I've been a gunaholic since childhood. I need help. But I don't want help. What I want is more guns.
(And ammo.)

Sic semper tyrannis

Hello my name is loknload and I to am a gunaholic. I have been inlicted since childhood. I believe that science could prove this disease as genetic because my son is picking up some of these very enjoyable symptoms.
1. Hanging out in local gun shop emporiums,Handling and looking at the merchandise,instructing dad on what the best purchase should be.

2.Frequent visits to the gun range to try out these new purchases along with the old ones

3.Reading the usual gun related reading material, cover to cover. (it got him to read something )

4.General handling and fondling of general contents of the gun safe.

I am afraid that both father and son is incurable and damn proud of it.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 07, 1999).]
I'm Ron............I'm a gunaholic also. It started out innocent enough. I started buying the good stuff at age 12.(Marlin 39A) Gradually over the years I've come down to the lowest of lows.(Jennings J-22) See what a life time of abuse can cause? I need help! :)

Proud,dues paying,member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"
a year ago I might have been dreaming about what I could buy with a million dollars... now I dream about what GUNS I could buy with a million dollars.. Would that be ALL? No. But damn, I'd start that ten day waiting period LONG before I'd go around the corner and buy myself an american made sports car...
<<dazes off into la-la land>>
"If this is torture, chain me to the wall"
Hello my name is Kodiac, and people say that I am a gunaholic.
This isn't true...
I'm only a SOCIAL Gunner...
I can quite anytime...



I need help...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
My name is Ryan, and I'm a gunaholic. I have Uncle Sam to blame, because before entering the service, I was an innocent little boy. Then he got me hooked on M-60's, M-203's, M-16's and M-9's. It wasn't enough to just carry one, I had to go work in the armory where I could handle over 1500 of them, 60 M-60's alone (sigh).
After I got out of the service, I was O.K. for awhile. Then I bought a Sig 225 eight years ago. Once again, gunaholism reared its ugly head. This year has been especially bad, and the wife is not helping me with my disease. I guess she doesn't see the signs. What part didn't she see!? The Glock, The Mini-14, The Model 70, the 1100, what? The thousands of rounds of ammo. Maybe she's just in denial.
By the way, does anyone know of a support group for us? Wait......never mind. That's what TFL is here for.

Does anyone know if we're covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act? Seems like everybody else is.

"Gee, isn't that too big for you?", he asked. "This M-60's 2/3rds my height and 1/5th my body weight. Get the hell out of my way!", I replied.
My name is Mike, i have a problem. I eat, sleep, and dream guns. I have a Glock 27 and a Beretta Tomcat. I Realized my problem when I even thought about guns while having sex!! I need help.

when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
I don't think I have a problem, cause I LIKE IT.
First it was the LLama .45, I traded that for a .45 built on a Essex frame, then I bought the Mitchel Gold Cup in stainless, then the Ceiner conversion kit in .22 and then the Colt Gold Cup in polished stainless. All since last March. My only fear is that I can't figure how the get the 4" NIB Python I saw the other day, without my wife catching me at it. But I will figure a way, I'm not hooked, I ate the whole thing and I LIKED IT. LOL

Tell the truth guys the only fear you have is will the little lady count your guns like mine tried to last month. I will say that she counted two of them twice. HE HE HE You should have seen it, I was smoother than the best shell game artist you ever lost money too.
Hello, my name is Sig and YES I am a gunaholic.

It all started when my mom bought me my first Rambo gun.

I started renting Commando at the age of 8.

I don't think there is any help for me, and I don't want any.

Excuse me while I go stare at my guns for a few hours.
I have a variant of this condition. I am an ammoholic. I crave ammo. I can only feel at rest when I have ammo in multiples of 1,000. Right now I have only 975 20 gauge shells, because I shot up a box of 25 with some buddies over Labor Day. It has been eating me ever since. When I walk down the street, I feel out of balance. I have been trying to resist, but I know that before long I will be at Wal-Mart shelling out the $2.50 for another box.

I only have 550 rounds of 9mm right now, and it's killing me. I went to CTD in Fort Worth last Thursday for another 500, but they were already suffering from their fire marshall shut-down thing, and all they had were three boxes of 50. I think I have been getting an ulcer ever since. I bought a box of Winchester for $6.95 at Wal-Mart just to feel like I am doing SOMETHING!

After Y2K passes, I'm thinking about going down to only 100 or 200 rounds per gun. I am afraid I will be like a junkie trying to get straight off of crack.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
I was doing ok after I got out of the Army, and then a friend got me hooked again. 9mm 10mm 38 and 357 we did em' all. Then after he gets me hooked he moves to another state and now I find myself out at the range alone and shooting up 100 or more rounds each time. boy it sure feals good to get my fix. This stuff is great !

guns don't kill people, people kill people.
why can our gov. see this?
I blame the military...being able to shoot unlimited amount of ammo on a full auto
car-15... Withdrawl is hard after that.
I am a gunaholic! I keep buying and I can't stop. I sneak the guns in so the wife won't see. I've tried to stop but I can't. After I pay off the 686 I'll be buying a Kel-Tec and
then of course I really need another Walther.
One is too few and a dozen is not enough!
Hi, my name is Dennis, and I am a gunaholic.
I am addicted to Walthers and Rugers.
My favorite flavor is 9mm. I have been addicted to guns for about 10 years now,and I must admit that I DO NOT WANT TO BE CURED!
Treatment is OK.(If you got the ammo, honey,I got the time ;) )


Just as there is no such thing as too much fun, there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!!!

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited December 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited December 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited December 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited December 10, 1999).]