Will Beararms

New member

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited October 30, 1999).]
Hello name is Drew and I'm a Gunaholic. It started out when I was a just a kid with a squirt gun and a toy six shooter. I realized it had become a serious problem when I had my first taste of .22 rimfire...

LOL Will Beararms! I think I need to head to the range today for some group therapy!
Greetings everyone, I think I'm quickly losing my battle with gunaholism. As a younger man/boy, I learned the sinful ways of gunaholism from my father--we were one of those families that always smelled like gunpowder. Holidays were horrible times at my house, with my mother constantly calling us in from dad's workshop to eat Thanksgiving dinner, dad and I and all the other male relatives calling "Just a minute!" as we scrambled to put a shotgun back together before the women came outside to discover our shamefulness . . . .
I thought I had it beat. I thought I was through. I was clean for close to three years, until I made some friends who pulled me back into "the life."
On top of all that, some idiot at UPS shipped my new pistol to MICHIGAN for God's sake, so now the damm shakessssss are commmming backkkkkkkkk . . .



"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

My name is I'm a gunaholic.

God, it feels good to finally get that off my chest and out in the open.

Is there any cure?
Um, I, ah, - really don't have a problem. I can quit anytime and just sell them all. I just shoot casually...


Join GOA, NRA, LEAA and vote.

I'm Gary and I'm a Gunaholic. I went to my friend's house to watch a football game. We watched for about 10 minutes, retired to his room and started working on guns. His girlfriend, who did a lot of work preparing for the game, was totally disgusted with us. Since then, things have not improved.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Hi, my name is Blev, I am a gunaholic. When I was young, I was drawn to guns but my mom would not allow them. I grew up and found that I was unable to resist the urges. Now I find my self shooting and cleaning and practicing. I often find myself roaming gun stores and spending too much money on ammo and Hoppes #9 and sights and cases and, and...somebody help me.

I got out Dad's revolver when I saw the Jehovah's Witnesses coming to the door when I was 8 years old home alone. I called Mom at work and said, "Mom, there's some men going door to door trying to break in. Don't worry---I've got the gun."

So, I think I was hooked at an early age.

(It was empty, but I was little and didn't know.)


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
I'm definitely a gunaholic. I went from zero to 5 since January, and I'm planning on one more before the year is out.

I don't have a problem: I shoot, targets fall down, no problem.

I should have thought of that when the JW's came to my door last Saturday. Instead I just let our ocelot out. I think he ate one of them; anyway, he had terrible indigestion Sunday.
No need to draw on the JW's, just tuck a pistoli in your waistband before answering the door. You'll be surprised at the brief duration of the interruption.

Hi-- My name is Tatters and I, too, am a gunaholic. I got this disease when I was the ripe old age of 34. I always had bb guns as a kid, but never a real firearm. The Army must have changed my view. I was a Scout from '91 to '95, and we ran sooooooo many ranges. M-60, .50 cal, Mark 19, M-16, M-9.
The smell of gunpowder was my comfort between details. I told the wife I only wanted a .22 pistol for plinking and ccw. By the time I left Ft Hood, my platoon Sgt had sold me an old Ruger 10/22. Now I have many of the evil contraptions, only put on this earth to kill people, cause 'ya know, guns kill people, people don't kill people. LOL I am such a bad man! I have resigned myself to this illness, so don't send help.

You can never have too much ammo!---- Me (being a role model to my 5 year old)
Hello my name is bob and I am a gunaholic.
Unlike the rest of you who seem to think it is a bad thing I am proud of what I am and have no intention of seeking a cure,in fact the older I get the worse I get.Be proud of what you are and apoligize to no one.
I hope I never get on the "WAGON!" was a gunaholic before I turned TEN, is that "BAD!"

In all that time my guns have never hurt a human hair!

Still in my twenties!

Wagon? What WAGON?

Hello, my name is Richard and I've been a deeply addicted Gunaholic since the age of 6. I've owned over 300 guns, and I'm DAMN PROUD OF IT! I have a particular weak spot for 1911's in .45ACP persuasion.

There is no cure! The only treatment is to surrender to the "call of the gun"; it's the only way to live!

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center
My name is Gerry and I am a gunaholic. please if you are a kind and decent person do not show me another gun.
I remember my father going hunting from my very earliest years... my father used to work for Flambeau... and helped arrange them buying what became their decoy line. i don't know how he put up with my brother and I wanting to go along... but soon after college I felt this little pull. First just a borrowed shotgun "only" goose hunting. Then my favorite father in law turned me on to deer hunting, with a gun and then a bow. Now i am trying to get a elk hunt in Wyoming next year. The only way my wife can limit my spending is by spending just as much. i.e. a $350 gun means it will cost me $700 when she gets thru spending money. (AND _not_ on guns, damn.)

I really want a negative 12 step program, I don't need to stop buying guns, I need to buy more,

but I can quit anytime.

and I love my father and my father in law for what they have allowed me to become. I will try to be as good to my daughter
(5 months next week, mommy says no guns for x-mas this year :^( )
as they have been to me!


"I am a man and I can change if I have to, I guess" (Red Green )
A gun a month? IF that is the law i guess I will just HAVE to! Gerry
Been a gunaholic since '42. My doctors now agree a little gunahol like a little alcohol adds to longevity, so keep buying that gun a month and live to be a hundred.
My name is Rob and I'm a gunaholic...

It alll started when dad taught me to shoot a bb gun at a swinging pop can at age 3.. you see it runs in my family. I hoped it would go away as i got older i mean... dad's guns were always around but then he was like PUSHING it on me ya know?? First it was a marlin 995... then another christmas it was a mark2 ruger target pistol and by the time I was finishing college it was a sportsman 12 pump shotgun...

And before I knew it i was hooked. I found myself going to gunshows even when i did'nt have any money just to "look". I bought a rifle here, a pistol there you know, "harmless" stuff. Maybe just one a year. But then i bought an antique.. you know... the good stuff.... pretty soon I found my credit cards were over the limit from purchases at natchez shooting supplies, the sportsman's guide and GunParts Corp. My girl friend thought my cologne was hoppes #9. My dog leared when opening THAT door in the room meant he had to clear out of the living room and so he ran off to sulk as I religiously laid out a large blanket, cleaned and polished a safe full of blued steel and wood. I found my self taking more guns to the range than I had time to shoot. The smiths at Quality Pistol and Revolver know me on sight and are always happy to see me. They started sending christmas cards.... that's when i tried black powder for the first time...

Just when dad was getting over his addiction I started showing him some of my stuff.. you know just a taste. And soon dad was on the phone again. Now he's into the black powder and building custom varmint rifles and asking me recommendations on ccw pistols...

Now my brother is back in town and I fear for his health... what can we do???



"An alcoholic is someone who can't handle his booze... I sir, am an alcoholician" Dan Schoen

[This message has been edited by Dr.Rob (edited December 07, 1999).]