Problems with dogs....advice sought

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pack some hamburger meat with decon and toss it in the bad dogs yard. You've done the whole neighborhood a public service.
Some of you guys might want to re-think the antifreeze and Decon. Shooting a dog that's actively attacking you, or even your dog is one thing, and is justifiable in most states, but poisoning a domestic animal is illegal in most states and will land you in jail.
Some of you guys might want to re-think the antifreeze and Decon. Shooting a dog that's actively attacking you, or even your dog is one thing, and is justifiable in most states, but poisoning a domestic animal is illegal in most states and will land you in jail.
I hope folks understand that my post about antifreeze was intended as a joke, thus the reference to the Visa card commercial.
Go with the strongest pepper spray legal in Texas, and carry a golf club as a "swagger stick" LOL A nice short wood should put bad doggy in cuckoo land, and keep you and yours safe.
A water pistol filled with ammonia is an old standby. Years ago I lived in a
neighborhood with an obnoxious and belliggerent dog. Gave him a good blast,
made sure he got it on his snout. He never bothered me again.
Taurus 45 Colt snubby loaded with 1 shot shell ready to go, followed by 4 Glazer Safety slugs.

A dog qualifies as a lethal weapon. It can out-run and out-fight most people.

"Officer, I was out walking my dog, minding my own business, when this crazy dog (while pointing to the carcass in the street) went nuts, barking and charging across the street, straight for me. What did my dog do? I don't really know. I was so scared by that viscious dog charging at me, the only thing on my mind was stopping it. Sir, it was coming to kill me. I just know it. I have a CCW permit, and I carry to protect myself against other people, not against mad dogs trying to chase me down and kill me. I mean, I LOVE dogs. I've always owned dogs, but I've never had one try to kill me."

Now, if you happened to be in the middle of a dog run, then I'd recommend jamming the revolver down the dogs throat first, so there would be no question as to the dog's intent.
Options are good!

Two or four legged attackers would seem best dealt with various levals of defense being available(on you).1st being pepper(or ammonia if you prefer)2nd a hickory/oak cane(asps or batons are illegal in lot of places like here in Oklahoma)3rd CCW with Glasers/Magsafes/RBCDs etc.Then you could try the spray,then the cane, and then that failing,Maybe Bang!"I was in fear of being maimed or killed officer!"(Really!)Measured deterence(incremental) is good IF possible as then if you do get in a legal situation you have tried to do all that's reasonably possible, before shooting.Best to avoid problems when you can,but equipped to deal with them if you can not.So when I leave my property,small pepper spray goes in my shirt pocket,.380 in my pants pocket(Kel Tec),folding serrated knife(seat belts or last resort),and would add a cane if going walking where a problem could arise.Before getting CCW(96)I had a number of instances (over several decades)just walking down the street/sidewalk, of aggressive dog/dogs coming at me in which case I pulled a folding knife and fortunately they decided not take it to the next level.Sabre makes good product(pepper/or pepper+cs gas)straight pepper is suppose to be best on 4 legged predators(bear spray etc.)while pepper+cs is supposed most effective on the 2 legged predators.Rather than mist type spray,the stream type spray would be less likely to blow back on you.Yes,I know this is not "the pepper spray forum",But having given this a lot of thought(dealing various type of predators)and talking with a friend who is an ethical/moral/ pro gun trial attorney,NRA member("yes Virgina they do exist!")I would strongly consider your options before you get in a situation.Oh,by the way he has not gotten in habit of carrying "pepper"on him(in the car/house),was taking a walk in his neighborhood(about dusk)was confronted by a menacing German shepard,and found his snubby .38 with Crimsom Trace laser grips very comforting,and was able to back away from threat with the dog breaking off.In his neighborhood,someone would have called the police,if he had been seen("sheep")Some pepper spray in this instance could have been very satisfying and good learning experience(for the dog)as well as alot more politically correct(less legal risk)As to protecting your property with deadly force,you would well advised to check your state/local laws.Here in OK. IF someone comes in your house uninvited and you feel you are being threatened with severe bodily harm/death you supposed to be immune from criminal/civil libelability,if you use deadly force.But if you hear someone commiting a property crime outside the house and "leave the safety of your house" and armed,confronted the poor misguided criminal,or say fired a warning shot into the ground you could be arrested for threatening/using deadly force which you can not do here(property crime):mad: I make no claim as being any thing like an "expert" or a "attorney",but as victim of some "minor" property crimes recently(stolen tires/puntured sidewalls),found out (was reminded?)that there was very substantial risk(criminal/civil)in confronting or trying to detain these individuals:barf: Just to suppose to call the Sheriff,and perhaps I should ask poor unenlightened individuals if ,they would like some tea and crumpets and would they please wait till the deputies can arrive.Yea that's it!:rolleyes: I will now get off my soapbox;) PS I have no desire to have any confrontation with any predator.But, If I am walking down a public street/sidewalk and your dog come out in a threatening manner,then I will whether alone/with dog/friend,etc., take the front position and defend against harm!That would be your Responsibity(fault) train your dogs and or contain them!I do not think anyone(here) really wants to be put in this position.But neither will we allow ourselves/women/children etc. to be victims of any predator, given other options, and NO "spraying and praying bullets" is never an option!We had to put up an electric fence to keep our escape artists contained:o

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response to anti-dog lovers

This is my first posting, had to write about how our dogs should be treated. WHile i agree that a dog is not a human child, I am saddened to see that there is not more appreciation for life in this post. A dog is a living, breathing animal, one that we as a society have chosen not to hunt or eat. We do not hurt these animals, as they are our best friends. I know that in reality you may get in a lot of trouble if you choose to shoot an attacking dog. The only thing i want to finish with is that if your best friend was in trouble, you would act first, and then suffer the consequences later.

Thank you all for your patience, and I hope my future posts are better put together.
Congratulations, you get the prize for a new low

High Planes Drifter, you're right (of course) about your original post and the call to animal control. So ...

8 ounces of radiator fluid: 12 cents
Plastic dog dish you will use only once: 99 cents
Never having to deal with the neighbor's aggressive dog again: Priceless

This is no joke. There is nothing remotely funny about poisoning a dog. If a dog is allowed to run loose repeatedly (as opposed to getting out one time, which happens to most dog owners at one time or another) then that is a matter to take up with the owner, through the courts if need be. But to suggest the long, agonizing death of antifreeze poisoning for an animal is hideous. Do you have ANY IDEA just how bad those last hours are for an animal that dies this way???? Do you even CARE?????

I am disgusted beyond words, and amazed that this thread is still open after this crap.

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