Public Rifle Ranges Got to love them


New member
Maybe this belongs somewhere else, but I just wanted to vent...:eek:

Is it just me or do other people have problems with stupid people at their ranges? The biggest problem I encounter is just about every time I go to one of the public ranges theres always some idiot that thinks they have the right to just shoot across the range at a angle hitting other peoples targets namly mine...:eek: It seems like common sense to me that you should only shoot straight out in front of YOUR bench ONLY and not shoot diagonal across the range. Am I expecting too much from my fellow shooters?:eek: Another thing people don't get is that when the range is called "COLD" you don't play with or reload your gun, hell I wont even touch my gun until the range is called "HOT" again. I know its a public range and thats what you have to deal with, but I just expect to much I guess.....:)
The biggest problem we have at our local range is trash. Its embarrassing to see what has happened to a beautiful new gun range within a year of opening it.

The DNR built a really nice range in a wildlife management area. I went there and used it within a week if it opening and it was awesome. The next year I went back and it looked like it had been invaded by white trash and gypsies. There was trash all over. Card board, cans, soda bottles, casings. Really embarrassing to be honest. I know a lot of good people went there to shoot but there were also a large percentage of redneck trash that just don't care about keeping things clean and picking up there garbage and mess.
Yea we have had the trash problem also. We have two in the Francis Marion National Forest operated by the US Forest Service they have closed them down a couple times in the past for trash.
Only public range I have used is operated by conservation dept. They staff it with volunteers but it is tightly controlled. The cross shooter mentioned by the OP would be promptly ejected from the range as well as the yahoo who wants to handle his weapon during a cease fire.

My only gripe is with the guys shooting the muzzled braked "loudenboomers" who rattle the walls:eek:
well at my range the lanes are not clearly defined so I can understand confusion of people firing at the wrong paper, I've even seen it done during CMP shoots. there are also limited posts past 100 yards so it is not uncommon to have to shoot diagonally across the range to hit the targets at 200, 300, 400 and 500 meters.

now if I was at 25 yards and some rat Bastard 3 lanes down tagged my target you can bet I'd go straight to the ROs and get him kicked off the line and there is a red line that all shooters must stay behind and guns must stay forward of during cease fire, any willful violations result in expulsion from the range.

there is a big difference between a simple mistake and willful disregard for other peoples safety and property. which are we ranting about? if it's the latter I completely agree with you but if it's the former then I say no big deal.
The local range here allows 25, 50, 100, and 200 yards. Its easy for someone to be a little off. But there was a guy and his son three lanes over shooting at 25 yards, hitting the dirt. My target at 50 yards had a few weird keyhole type hits on it.

Another time the guy in the next lane made an honest mistake. I was shooting 45-70 and he was .223 so it was easy to see. We both had a good laugh. He was embarrassed a bit, but I had to be honest that I was afraid it would be the other way around, with me shooting on hit target!
PeteApps you should try the range out in Vale, Or. That one goes out to 1k. I love that range. Its about a hour drive from where im living right now but its a nice range. The biggest thing about that range is either livestock or trash. Sometimes you need to chase the livestock on the range if you are the only one there.
Only public range I have used is operated by conservation dept. They staff it with volunteers but it is tightly controlled. The cross shooter mentioned by the OP would be promptly ejected from the range as well as the yahoo who wants to handle his weapon during a cease fire.

Same here. I really only have 2 gripes with mine. They have a 3 seconds between shots rule which I find rather annoying, but possibly enforced due to my second gripe. Since it's public, there's no qualifications to go there. I've found it best to avoid it completely the week before deer season. I once heard a RO teaching one the most basic functions of his firearm. I'm not an expert myself, but you should at least know how to load your weapon and which end the bullets come out of...
The range I referred to earlier that is getting trashed out is uncontrolled. The division of natural resources post rules but there is no one to enforce them.
I go to a fairly remote public range, which has no range officers or supervision. Yes, you have to be prepared to leave if someone doing stupid things shows up. Mostly, everybody communicates and it is safe.

I do take a trash bag or two, and police the area for trash. On my way home I stop to get gas and put the trash in a dumpster (asked the manager, who was a shooter, and he was cool with dumping).

I also pick up a bunch of brass for reloading. Be observant, watch who is using new ammo (once) and when they are done wander over and pick up free once fired brass.
Its so bad by me that these horror stories were introduced.

Supposedly they are for "Noise abatement", in the middle of a forest no less.
What did the denizens do?
Shewt 'em up of course, what else.

Sadly there are many on the ranges that couldn't strike the northernmost part of a Southbound bovine with a house brick if holding the tail with the other hand.:eek:
Looks like a nice range, other than that. Our local range is unsupervised except for an occasional check by the ranger. Sometimes it gets trashed but then it gets cleaned up. We have no spot for shotgunners, so that adds to the problem.
They are a lot tougher than they look. My .308 FAL with a combo device wont touch them.

It used to be a nice range. Then people started shooting up the posts, target hangers & other stuff. Now there is no 25Yd maintenance, the 100 yd backers & frames are no longer repaired or replaced. The place is falling apart because of slobs.:mad:
The public ranges I've been to in Michigan are clean and I've never witnessed anyone shooting at other peoples targets. People are polite and courteous In fact I prefer the public ranges over the private "weirdo" ranges. You know the ones that have a waiting list to get into and expect your wife to cook dinner for a 100 people before they decide if you worthy or not. I just want to shoot my guns not become part of a clique.
The public range I go to is run by the county parks & rec. dept. it's always clean and well maintained. 2 bucks per vehicle to enter (on the honor system) I love it. However, I made the mistake of going on a weekend 2 Sundays ago, NEVER again, way too many idiots.

Some bozo decided to appoint himself range master, which was fine because it was nice to have someone call cold at timed intervals. My problem was that he apparently knew nothing about range etiquette. He called a cease fire, I went down quick, grabbed my targets and told him I was leaving. Then, walked over to my gun and put the lens caps on my scope, and proceeded to start putting my stuff (notebook, targets, etc) into my bag. The 'range master' gives me the "eh, eh, uh" (shakes his finger) I asked him what was wrong and he said I wasn't being safe because there were people down range. So, I tapped on the bright yellow chamber flag sticking out of my gun, and pointed out to him that I was the ONLY one at the range who actually removed my bolt and inserted a flag anytime people were down range, then asked him why he hadn't said anything about that!, he replied that I needed to stay away from my bench because I wasn't being safe! Never again on a weekend, I'll stick to midweek when I'm usually all alone.

Even alone (or with 1 or 2 others) I always remove the bolt and put in the flag. I don't want to get shot, particularly with my own gun.
that is the only part I hate about cease fires at my outdoor range. no handling of firearms or ammo even if you are packing up to go home. you have to wait for all the rest of the guys who most of the time take their dear sweet time(especially the guys that have to set up targets at the 500 meter mark) to come back in and signal ready before they end cease fire and then I get to catch all the muzzle blasts as I pack up my things and leave.

that's one thing I like about indoor ranges. unless there is a problem there are no cease fires.

Putting scope caps on your rifle considered handling of your firearm during a ceasefire --- which is a no-no during a cease fire.

I had some yahoo who thought he was smart, by shooting extreme angle fire at my 22 metallic spinner target at our 100 yard range. He was on the firing line --- down about at least 20 target stations {approx. 50 yards} from me --- talk about goofballs!!!