Question about handgun hunting


New member
I just got out of an argument with a friend of mine over handgun hunting, he's taking the stance that it's "stupid" based around arguments like "better tools for the job", his rather intense hatred of "machismo", and some political gun control nonsense.

I'm arguing it's not stupid, it's just another method of hunting, but conceding to the fact that there are superior choices for hunting; but I find that ultimately irrelevant in this day and age. Killing is killing whether it's from 25 yards with a pistol or from 400 yards with a high powered rifle, a dead deer is a dead deer.

I don't get this kind of hard headed stance. I'd be more inclined to agree if hunting were a necessity in a person's life. But hunting has pretty much become more of a leisure activity than a necessity or way of life for the majority of society.

But even then, if a person is successful with a handgun as a hunter, what exactly about that makes it "stupid"?

Nothing is stupid about it. It is clear that your friend is lacking in skill and that is all there is to it. I use a handgun in brushy areas where you simply can not use a rifle and a long shot would be 100 feet
Tell your friend it's sometimes "stupid" to carry a big heavy rifle when a much lighter handgun can do the same job and leave both hands free
Some say that about archery. It is their lack of skills. Yes there are better tool. But getting up close and personal is better than from 100 yards away.
Bowdog hits it on the head. If handgun hunting is stupid because there are "better tools for the job", then archery must be the epitome of stupid!

There are handgun hunters out there that are just as effective at 100yds with a 44mag as most other guys can be with a 30-30. I am not one of those, when I handgun hunt my self imposed maximum range is about 50yds. I am still working on increasing my range.

Clearly he doesn't "get" hunting.

Just because a method or weapon a person chooses is not a mirror image of his chosen methods and weapons, doesn't make that person's choices wrong... The weapon chosen is only as effective as the user.

Somebody should let him know that.
Never worth an argument

I'm arguing it's not stupid, it's just another method of hunting,
Not worth the argument as we make our own choices and should not be concerned with making choices for someone else. ..... ;)

I have a friend that naps his own broad-heads out of flint, makes his own arrows and bows. This is all he hunts with and that is his thing. Rather than be critical, I kind of admire him. .... ;)

You friend needs to grow up ...... :)

You call and;
Be Safe !!!
In my opinion you should use the best firearm to do the job as humanely as possible. A handgun is definitely not the best choice of firearm to do that.
Sadly , there are far too many who take to the woods with out the skills and training, either with a handgun nor a rifle. They don't practice to acquire the skills or even aware there are skills involved. If you use enough gun and can hit a pie plate at 50 yards consistently and are patience enough not to take a " risk " shot, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with handgun hunting.
Im with Bowman on this. I for one, suck at bow hunting. Thats why I stick to hunting with handguns if I want more of a challenge.
I reviewed his argument with another friend and we've come to the conclusion that not only is his stance plain unreasonable, but it's also quite possibly hypocritical. and it stands on three basic legs that I call "the triangle".

The "better tools" leg: Arguing that there are better tools for the job, however he's taken to placing archery above even that of high caliber handguns. Which, depending on the user and their proficiency could make this true on an individual basis, but I would personally rank handguns over archery for quicker follow up shots if you happen to need them.

However, I find this argument to be completely irrelevant. As I've stated before hunting has become a form of leisure in the overall scheme of things, without it being a necessity for survival it's not necessary for a person to try and find the easiest and most efficient way to sleigh an animal.

To further prove this leg to be broken, as you all have also provided examples as to why some hunters may prefer a handguns over rifles or bows such as easier mobility and brushy areas where general range will be less than 100 yards, this is where a handgun might even out perform long guns.

Also, there is what I call the "just cos clause", whether it be for practical reasons or the challenge of handgun hunting. Which this "just cause" he also has a problem with that I will explain in the next leg.

The "Machismo" Leg: My friend has rather strong negative feelings about things he'd describe as "machismo", that being an excessive display of unnecessary masculinity. Okay, fair enough, I can sometimes concur that it can get annoying.

But I personally think this leg is "broken" on two fronts, for the first I don't believe doing things that may or may not be practical for the simple fact that you can, or to prove that you can; isn't necessarily an example of "excessive masculinity", challenging yourself to do something that either most people can't or won't do is to most people who do; a hobby. It's also how we separate ourselves from the crowd, and why we have HDTV's!

Secondly, this leg is completely irrelevant anyway because "who cares"? As long as the hunter isn't being irresponsible to the point of endangering themselves or others recklessly, they can go hunting with their bare hands for all that it matters.

And finally

The Political Leg:

In his arguments he has claimed that handguns were invented solely for the purpose of killing other people, despite me having given him examples of handguns that have been developed specifically for hunting and sporting in general. He holds this stance firmly and refuses to separate the actual intention specific handguns were designed for, like the difference between a Glock pocket pistol and a Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum; where one is clearly designed for personal protection while the other is better suited as a target shooter or a hunting firearm.

He also holds the idea that people who use pistols to hunt are often doing so because they're trying to add more ammo to the "Don't take our guns" rhetoric (though I don't think he's actually full on anti-gun), while rejecting common scenarios like I have previously mentioned.


I say all this simply because I want to vent, he's otherwise a person I would idolize and aspire to emulate because I admire his intelligence and creativity. But he sometimes takes spells like these that are such a shock to his otherwise awesomeness as a human being, cos he just casts me aside and insults my intelligence simply because of my interest in specific guns over others, and the fact I play games like Fallout; and that I'm not an actual avid hunter or experienced shooter.
"Stupid" is a stupid use of words in the first place. Let's say your small-medium game target is 10-20 yards away a 38 SP or 357 Mag. is sufficient to take the game down. If the game is 50-75 yards away, a long rifle might be apropos. If the target is 100 yards or beyond, a scope might be better for the quick kill. Shooting at a longer range (50+ yards) you still need a "guick kill" to prevent the game from running a long death.

LA Wildlife & Fisheries Hunter Education Instructor
NRA Certified, Pistol Rifle, Shotgun, RSO
I'd say any method is fine provided the kill is swift and neat with as little suffering for the animal as possible.

A rifle can deliver minimum suffering if done right. I'd say that is harder to do with a handgun, but not impossible. Provided the shooter can do the above, then I don't have an issue with it.

I agree that if someone takes up handgun hunting without the skills, in order to score some perceived male compensatory points, then I call into question their judgement and maturity.

isn't necessarily an example of "excessive masculinity", challenging yourself to do something that either most people can't or won't do is to most people who do; a hobby.

I think the difference is that in this case there is an animal's unecessary suffering hanging in the balance if the hunter's self-assessment is over-optimistic. It is not the hunter who'll suffer if the challenge proves too great.
In my opinion you should use the best firearm to do the job as humanely as possible. A handgun is definitely not the best choice of firearm to do that.
I have multiple handguns that will shoot completely through a deer at ranges up to 200 yds.

How is that not as good as any rifle?

List some logical reasons
The Political Leg:

In his arguments he has claimed that handguns were invented solely for the purpose of killing other people, despite me having given him examples of handguns that have been developed specifically for hunting and sporting in general

And THAT is the real root of his illogical argument, and quite troubling! Troubling that is if he owns any guns. Because that makes him one of our most dangerous adversaries. One of our own who is against us!

BTW, Missouri changed what was the muzzle loader deer season to "alternative methods". One of which is cartridge handguns. So instead of one and done, short range with a muzzle loader I have the opportunity to use my TC Contender in 7-30 Waters for 200+yard situations. Or close in situations I can have multiple shots available in 10MM from my Block 20, or 44 Magnum from my Ruger Soper Blackhawk.
This guy is not only a fool, but an enemy to gun owners, and the Second Amendment! I bet he can conjure up an equally ridiculous argument against hunting with an "assault weapon":eek: like an AR based 308.
I admire the patience and skill of anyone who hunts with a short-range weapon -- handgun, bow, spear, or slingshot. The reason why the handgun or any weapon was invented seems irrelevant to how they are used now. Legal hunting and legal self defense are both legitimate uses.
Manta49 said:

In my opinion you should use the best firearm to do the job as humanely as possible. A handgun is definitely not the best choice of firearm to do that.

I've seen many critters taken by hunters and those killed with a rifle were just as dead as those killed with the handgun. You can only kill them so dead. And they drop just as fast when hit by a .44 as when hit with a .30-30.

And, pray tell, what's wrong with being masculine? God meant for men to be men, and women to be women. Sorry if that offends some folks.

Bob Wright
Using the best tool for the job would mean that for deer hunting everyone would use at least a 30 cal center fire rifle to take down that deer. Sounds kind of boring.

I like a challenge. I don't mind passing up a shot. Handguns work for me. Handguns force you to practice more before the season starts and that's a good thing. With a rifle, all I really need to do is check the zero (maybe a couple shots) on a target and I'm ready to go. It doesn't work like that with handguns if you intend to do it reasonably well. You limit your shot to the distance you are proficient at. For most, that means archery hunting distances.
No right answers here . . .

I've killed deer with a shotgun, a muzzle loader, a hand gun and a bow. The deer that died the most quickly was with the bow. Ran about twenty feet and went down stone cold dead. Heart shot.

Live well be safe
Prof Young
I didn't read all of whats posted above handguns have their purpose in hunting. There are metro zones where only handguns and bows can be used.

Am I a handgun hunter? No.
Am I a bow hunter? Yes

But if you have a plot of land zoned for handgun only and need some help i'm willing to try. My preference is rifles, then shotguns but I believe archery is a fully involved way of hunting.