Pros & Cons Of HD Shooting Using Ear Protection

How about if those of you that want to wear ears, wear them. And those that don't want to, don't.

How about NOT suggesting someone is incapable of critical thinking. Or doesn't care if they ever hear their grandkids again.

Differing opinions. Imagine that.

Sgt Lumpy
Double Naught Spy
The sixth video you posted is chilling that the guy had already been accused of kidnapping another girl. Not shocking!

I do have electronic hearing protection hanging on my shotgun butt, I store it muzzle down and have to take them off the gun before I can pick it up.
To each his own on this one but since it amplifies my hearing I think it is well worth the 1/2 of a second at most it takes to put them on.
People do what they want but the thought of worrying about putting on ear defenders when someone is coming up the stairs to me would be a distraction. I am sure that some on this forum would be cool and collected I such circumstances but I think concentrating on the threat would make more sense. Why stop there put on shooting glasses and a bullet proof vest.
Double Naught Spy wrote:
Not every home defense situation starts off with the homeowner awakening to being in a fight for his/her life.

But I will bet with a fair amount of certainly that most homeowners arent standing around waiting for things to develop for them to think, "Hey!...I better go get my electronic ear protection so I can protect my hearing!" as the burglar/home invader works at making a noisy entry into their residence...
But I will bet with a fair amount of certainly that most homeowners arent standing around waiting for things to develop for them to think, "Hey!...I better go get my electronic ear protection so I can protect my hearing!" as the burglar/home invader works at making a noisy entry into their residence...

Nope, because they didn't bother to prepare or they are of the mindset of so many people here that they thought they would never have the chance or the need for such protection. I have a small kit of goodies next to the bed including electronic muffs, shooting glasses, bottled water, knife, and spare batteries.

If your preparation only involves a gun, then likely the only tools you will have at your immediate disposal is a gun. Funny how that works.
But I will bet with a fair amount of certainly that most homeowners arent standing around waiting for things to develop for them to think, "Hey!...I better go get my electronic ear protection so I can protect my hearing!" as the burglar/home invader works at making a noisy entry into their residence...
This is probably true, but it would likely be because "most homeowners" have never made plans, trained, or practiced for such a thing. For those who have (which should include most/all of us here), how is this relevant to whether it's a good idea to include hearing protection as part of those plans? Note that I wrote "plans," plural, here -- I'd like to think that we all take into account the fact that unwelcome intrusions take many forms.

To use an extreme example, someone whose "plan" is to blaze away at any intruder as fast as possible hasn't taken into account that the intruder might be the kid next door. One of the basics of home defense is to come with a flexible set of plans; as far as possible, they should include maximizing the amount of time one has to assess the situation.

That may not mean much in some situations, but it may just as easily prevent a tragedy as allow a second or so to put on hearing protection. This is what planning and training are for: to allow you to make the best possible response in a given situation. Why assume that that the best possible response will never include giving yourself a tactical advantage such as that offered by a good set of electronic muffs, and, incidentally, protecting your hearing?
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Posted by Vanya: To use an extreme example, someone whose "plan" is to blaze away at any intruder as fast as possible hasn't taken into account that the intruder might be the kid next door.
Even if the defender has properly identified the first target, severe impairment of hearing ability in a shooting situation could help lead to shooting the wrong person next, in the heat of the moment.

Much, much better to be able to hear what others are saying.
And another in the pro hearing protection side of things.

A critical situation extends beyond the hypothetical shooting into the aftermath. Your ablity and competancy dealing with first responders and LE is also crucial to your future and wellbeing.
Being able to communicate with them is a good thing. Communicating via mime probably isn't in your best intrest.
No point in saving your tush from an attacker, only to end up in jail because of a miscommunication with the responding officer.
The question seems to be:
"If you could, would you wear hearing protection in a home defense situation?"

With the electronic hearing protection available, why not gain the option of protection / enhanced hearing?

Why stop there put on shooting glasses and a bullet proof vest.

Why wouldn't you if you had the time? Is anyone advocating not taking every advantage? Though, if i could spare the money for a vest, I might put it on first as I value my squishy internal bits more than my hearing.
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No point in saving your tush from an attacker, only to end up in jail because of a miscommunication with the responding officer.

Or worse. Its not unthinkable that missing the command to "drop the gun" might be frowened upon by responding police who are unsure of who you are.
You can have the option of sticking a cell phone between your ear and one amplified muff {while possibly having 911 on the line} --- while the other muff on your opposite ear --- is helping you listen for bad guys.
You can have the option of sticking a cell phone between your ear and one amplified muff {while possibly having 911 on the line} --- while the other muff on your opposite ear --- is helping you listen for bad guys.
If the speaker is turned on, you won't need to do that. That's sort of the point of the electronic muffs: they can amplify sounds at "normal" intensities while filtering sounds would damage your ears.
Just wondering if LEO's / swat etc typically wear hearing protection on routine patrol, sweeping buildings for burglars,raid entries and attempted apprehensions where gun fire may be anticipated?
Like I said before I really Never thought about it before, but now in light of this discussion I'm going to try and keep some handy and use if the situation permits.
Earmuffs are a personal decision, I can see both sides and keep a pair at my bedside.

On the other hand, choice of ammo and caliber is something you can definitely arrange ahead of time. Big, slow bullets (as in .45ACP or .44 special) will be easier on your ears (not easy, but easier) and also get the job done. You will definitely NOT catch me using a .357 for HD, too devastating on the ears when there are better alternatives available.
Garycw - I know of no agency whose officers don hearing protection in anticipation of a shoot out. Better yet, I never met an officer who carried earplugs in case there would be one. You have to hear your radio (but thankfully most agencies issue an ear bud for the radio).
Are none of the anti ear protection advocates worried about there ears? Weather or not you hear the shot is not relevant. Your ear still heard the shot, your brain did not register it. Which means you still got damaged hearing..

Why risk the beautiful sounds of life? Train, have a plan, and have the tools not just your gun at your disposal quickly. The gun is just one piece of the tool box. The ammo, the flash light, the emuffs should all be there. Hearing is to precious to waste. There is no getting it back. There is no way to repair damaged hearing.

Sure you lived, but now your have no life.. Going around not being able to hear the world around you, your family your friends, nature, is not a good way to live...

Not my fault if you don't have the training or a plan in place to use hearing protection.. Have fun enjoying tinnitus and not being able to hear the wonderful sounds out life..
He said/ She said... Potato/ Patawto..with all the bashing/brow beating ,and name calling I think this one has about run its course! Agree to disagree!
No one wants to loose there hearing and no one wants to take unnecessary time to respond if you don't have it.
Every situation is different!!
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Are none of the anti ear protection advocates worried about there ears? Weather or not you hear the shot is not relevant. Your ear still heard the shot, your brain did not register it. Which means you still got damaged hearing..

Hearing loss is normally caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises. I always use hearing protection at the range but I have as I am sure many other have forgot to put them on or haven't got them on quick enough before the person beside them starts shooting. So the chances of having to shoot in your home very low the chances of a few shoots causing permanent hearing loss lower again. So to me its not worth considering.
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Posted by Manta 49: Hearing loss is normally caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises.
Permanent noise induced hearing loss is made worse by cumulative exposure. A single incident can, however, cause permanent impairment.

Temporary hearing loss, which could make the difference between life and death, is also something to consider.

So the chances of having to shoot in your home very low the chances of a few shoots causing permanent hearing loss lower again. So to me its not worth considering.
The probabliity of the need to shoot arising is irrelevant to the analysis.