government is making about Iran, but I'm sure they're lies as well. This government we live under deals almost exclusively in lies. They know enough people will buy them to allow their policies to go forward.
SteelCore.Their have been large groups of intelligent people that have been opposed to every war.Unfortunately,you can't go back,not fight it, and see what the alternate result would be.
…invade Iraq for the benefit of ISRAEL… both sides of the aisle are controlled by the Israeli lobby…have the sole purpose of making US politicians and the public view Israel's enemies as America's enemies… show me someone who is aggressively advocating for war with Iran, and I'll show you someone who is devoted to Israel for one reason or another…Screw Israel!... I'm tired of my country shedding gallons of blood and billions of dollars so that Israel can dominate the Middle East with impunity…and stop supporting the warmongering Zionist/neocon agenda with blood, money, and UN vetoes…

Right! And the radical Islamics surrounding Israel are balanced, peaceful, respectful and productive world citizens.
I suspected from the beginning that the neocons were looking for an excuse to invade

most politicians on both sides of the aisle are controlled by the Israeli lobby.

Screw Israel! They have WMDs of their own -- let them deal with the problems their expansionist, racist aggression has created.

Zionist/neocon agenda

Yeah, those horrible jews and neocons in the vast Jewish neocon conspiracy. :rolleyes: What about the super-secret jewish neocons? That's twice the conspiracy!!! Super secret! Some of 'em are Masons, too!!! :eek:

Oh man, gimme a break. A neocon/jewish conspiracy post on Monday morning.....:barf:
Well, Israel exists because after the Holocaust the Jews didn't feel safe in Europe. So, they emigrated to the Middle East. Out of the frying pan in into the fire! Now, they're surrounded by hundreds of millions of whack jobs who think Hitler was OK but just too lazy to finish the job.

It's really not America's problem Israel chose the single worst location for a Jewish homeland. What was so wrong with Beverly Hills?

Let's fight Iran, but let's do it for America, not Israel.
I agree with LighteningJoe’s post, but for this…

Israel chose the single worst location for a Jewish homeland

The Jews just chose to go home and that place is Israel, where Jews and their ancestors have lived for thousands of years.. Home, even if it needs defending is still home.