Protester shot in Austin (TX)

Well, I’ve no idea what the driver was thinking. I can see how he may not have realized he was driving into a protest rather than past one if he was busy watching the crowd that just passed in front of him.

But the decedent had been out there every night for the last 51 nights protesting. The same crowd was out there blaming police for the decedent’s death again last night. Roughly 7,000 people live in that zip code. The protesters are around 150-200?

If a group of strangers making up about 2% the population of your neighborhood had been randomly blocking traffic for 12 hours a day and shouting in the streets until 3am, how many days would it take for your neighbors to start behaving rashly?

On another note, there are a lot of crimes that are relatively minor if you are unarmed that can become very serious if you are armed. If you are going to be armed while practicing civil disobedience, you are setting yourself up for some very serious legal charges.
Bartholomew Roberts said:
On another note, there are a lot of crimes that are relatively minor if you are unarmed that can become very serious if you are armed. If you are going to be armed while practicing civil disobedience, you are setting yourself up for some very serious legal charges.
The evidence suggests that you may be setting yourself up for more than just some very serious legal charges.

Semantically, I might also propose that going armed is more or less contrary to the concept of civil disobedience.
As the NFAC ND incident in Louisville demonstrates, just being around someone openly carrying weapons in a protest is a high risk endeavor.
Can't speak for other states, but it appears that some of the activities by the armed protesters would be illegal in Virginia: (emphasis added)

§ 18.2-433.2. Paramilitary activity prohibited; penalty.
A person is guilty of unlawful paramilitary activity, punishable as a Class 5 felony, if he:

1. Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder;

2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or

3. Violates subsection A of § 18.2-282 while assembled with one or more persons for the purpose of and with the intent to intimidate any person or group of persons.


§ 18.2-405. What constitutes a riot; punishment.
Any unlawful use, by three or more persons acting together, of force or violence which seriously jeopardizes the public safety, peace or order is riot.

Every person convicted of participating in any riot shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

If such person carried, at the time of such riot, any firearm or other deadly or dangerous weapon, he shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony.
So, according to VA law you cannot lawfully prepare your household for civil disorder? That's quite the stretch there. Anyone trying to prosecute on that has to prove what the defendant was thinking. Has anyone ever been convicted under those statutes?
ghbucky said:
So, according to VA law you cannot lawfully prepare your household for civil disorder? That's quite the stretch there. Anyone trying to prosecute on that has to prove what the defendant was thinking. Has anyone ever been convicted under those statutes?
The VA law doesn't say you can't prepare your home to defend against civil disorder. Read it again.
Teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder;

2. Assembles with one or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, intending to employ such training for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder; or

That sure looks to me like it is illegal to teach another household member how to use a gun to defend your home in the event of civil disorder. Is there some legal understanding of how that is structured that I am missing as a layperson?
That sure looks to me like it is illegal to teach another household member how to use a gun to defend your home in the event of civil disorder. Is there some legal understanding of how that is structured that I am missing as a layperson?

intending that such training will be employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder;

I believe the statute is intended to prevent arming of, or teaching mobs how to be better armed, with the intent of furthering civil disorder.

The way I see it, the defending homeowner is not using a gun "in civil disorder", quite the opposite, in fact, defending themselves FROM civil disorder.

The law prohibits training in arms to promote civil disorder. It does not prohibit training in arms to defend against civil disorder.

Am not a lawyer, just my personal opinion of what I've read, and worth what you paid for it. :D
44 AMP said:
I believe the statute is intended to prevent arming of, or teaching mobs how to be better armed, with the intent of furthering civil disorder.

The way I see it, the defending homeowner is not using a gun "in civil disorder", quite the opposite, in fact, defending themselves FROM civil disorder.
^^^ This.

Ultimately, of course, it means what a court says it means. At the moment, ghbucky, I believe you are confusing "in" with "during."
New video showing deceased giving the universal sign language for “shoot me now!”

At the moment, ghbucky, I believe you are confusing "in" with "during."

Perhaps. On the other hand, this looks like an incredibly poorly worded law with a lot of ambiguity that is clearly ripe for prosecutorial abuse.
Elements of the news media has been egging things on for several weeks now. They'd begun by promoting a conspiracy theory that protesters were being deliberately targeted by drivers - e.g. - the supporting claims aren't accurate or even verifiable in many cases, as to motive. Most of them are just people trying to get away from protesters.

But that's provided a pretext for people to engage nearby cars aggressively and to justify an increase in armed 'protesters'. There are plenty of videos now showing what's been occurring, and it's apparent that they're going after cars that are simply near the protest route.

To complicate matters, there's been a deliberately conflation of 'protesters' with groups pursuing violence, which draws in innocent protesters unaware they're being used for cover as well as some misguided individuals who believe they're defending the protesters. Foster may have been of the latter, but it's hard to tell because so much of the coverage is being spun for propaganda purposes.

So long story short - stay away from any group that appears to be 'protesting', don't attempt to navigate through them, even if there appears to be an adequate opening. There's a very good chance you will be attacked.
There is a muzzle flash, but the whole video is so blurry you really can't tell what is going on.


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Those of you who think anyone caught in something like this asks for it are wrong. I almost got caught in a commie demonstration when picking up my wife from her work, in downtown Cleveland. Happened the day after President Trump was elected. By the time I got my wife to hurry out, we had to illegal U turn to get out of there. The cops all disappeared, so no problem, I got the heck out of there.
It did make me rethink my vehicle threat posture, and response tool.
Well, because he is so pasty, you can see his right hand down at his hip and his left hand supporting something in front of it. If you lighten up the exposure considerably, I’d bet you’d see an indistinct something that resembles a PSA AK pointing in that window.

Though given the muzzle flash and the way the interior is still dark, I’d say the muzzle flash is outgoing from the vehicle.
Bartholomew Roberts is correct -- without being able to slow it down, the video is too jerky and indistinct for me to be able to make out anything.

My overall impression, based on the screams and such after the gunshots, is that "It's all fun and games until someone dies." Reality is a cruel taskmaster.
Never open carry anything in public.
Chucky is the winner!
Shoot me first.
I want the police snipers to watch my every move.
I want the opposition to fear me because I have a gun, and give me the attention I deserve (including bottles, rocks, bricks, etc).
I need to be blamed for something by someone.