Protective vests and being honest

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to all of you that it fits, PT more.

I figure that when the time comes Plates or nothing. So I have a plate carrier but no Soft Armor, should I probably, but that falls down the line of purchases.
maybe we should start weaqring one everywhere. Who knows maybe we will be at the grocery store and someone might try to shoot everyone in there, Or maybe while at the park someone may pull up or try to start shooting everyone there Or while we're in our easy chair at home someone may try to kick our door in and shoot us there. hehe Yes everywhere could be at the wrong place at the wrong time really but dont let fear get you or you've already been defeated...
If i was a cop i would wear one. Other than that i think its paranoia unluss you are in a really bad area and trouble abounds there. other than that i think they rank right up there with a tin foil hat
dont let fear get you or you've already been defeated...
I wear a gun everywhere, and fear has nothing to do with it.

Wearing armor when I feel the need is the same thing. No fear, just common sense. Its available, so why not use it if the situation warrants?
especially the light ones.
My vest was cumbersome to wear and I had the choice of using either my internal or external carrier. Hot in FLA and heavy to wear daily. Mine was rated for 357 magnums. Not something I would want to wear daily plus they recommend changing out a vest after 5 years due to sweat. Whatever the case are you living in a war zone that you feel the need for a vest? A good one will cost almost as much as a new gun.

Its available, so why not use it if the situation warrants?

Curious as to what situation a civilian would be in to warrant wearing a vest?
The same situation that would warrant carrying a pistol ?

I don't know anything about them really and I should because I beleive they are as significant tactically as any firearm or any holster. There may be a decision made to not wear one... but the fact for me is that I've never made them a part of my thinking enough to even make a decision about them, because when I mainly purchase things, I buy them because I think they are neat and things I will have fun with.

I don't think it's a simple yes / no decision. There are different quality materials out there now that vary in the thickness needed, thus varying expense. And there are different levels of protection. Would it make sense to make some kind of assesment of what caliber I am most likely to run into and get a vest that will stop the rounds most commonly used by robbers?

You can get lighter more comfortable vests that stop a majority of things that you'd be facing. Like the decision to get a vest - you'd be making a decision of what you'd be likely to face. If you think you're not likely to come up against a .44 magnum, then maybe you purchase a thinner Level II-A vest.
In my opinion I think and feel the money could be better spent on other things. The only reason I have a vest is that If I wore it and was killed in the line of duty the wife would have received $250,000 instead of $40,000. This was while I worked for Loomis. This I learned from my above experience is a bullet resistant vest will NOT stop a knife. Difference vest for a different threat.
The price of my vest with the 2 carriers was $700. Again my opinion why would one want a vest in a state where one cannot conceal carry if not just for the sake of saying I own a bullet resistant vest. Like I stated previously $400 + buys a lot of gun stuff.
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Curious as to what situation a civilian would be in to warrant wearing a vest?
Pick what ever floats your boat.

As I said earlier, I wear one at work when in the woods during hunting season, and Im glad I have it.

I also wear it at ranges and around people I dont know when I shoot. Just look around you at most ranges, especially public ranges, and tell me you wouldnt want one if one were available.

One does bedside duty as well. Its right there by the bed, under my pants, which is where my pistol always is, and both are instantly available if needed.

Im kind of amazed at the negativity associated with them, especially from people who say they carry a gun. The very same reasoning can be applied there. Like carrying a gun, its a personal choice, for whatever reason the person sees fit. If you dont want to wear one, thats fine, dont. Dont carry a gun either, youll probably never need it anyway.

Now, whats left to talk about? Knives and saps? :)
Just a thought that if folks are hot to trot for a vest they should try to borrow one so they can experience what its like to wear one in all seasons. Flat out here in FLA is truly sucked from May to late October.
You can buy test vests for $30 to $40.

These are vests that have been used in videos and classes for demonstrations, so they are NOT meant for protection. But if you want to find a place on one that hasn't already been shot, you can make your YouTube video or whatever.

They have 100% of the original heat retention and discomfort without any of the actual ballistic protection. So ya, it would give someone an idea of just how uncomfortable it would be...
yes some should buy and wear a vest, and a football helmet, goggles, safety gloves, knee pads, steel toe boots and a red becon light on your forehead just in case. Theres alot of things out there Better be prepared than not!:D
Flat out here in FLA is truly sucked from May to late October.
Same goes here for PA. Not bad when youre outside, November to January though.

Then again, even in the summer, when the nit wit in the next booth puts a round in the divider and says "Sorry, my bad dude", an hour or two doesnt really seem all that bad. :)
yes some should buy and wear a vest, and a football helmet, goggles, safety gloves, knee pads, steel toe boots and a red becon light on your forehead just in case.
Wait now, you left out the gun. Thats OK, I have mine. :D

Actually, I have to wear most of that stuff on a lot of jobs Im on, or we get a fine (OSHA dont ya know :rolleyes:), and its not near as dangerous as a sight seeing trip to Philly or Harrisburg.
haha just having fun with this, Really though Yes a cop should wear one, which I dont. May start in cooler weather. If civilians want to, it is their choice but really if you live in an area with bullets flying everywhere I'd say move. I grew up in North side Houston (4th ward) and never felt the need for one then and wonder how bad some civilians actually need one . If you really got down to it Id say a big time drug dealer, undercover narc. or an officer well in a war also. Other than that, I'd buy more guns or ammo also. Just my opinion.
Wearing armor when I feel the need is the same thing. No fear, just common sense. Its available, so why not use it if the situation warrants?

And what might that be for civilians?
Mowing the lawn??
Grocery shopping?????!
And what might that be for civilians?
Mowing the lawn??
Grocery shopping?????!
I believe thats a bit of a condescending tone I detect there. But then again, SWAT always did think they were special. :p :rolleyes:

If someone has the money, and wants to wear one doing any of the above, who cares? And what do you care anyway? Or is this some sort of elitism thing? Next thing youll be telling us, civilians shouldnt wear a gun.

The jacket provides the same level of protection as the European Police Standard for tactical vests. So basically, it’s a police-grade bullet-proof vest in coat form. Very nice.

The jacket is made of 100% Polyester Canvas with PU-coating on the reverse. The piece of mind you get with owning one of these does come with a hefty price tag. Expect to pay about $2000 for one.

Bullet-proof raincoat [via boingboing]

Mighty expensive I'm thinking.
I'm understanding where people are coming from with the 'heat' argument, but the bottom line the weather shouldn't be the deciding factor on whether you wear some form of vest:

well I wear it while hunting in the winter

I don't carry a gun when the sun is out in south florida

I don't wear my flak vest in Iraq when it is 110 degrees

etc etc

I don't have one, but I could throw one in trunk w/the rope and tool box and blanket. That way when me and rambo meet up we can save the POWs together(I mean the hostages):D
If someone has the money, and wants to wear one doing any of the above, who cares? And what do you care anyway?

The argument wasn't about money, wants, or my caring. It was about "common sense" and "if the situation warrants". My tongue-in-cheek question was asking what situations the man on the street needs one.

Just trying to inject some "common sense" into this topic. :D
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