Thats a first... Too dumb to train. Guess we should just skip basic and AIT and send em straight to combat.
Minimal training seems to have worked in WWII (and WWI for that matter): 12 to 17 weeks from diddy-bopping on the block to shipping out ..... yet those guys received instruction in hitting targets beyond 300 meters .... Granted, we (Us, U.S.) paid a huge price in blood for our abbreviated training, and our superior logistics, superior communcations, mechanization, and nigh complete air supremacy had more to do with victory than our infantry marksmanship ..... our soldiers were generally better shots than the enemy, on average.
These days, with the extreme emphasis on "Force Protection" , why would it be a bad thing to have every Infantry soldier armed with hardware and a skillset that could reliably kill the enemy two times as far away as his opposite number could do the same on any but his luckiest day? I know the psychological disadvantage of knowing the enemy has a better effective range than you do: the reports of Iraqi units we were facing were armed with the South African G5 guns, which out ranged our guns by 5 miles.... if they had the C3I to exploit that advantage and the ADA to defend it, that would have been important ...... I saw firsthand what the M1a1 Abrams crews did with that "kill the enemy 2X as far away as he could kill you" advantage.....
Answer me that: Would it really be all that expensive (in time and money) to train and equip our 11 series guys to shoot effectively to 600? It seems cheaper than the alternative.
And if not, why not?