Pulled over while carrying


New member
Guilty as charged. I was doing 56 in a 40. I thought it was still 50 however I was wrong. I do feel however that this went as well as it could have as far as me carrying was concerned. The situation went as follows.
Officer: Hello may i see your licence, registration, and insurance card

Me: Yessir so you know i carry for protection

Officer: Thanks for telling me where is it?

Me: Left hip sir

Officer: Ok nothing sudden leave your left hand on the wheel and use your right hand to go into the glove box.

I retrieved the insurance and reg and he actually cut me a break for being so cool about the ccw thing. When he returned he stated that it was smart not to supprise an officer with a firearm. I have seen discussions on weather to mention it or not. I have been pulled over while carrying twice here in VT and both officers appreciated being told.
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More or less the same thing happened to me. NC requires you to tell the officer so I gave him my CC card. He let me off with a warning. I think the CC and disclosure was the reason I got a break ;)
Depends upon the state you are in. In Nebraska, you are required to inform. In Colorado, you are not. These states have reciprocity (Permits from both states are honored by both states), but the rules are different. Know the rules.

I have informed the officer all 3 times I have been pulled over (voltage issue burns out tail lights/turn signals at irregular intervals-flood damage sucks) and all 3 times they pretty much asked where it was and said leave it there ...... one (local county deputy) of them asked what I was Carrying, and we got to talking guns......
I dont say anything unless they were to ask directly, or if I were to be asked to get out, neither of which has happened yet, and Ive been pulled over more than I care to admit (its a lot better now that we dont have local yokels with their vascar/infared and the state troopers use radar. Thank you Mr Fuzz Buster! :) )

I really dont see its any of their business anyway, as the issue isnt the gun, but my driving.
doesnt hurt to tell them

It seems to show them a sense of responsibility on your part and put them at ease so i will continue to do so. Vermont has no law i know of,
I've been pulled over once with a gun. We he walked up I had my right hand on the steering wheel and my CCW and DL out the window in my other. I just said I have my CCW permit. Don't say "I have a gun." IMO it seems like if they know you are responsible enough for CCW they may even cut you a break.

Another time I got rearended, I had 2 guns on me and didn't say anything. Cop either didn't notice or didn't care, they both print pretty bad.
I was pulled over once while carrying and was a passenger in a pulled over car while carrying. Both times went pretty much as the OP stated. Cops just said to keep my hands away from it in plain sight...

I was a cop before concealed carry was allowed in MA and I'm pretty sure I would have handled it the same way should it have been allowed under the law.
In Texas we are required to present both the driver's license and the concealed weapons license. I might be driving in Arkansas, Oklahoma, or Lousiana. Anyone know regarding those 3 states which have reciprical agreements with Texas as to whether those 3 states require presenting
the permit and the license to the law officer?
so now were pulled over for something we prob did but I believe attitude has so much most of the time anyway. Yes some are going to cite you just because you made them have to work but I believe the most part a good attitude can have the citation turn into a verbal warning or a written warning. Just what I believe anyhow and especially letting them know you have a gun instead of them finding it. Just common courtesy
Vermont has no law i know of

That's quite right... we have some of the most liberal gun laws in the country. Perfectly legal to open- or concealed-carry anywhere except the usual places like schools, courthouses, federal buildings, etc. Loaded weapons in cars are fine.

You did the right thing telling the officer. Better to avoid any surprises, and the majority of cops will appreciate the consideration I would think.
Not required in FLA but I will notify at a traffic stop. Neither one of us wants a surprise specially me not wanting to get shot.
In Michigan it's required top inform, BUT

sometimes you don't get the chance. (Been ther, Done that)
After the LEO has finished I usually inform that I'm exercising a CPL.

Travel to other state, basically I follow MI law and inform. (unless its a no carry).

Have actually made a lexan rectangle with "MI CPL" stickers on it and will hold it in left hand facing the LEO. (after confirming actual LEO, there have been some instances of phony cops in MI.)
Vermont has no requirement to inform the officer, however with your gun on your hip it was a good idea to do so.

I don't inform when stopped in Florida (only happened once), my gun's in the center console, with no reason to go in there.
Florida has no requirement to tell the Officer. However, if I don't have the gun in my glove box, I believe I'd mention it to him. It's seldom that I get pulled over for speeding anymore (I drive a jeep and speed limits are much higher now). On those rare occasions that I do, I've never had a problem with the any of the officers. Besides, I would think the officer can check out if you have a carry permit on their laptop before even approaching you - so what's the point in not saying something?