Pulled the trigger on a Mosin 91/30...

Well, I brought my 1943 Soviet (Izhevsk) M91/30 home on Saturday. It's in pretty good shape overall. The wood is very nice. Lots of cosmoline has absorbed, giving it a nice sheen. The barrel looks good, nice rifling with no pits. I am concerned that the bolt and the magazine floor both have different mismatched numbers. I am more concerned about the bolt. Is my concern merited, or unneceessary in light of all the refurbishing that occurred? There is a "matching" serial number on the side of the receiver as well as the barrel-possibly an indication of a refurb? Any insight appreciated. I will probably take it to a gunsmith to have the headspace checked before firing. I have read some horror stories on some of the other sites in regards to peirced rounds and exploding bolts.
Your rifle is certainly a refurb. Matching parts (or not) isn't a concern for a shooter Mosin; most parts were renumbered during the refurbishment process anyway. Original numbers-matching Mosins are rare birds.

I have never heard of a Mosin with improper headspace, but anything is possible. Checking your firing pin protrusion is easy; a quick google will turn up plenty of instruction on how to do that. Disassemble it, clean all the cosmoline off, put it back together, and have fun!
All of you don't need a .23 cent 7.62X54R cartridge gun, no no no. You need a Super Dooper Mag-Na-Lum $1.98 per round kinda gun. You know...the kind of gun that I make a higher sales commssion on. That's right, just step right over here...

Got some of them too!!!:eek::eek::eek::D:D:D
Thanks, TCL. Seems lots of folks on the web like to make things seem worse than they are. I'll Google the firing pin, and have already studied up on cleaning this thing out good. I'm jonesin' to shoot it.

Congrats! that was my first rifle. I shoot it in my military rifle competitions. Very accurate, if you plan on reloading your own ammo that makes it even better. They tend to kick a little more then you would expect so be ready for that. other then that there is nothing wrong with them. Fun gun to own and shoot for how cheap they are. after you shoot it clean it, just to help keep it in good shape. Shoot often. :D
Update- pics

Okay, I had to revive my thread so I could post a pic of this thing. Anyways, here is a pic of my Mosin...

I was playing around with mine about 6 months ago and i ranged a bird on a rock about 200 yrds away. Bad mistake, had the wife there with me(thought she was dozing off in the truck. I shot at the bird(with iron sites), she swore that I hit it, I think I was just really close. She was not happy with me at all lol.
pads are for women and panzies dont wuss out and get a butt pad. my m14 kicks harder then a mosin or a 1903 and ill put around 100 rounds down range with no but pad and not think twice. Be proud of the black and blue badge of honor. Hold the rifle but firm into the hollow spot of your shoulder, don't be scared of it. It you hold it tight enough you'll only feel a push no a kick.

heck, just put it on your chin and fire it like the Sgt's do with the M16's... :D be PROUD of that dislocated jaw and those chipped teeth (after the anesthesia wears off, that is) :p
I have a difficult time believing that an M14, a rifle that weighs more, with a better designed stock, shooting a less-powerful round will kick more than the Mosin.. but, what do I know? :rolleyes:
Badge of honor, indeed.

You can find the "chinese" type recoil pads that replace the metal buttplate all over Ebay for around 10 bucks. I imagine they would help immensely, plus add to the length of pull for those of us with normal to long sleeve lengths.
Great looking gun Albacore! My first rifle was a '43 91/30 as well, and now it's currently wearing a PU repro scope and mount (which looks durn good IMO) :D

The REAL problem you'll have with your Mosin isn't the fact that you'll want more (which is true)- it's what's known as a "gateway" rifle. Once you get really involved with it, your pursuit of other firearms has the potential to get completely out of control :eek:

"I won't be like that guy!" (lol couldn't resist, Coloradans will get it) :rolleyes:
The REAL problem you'll have with your Mosin isn't the fact that you'll want more (which is true)- it's what's known as a "gateway" rifle. Once you get really involved with it, your pursuit of other firearms has the potential to get completely out of control

I think it already is, just judging by the fact that wifey has me on gun purchase restriction for a while. Geez, all I bought is a Mosin Nagant, a Ruger 10/22, a Ruger Mark III, and a Sig Sauer Mosquito in the last month and a half.......Oh, I get it. Never mind. I guess she's right. In all fairness, the Mosquito was a gift for her. Anyways, I have been eying a nice Ruger GP100 .357 magnum. Just one more, I promise. Then I will be done. I think.......
Yes, I can say it's addictive. Purchased a 1937 91/30 (Tula) a few weeks ago and was able to get to the range yesterday morning with my son. Heck, we shot my 30-30 and his 270 as well. We wen thru 40 rounds of PPU 150gr SP between the both of us yesterday. Son (13)was like, "Dad this thing doesn't kick as much as my 270, can I you get me one? He was able to get 1 1/2" groups of 3 from 50 yards with it after I put the electric insulation trick on the front sight. Next time we are going to hit the 100 yard range.

needless to say, I'll probably be ordering another one next week. The good thing is that he hates scopes and loves the old fashion iron sights. Good timing for his November birthday.

I also found that the kick was lighter that the 270 and was comparable with my 30-30 and that was with the metal butt plate. These are inexpensive and fun to use.
Inexpensive for sure, especially with all the surplus ammo available for these things. Bulk, 880 rounds, 2 cans in a crate for $165 delivered isn't bad. I just hope the supply doesn't dry up too fast. Use to be alot of surplus for the SMLE's too, back in the day. Now that's all gone, and ammo for those is close to a buck a round.
awesome dude, my second centerfire rifle was a '43 91/30, and it sure is a fun shooter.

im still working on a can of surplus ammo myself, problem is i keep buying other rifles i can barely afford and don't get much time with the mosin.

i see alot of you guys have scoped your nagants, and im curious about doing such myself (now that the garand is my primary iron sight rifle) and i'm wondering which is the best scope set up i can get that i can do myself (ie no trip to the gun smith)

didnt wanna make a new thread :/
I think that's considered all-matching. If it is, it's rare. A real find. There are four spots for original serial numbers: the barrel (not the receiver), the bolt, floorplate, and buttplate. I haven't heard of original bayonets being marked with serial numbers. Some rifles are original matching, and some have been "force matched." You can look it up on 7.62x54r.net. Anyways, sounds like a good find.
Pulled the trigger on a Mosin 91/30... Reply to Thread

I went shooting this last Sat. Me and my shooting buddies take our grown-up(some not so grown-up) kids for an all day shoot. So two of these buddies of mine show up with newly bought Moisin-Nagant's. Both weapons were made in 1943. They let me try them out. WOW! impressively accurate. Lot's of kick, but shooting 100 yds was child's play, but where we were shooting, that was max range. I'm going to get one real soon - ammo's cheap and plentiful. Can't wait!
UPS man brought me a Mosin Nagant and some ammo today. This is my first CR purchase, first Mosin. Gotta clean it, but here is the unpacking:


There's some Romanian 7.62x54R practice ammo available from SGAmmo, said to have about a third of the recoil, and is good for 200 yards. It's designed to introduce city recruits to learn to shoot without developing flinches, jerking, and hesitation due to fear of recoil. Should be pretty good stuff to learn with, or let the girlfriend try out.