Hi I'm Anand and I've been a gun addict since I was about 5.I'm 25 now. I own a Ruby Extra .32 revolver, A Baby Browning .25, and H&R 12 Gauge Shotgun in India(where its almost impossible to get a Firearms License). In The USA I own two CZ75Bs, one in 9mm and the other in .22LR.
Before I turned 21, I owned 3 air pistols and 2 air rifles,2 blank pistols,and an HK MP5 Soft Airgun. I must have owned at least a
couple a dozen toy pistols( I still have 2 cap guns and toy Mauser broomhandle)
Hi Guys, I just found your forum and would just like to say, I am a gunaholic!
I have been rased with guns, My Dad made sure that I was exposed to them and knew how to use them from an early age. I though I was cured for a while.. All though Highschool and most of college I really wasnt intereseted. now at the age of 22 I feel it again, I need more guns. So far I have a Remington Semi-auto Shotgun and a Tanfoglio 9mm. I feel the need to have MORE im going to the Topeka gun show this weekend just to "look" becasue I have no money... O wait.. that credit card over there is talking to me... Sure it wont mind if I take it along.... (twitch) (twitch)... Really Im ok... I dont need any help..... I can quit any time.

i am not adicted realy ican quit anytime i want ok oh alright so im in denial what of it hehehe


My name is X-KILL....really. As you can see gunaholism runs quite deep within my family. My father, his father before him and his father before him were all gunaholics. With me it started at the tender age of 3. Just little toy guns here and there. No one really knew about it. Closely kept family secret you know.

By the age of six I had taken my first shot and I just couldn't stop doing it. All through my school years I shot. Only my close friends new and many of them shot as well.

By the time I finished college I was shooting almost every day. When I got married (the first time) she was against shooting. Why didn't I see????? Slowly she came around and then, like everyone else who just DID NOT UNDERSTAND ME OR MY PROBLEM she turned on me, the B***H! She accused me of choosing guns and shooting over her. You know, she was right. Guns were much more forgiving and much (much much much) more warm to the touch.

After that I tried to quit. Sold most all of my guns...the AR-15, the pre-ban super nice AK the M-11/9, the .30 carbine on and on and on. But I had a little secret. I kept some that no one knew about and silently, when I was alone, I would sneak to the woods and shot in the joy of privacy.

Two years ago, still thinking I had it all under control, I met someone. Beautiful, green eyed blond that I thought I could be normal with until I found out that she was top of her ROTC class in prone and with the M-60. It started all over again.

Now I am proud to sit before you today and exclaim that my name is X-KILL and I AM A GUNAHOLIC. I don't need your support or your approval. You don't have to tell me anything or admit anything to me. I dont' need you or anyone else. I only need my guns and my wife and my little boy. And by the way..............I'm turnin' him into a gunaholic too.

Hit the mark and hit it hard.

My name is Christopher (duh) and I'm a gunaholic. I think that I'm living proof that there is a gunaholic trait in some human genes. My dad bought me my first rifle (10/22) and shotgun (Remington 1100 .410) before I was even born. I look forward to passing on this trait to my offspring.